How to grow and transplant tomato seedlings

Among the existing varieties and hybrids of tomatoes is difficult to give preference to one option. Each is distinguished by a certain taste and commodity qualities. But agricultural technology in general consists of general rules, which should be implemented in a timely manner. How to grow tomato seedlings, what is the optimum temperature it can withstand and what to do if it is frozen further in the article.

. Contentspolyarbonate

  • What to do if the seedlings are frozen: is it possible to save
  • Timing for planting tomato seeds on seedlings

    Do not rush to seed. It is important to adhere to the terms recommended by the selected variety. Some gardeners excel at planting seeds in January. In principle, seedlings can spend about 60 days on the windowsill, , but by the time of transplantation, their stems and foliage will be stunted due to lack of light and violation of the conditions of the containers with seedlings.

    February, starting from the second half, may be the starting period for tomato seeding. However, there is a prerequisite - the whole process should take place in a heated greenhouse with good lighting. Window sills of city apartments are not adapted for this. If fluorescent lamps can help with the additional light, then it is unlikely to adjust the temperature and space conditions.

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    Tomato seeds are recommended to be planted in the second half of February.

    Experienced gardeners have set for themselves the optimal time for seeding - mid-March. The seedlings will receive a sufficient amount of light, which is important for the normal growing season of the plant. Early ripening varieties can be planted in early April. In cloudy weather it is necessary to illuminate the containers with seedlings, this lays a high yield.

    Calculate the time of seeding can be based on the timing of seed germination and ripening seedlings. From planting to transfer of seedlings to the garden takes an average of 50-60 days.

    How to plant seeds in an

    box. Seedlings are grown at home in separate pots or cups, but most often a wooden box is selected as a container. Disinfect it before use. This can be done with a solution of blue vitriol( 100 g. In a bucket of water).Container parameters must comply with: a height of at least 8-10 cm, a length and width of 30x50 cm.

    Initially, seeds can be planted in one box

    About a week before sowing the soil mixture is prepared:

    • soddy earth( 1 piece);
    • humus( 1 part);
    • sawdust( part 1);
    • wood ash( 2 tbsp. L.);
    • superphosphate( 1.5 tbsp.);
    • hydrated lime( 10 g.);
    • peat( 1 piece).

    The processed box is filled with substrate to the brim. It is preferable to use snow for moistening, laying a layer out of it for gradual thawing. If this is not possible, then you can get by repeatedly spraying. Do not pour prepared containers with plenty of water.

    Before sowing, seeds must be trained, which includes soaking for the purpose of decontamination, treatment with growth stimulants, germination in a damp cloth.

    On the day of seeding, the box is watered with a solution of water( 8.5 liters), mullein( 3 tbsp) and copper sulphate( half tsp).

    The seed embedding depth is 0.5 cm, the spacing between the grains is 2x5 cm. You can sprinkle the top with the same mixture of soil with which the box is filled, but you do not need to overdo it. The upper part of the container is covered with glass or film. Before the emergence of shoots above the ground, the temperature should be within + 22 ° C. It is also important to provide good illumination for sowing.

    If desired, seeds can be sown in a separator container

    Growing tomato seedlings at home

    For the seedlings to grow healthy and strong, you need to create the right conditions.


    Shoots appear about a week after sowing. The box must be installed in a well-lit place. If it is a windowsill, then it is the brightest. With a lack of sunlight, fluorescent lamps are installed. The best development of seedlings can be achieved with round-the-clock highlighting of the shoots that have appeared in the first 2-3 days, after which you can switch to a normal daylight mode - 16 hours.

    At first, seedlings should preferably be exposed to

    . Watering

    Young shoots should receive a sufficient amount of moisture, overdrying of the soil is unacceptable. At the germination stage, the moisture regime is maintained thanks to a shelter made of glass or plastic film. You do not need to clean it immediately after the emergence of shoots; you can periodically open the container, allowing the shoots to adapt to the new environment. After 1-2 weeks of this regime, the covering material is completely removed.

    With the growth of shoots and an increase in the temperature regime of irrigation, more is required, the soil begins to absorb water more intensively during irrigation. Moisturize seedlings better at the root, without touching the green part. Water should be warm( + 22 ° C), settled.

    The first 27-30 days after sprouting sprouts above the soil surface, watering is carried out three times. The first irrigation is done after the emergence of shoots( the rate of water consumption - 1 cup per box).The second procedure is performed after 3 weeks, and the third - on the day of the pick of the seedlings.
    Watering tomatoes is desirable according to the pre-selected scheme

    . Top dressing

    .It is appropriate to enrich the soil with nutrients after the leaf has formed on the seedling. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers that stimulate green growth are commonly used. It is important in this matter not to overdo it so as not to burn out the crops. On a bucket of water enough to dissolve a tablespoon of urea.

    The second supplement is administered after a week. Best of all at this stage is suitable nitrophoska( for 1 liter of water a tablespoon of money).This procedure is carried out every 10 days.

    With proper soil preparation, seedlings are not needed for feeding.

    Supplementary care

    The grown-up tomato seedlings in boxes need a pick. Its essence lies in seating the shoots in separate pots( plastic cups can be used). The time to transplant usually occurs one month after the sprout appears above the ground surface. Prepared small containers should have a hole in the bottom to allow excess moisture to exit. The lower part of the pot is filled with drainage( small clay or large river sand).Then fall asleep light fertile soil or universal substrate.

    Before picking, the box with the seedlings is watered abundantly so as not to harm the shoots during extraction. When transferring a seedling to a separate container, it is worth pinching the root. For 2-3 days after the picking, it is necessary to raise the temperature by a few degrees, so that the plants will soon take root in the new conditions.

    When the seedlings grow, it must be planted in separate cups.

    What temperature is considered optimal for tomato seedlingsSo that the seedlings do not stretch, the temperature within 13-16 ° С is maintained in the first week after their appearance. Further, the daily indicator increases to + 20-22 °, and the night indicator - to + 17-18 ° С. If the temperature drops to + 10 ° and below, the development of the shoot stops, and with a minus indicator, there is a danger of the plant freezing.
    Survive the seedlings after freezing can, provided that the temperature decrease was short-lived. If culture assistance is not provided in a timely manner, then tomatoes will not survive.
    Tomatoes grow well at an air temperature of 20-22 degrees

    Is it possible to grow tomato seedlings in a greenhouse made of polyarbonate

    Tomatoes are suitable for growing in a greenhouse, but it is worth noting that not all designs are suitable for this. For example, to create proper conditions in a greenhouse made of plastic film is unlikely to work out if there are no air vents and windows. The first sun rays will raise the temperature index to a critical point.

    The optimum temperature is considered:

    • during the day 20-22 ° in sunny weather, 19-20 ° in overcast;
    • at night 16-17 °.

    At the initial stage of fruiting, the maximum rate reaches 26-32 ° С.During the flowering period, the degrees should not fall below 14 ° C.

    If temperature conditions allow, it is possible to plant seedlings in the greenhouse

    In order to stabilize the growth of tomatoes and their ripening after removing the first fruits, the temperature regime decreases to 16-17 ° C.

    Avoid large temperature differences between night and daytime readings.

    What to do if the seedlings are frozen: is it possible to save

    Do not despair, if the young shoots are frozen, the tomatoes are among the resurgent plant species that can be reanimated. With proper care, young shoots can be saved, the crop will even bear fruit, but the yield will, of course, decrease.

    Usually, seedlings freeze when temperatures decrease to -3 ° C.At the same time, the tops of tomatoes not only fade, but also darken.

    The following measures are used for the resuscitation of tomatoes:

    • pruning of the damaged part of the stem;
    • top dressing with urea solution;
    • introduction into the soil of humates diluted with chicken dung or manure;
    • construction of shelter of film or agrofibre.
    When frosting the seedlings can be saved, but it is advisable to act immediately

    Culture recovery occurs in a short period of time, you should not despair and give up. Moreover, the percentage of crop losses will be insignificant.

    If there is a danger of night frost after planting the seedlings on the beds, the planting is covered with plastic film or agrotextile.

    You can grow seedlings from seeds on your own, if you create favorable conditions for the germination of seedlings and their further development. Strengthened and healthy seedlings will quickly go through a period of adaptation, which will speed up the harvest.

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