It is difficult to find a gardener in Russia who would not grow currants on his plot. Our country accounts for 60% of the total currant production in the world. And all because it is not only the most useful berry culture, but also a beautiful decorative element of any garden.
A lush green bush covered with clusters of bright juicy berries, many associate with summer, warmth and summer holidays. There are over 150 species of this plant, but one of the sweetest is considered to be a variety of red currants with the speaking name Sugar Loaf.
Table of contents
- Description and characteristics of the currant variety Sugar
- Planting and seedling rules
- Diseases and pests of redcurrant and control measures
Description and characteristics of the currant variety Sugar
We begin with the description of the variety. Currant Sugar - bred hybrid type bred by domestic breeders. It is a shrub with upright branches. The leaves consist of five blades, the edges of which are covered with teeth. Buds are brown, rounded elongated shape.
The flowers are small, yellow-green. The length of the fruit hand can reach 9 cm, with the location on it up to 20 berries. The fruits themselves are bright red, medium size. Sugar currant is a dessert variety, its sweet, emitting a pleasant aroma, berries are used not only for winter preparations, but also with pleasure consumed fresh.
Dignity currant Sugar:
- High yield. With proper care, from one bush can collect up to 7 kg of berries.
- Dessert properties of fruits.
- Winter hardiness. The variety easily endures harsh winters, including those with sharp temperature changes.
- Decorative effect. The red currant planted along the garden paths looks beautiful.
- The early ripe grade, fructifies from the end of June until the autumn.
- Unpretentious care.
- Yields over 25 years.
- Fruits are widely used, they are made of jam, compotes, wine and tinctures. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, frozen or dried at low temperature, the currants will be an excellent support for immunity throughout the winter.
- Pest Resistant. Of the diseases subject to only anthracnose.
- The fruits are well transportable. Long retain freshness, especially if collected clusters.

Among the shortcomings of the variety can be identified:
- Not the largest size of the fruit.
- Low self-pollination( 30%).If you plan to grow only this variety, then you should not expect large yields. To increase the yield, cross-pollination is necessary, for which other varieties of currant need to be planted on the plot.
Due to its unpretentiousness and resistance to cold, this variety, unlike the black one, is grown not only in the central and southern parts of the country, but also in Siberia and the Urals. At the same time, it is better to land in temperate latitudes in September, and in southern ones it is also possible in October. When spring planting, it is better to do it early, the optimal time will be the beginning or end of March, depending on the climate of your region.
In order for the currant seedling to settle down faster, and soon began to bear fruit, you need to follow all the rules of its planting.

Rules for planting seedlings and caring for them
First of all, choose the right place for future planting. Currants love the sun, so do not plant it in shading. In low light conditions, the plant will develop poorly, its fruiting will shift to the upper part of the crown, and the berries will be ground.
Best of all, red currant will grow on sandy and light loamy soil, while areas with heavy clay and acidic soil will not be suitable for it. Disastrous and close location of groundwater. In this case, the bushes should be planted on small earthen mounds.
The following rules should be observed when planting currants:
- Dig a hole for a seedling shallow( 35-40 cm).Moreover, for planting several bushes, you can dig one continuous trench.
- If deadlines allow, let the pit stand for a week for the earth to settle.
- At the bottom of the pits lay fertilizer. To do this, mix fertile land with compost or rotted manure. If your soil is acidic, then add an additional oxidizing agent, in the role of which comes chalk, cement, or even a ground egg shell.
- Pour water over the pit and place a seedling in it, observing the angle of 45 degrees .Straighten the roots and cover them with soil so that the root collar goes 5 cm deep. This method of planting will create better conditions for the growth of the surplus roots and the formation of young shoots from the buried buds. As a result, a powerful spreading bush will be formed. If the landing is done directly, the bush will eventually be single-stem.
- Stamp the ground and form a hole.
- Liberally water the bush, pouring 3 buckets of water on it. To accelerate the growth of new roots, add the drug "Kornevin" to the water.
- Immediately after planting, cut off all the shoots by a third. Such pruning is guaranteed to give a good growth in the first year of the plant's life.

As mentioned earlier, Sugar currant is very unpretentious, and can grow almost without any care. But, if you want to get record yields of berries, then you should pay attention to the following procedures:
- Top dressing. For the first few years, a young plant can be fed with a solution of nitroammofoski. On one bush dilute the matchbox means in 10 liters of water. This method allows you to accelerate the growth of shoots and quickly form a powerful bush. It will also be good to apply nitrogen fertilizers in the spring - urea or ammonium nitrate. Dosage - 10g per 1 sq. M.
- Trimming. The adult plant consists of 15-20 large branches. To come to this, each spring, leave only 2-3 powerful shoots, and remove all the little things. It is important that the saved shoots grow in different directions.
- Caring for your wheel circle. With the onset of spring, the ground under the currant should be well loosened with a rake and covered with humus or compost.
- Watering. Sugar currant is very moisture-loving, and for regular watering will thank you a good harvest. It is important to provide abundant watering during the formation and growth of the fruit, otherwise they may crumble. Water is poured at the root, without moistening the plant itself. During the dry season, currants are watered every 10 days for 5 buckets of water.
- Weeding Weed.
- Treatment for pests and diseases.
Consider the measures to control pests and currant diseases in more detail.
Diseases and pests of red currants and measures to combat them
Red currants are less susceptible to diseases and attacks of pests than black ones. And, in particular, Sugar Loaf Currant, has good resistance to most diseases and insects. The only thing worth protecting yourself in advance is anthracnose.
Anthracnose is a fungal type of disease that is common in regions with a humid climate. Spores of fungi spread by rain, wind and insects. Plants with mechanical damage and weakened by lack of care are quickly infected.
Depressed spots cause a disturbance in the normal movement of nutrients inside the plant. As a result, when the humidity is high, the branches will rot and break, and in dry weather they will crack. If time does not stop the development of the disease, the aboveground part of the plant will die completely.

Measures to combat this disease - the timely removal of diseased parts of the bush and spraying fungicides. Spraying is sufficient to spend 2-3 times with a break of 15-20 days. To do this, the drugs Oxyhom, Yamato, Kuproksat, Fundazol, Acrobat MC, Chloroxide copper are suitable. As prevention of anthracnose is used:
- Processing seedlings before planting a one-percent solution of copper sulfate. To do this, they are immersed in the solution for a couple of minutes and then thoroughly washed with water.
- The treatment of adult plants is carried out before budding begins. For these purposes also suitable solution of blue vitriol, or Nitrofen.
- Fertilizing of currants with phosphate-potassium fertilizers, because one of the causes of anthracnose is a deficiency of potassium and phosphorus in the soil.
Red currant pests are insects such as spider mites, currant bud moth, currant glass bowl. However, the currant variety Sugar is highly resistant to insect pests. To find them on the plant can be extremely rare. If you still want to protect the crop 100%, then you can take such simple preventive actions:
- From the occurrence of a spider mite, the plants are sprayed with an extract of wormwood or tobacco a couple of times per season.
- From the currant bud moth, the bushes are sprinkled with mustard solution.
- The appearance of a currant glass bowl will help to avoid loosening the soil under a shrub in early spring while the pest larvae are still sleeping in it. For reliability, you can still sprinkle the ground with wood ash or ground pepper.
Like other hybrids, the currant variety Sugar Loaf does not require much effort when it is grown. This unpretentious type of plant is recommended for breeding novice gardeners, as well as those people who can not afford to spend much time in the summer cottage. Sugar Currant is one of the most delicious and fruitful varieties, which will provide you with a useful berry for more than a decade.