16 best varieties of zucchini for open ground

It’s hard to imagine a vegetable garden without a zucchini. This vegetable is one of the first ready to be harvested and appears on the tables in the form of various dishes. The ease of growing zucchini, availability, precocity and other characteristics allow, with proper care to grow these plants of different varieties in open ground, hotbeds and greenhouses in Siberia, the Moscow region and in the Leningrad region.


  • varietal diversity zucchini
  • best varieties of cluster type for outdoor cultivation
    • aeronaut
    • White
    • Waterfall
    • Odessa
  • Top self-pollinated parthenocarpic types
    • Kavili
    • Medusa
    • Parthenon
  • Early varieties
    • Iskander
    • Tsukesha
    • Ball
    • aeronaut
  • Middle ripening
    • Gribovsky
    • Zolotinka
    • Handsome Black
  • Late Marrows
    • Spaghetti
    • Lagenariya( Kalebasa)

Varietalis the variety of zucchini

Our grandmothers did not think much of the varietal characteristics of plants grown from year to year, collected their seeds from the best fruit. Sometimes a new variety appeared at the site, but its main characteristic was

instagram viewer
; the color range of fruits: white, green, yellow, etc.with

, the Arsenal of modern gardeners is much wider and the color range has been relegated to the background as a sign. Attention is paid to such characteristics as:

  • Maturing terms( early, medium, late);
  • Growth type( bush, climbing);
  • Features of pollination( parthenocarpic or pollinated by insects);
  • Productivity.
These and other characteristics allow the rule to choose the type for certain conditions and get the most out of each plant.
To get a good harvest - you need to select a variety according to the characteristics of

. Among the variety of zucchini, special attention should be paid to the varieties that have won recognition from breeders and are most popular among gardeners. Each group has its own favorites. Someone is comfortable because of their ripening, and someone conquers its compactness.

The best cultivars of bush type for cultivation in the open field

Most of the asthenia of the Pumpkin family form long, sprawling sticks that require large areas. At the same time, modern summer residents and gardeners are often limited to 6 acres, on which they want to plant a variety of crops.

The limited space and economy of each meter makes the planting of traditional climbing grades a real luxury, but the bush ones become a godsend for such sites.

Sprouts can be easily entered into the limited space of and even planted in a bed of flowers, where large leaves will be the perfect backdrop for other plants.


Compact plant. Shows good disease resistance.

Fruits are green, 14-15 cm long, tasty, versatile. Perfectly withstand transportation. In compliance with the rules of agricultural technology from 1 square.m square can be collected 7-7,5 kg .



Ultra-early .The first fruits are ready to be collected within 35-40 days. Fruits are white, oval, of excellent taste, universal purpose. The pulp is thick, cream. Well kept.



Early maturing hybrid. Fruits weighing up to 500 g, green. The flesh is dense, white. Productivity is high. Disease resistance is above average.


Early Matter bush type. Disease resistance is very high. Fruits are pale green, cylindrical. The flesh is pinkish yellow or light yellow. Suitable for canning.


The best self-pollinated parthenocarpic species

The vegetable marrow forms male and female flowers. In most cases, pollination and fruit set up occurs with using insects , which carry pollen. However, when grown in greenhouses, especially in winter, cross-pollination is problematic.

Parthenocarpic varieties that are able to tie fruit without pollination become a real find. These varieties are great for open ground.


Early ripening and high yields make the Cavili hybrid one of the best.

Fruits are light green, up to 22 cm long. Fruiting is plentiful and long lasting. The ripening period is 1.5 months, and the active setting of new fruits lasts for 2 months in any conditions, even without the participation of pollinating insects. During this time, from 1 square.m manages to collect about 9 kg .The flesh is tender, juicy, whitish.



Superearly hybrid. Ideal for the production of early products under the film shelters. Maintains big differences of temperatures.

Maturation 35 days. Fruits are light green, with delicate skin. The pulp is dense, the seed chamber is miniature. Fetal weight can reach 800 g, with a length of 25 cm.



Dutch selection hybrid, very compact and fruitful. On 1 square.m can accommodate 3-4 bush and collect up to 15 kg of fruit. Good fruit stitching without the participation of insects and early ripening make this variety an excellent candidate for planting in greenhouses.

Fruits are dark green, cylindrical with a light green dense, juicy and tasty pulp. It can be used not only for canning and cooking various dishes, but also to eat raw. The zucchini fruiting period is very long and can stretch until September.


Early varieties of

Varieties of early-ripening zucchini are of particular value, because they most often become the first fresh vegetables of the new summer season.


An early ripe parthenocarpic hybrid bred by Dutch breeders. Ripening period 40-45 days.

The special value of the variety is the ability to set fruit at low temperatures, which is especially important for the northern regions with a cool summer.

When planting 4 plants per 1 square.m yield is 15 kg .The fruits of Iskander are light green, up to 20 cm long, with a thin delicate skin. The flesh is tender, juicy, cream or white.



The term of ripening Tsukesha is 41-50 days. The plant is characterized by large dark green leaves with gray spots. These are varietal features of coloring and should not be confused with the disease.

Fruits up to 40 cm long and weighing up to 900 g. Fruiting continues until frost. The fruits of are well stored and transported by .The flesh is juicy, very tasty.



The main feature of the variety are the green spherical fruits covered with bright dots that look like a ball. The taste of the pulp is excellent.

The ripening period of a round zucchini is 50-55 days. The plant is compact, bush with strongly dissected leaves.



This variety has already been mentioned as a popular bush zucchini, but early ripening is another advantage in the piggy bank of positive characteristics. Ripening period 42-45 days.

Medium ripening


A widely known white-fruited variety Gribovsky. Maturation term not less than 46 days depending on the region of cultivation. The plant forms the long lashes of the .

Fruits up to 20 cm in size, white. The skin is firm, the flesh is tasty, white or yellowish. Yield 8.5 kg per 1 square.m.



Maturation 50 days. Bush type growth. The color of the fruit fully corresponds to the name.


Black handsome

Kustovoy grade. Ripens in 45 days. Fruits are very dark green, close to black. The rind is thin, the flesh is greenish, delicate taste.

The fruits are universal and suitable for all possible uses. At the same time on the bush can be tied by 4-5 fruits.

Handsome Black

Late Courgettes


Unusual variety that is gaining popularity.

Young zucchini Spaghetti does not differ in taste from the usual varieties, but after full ripening the zucchini flesh is stratified into fibers and it turns out its own vegetable spaghetti, which has many fans. Externally ripe fruits in shape and color resemble small melons.

The only minus is late maturity , which in regions with a short summer does not always allow to wait for "macaroni".


Lagenaria( Kalebasa)

This type of pumpkin is also called Vietnamese zucchini. Due to the long period of ripening and exoticism, Lagenaria cannot be called a frequent guest of the gardens. The shape of the fruit varies.

In the young form they are used in food as well as pumpkin or zucchini. In the ripe state, the walls and the flesh dry out and a cavity is formed inside.

Traditionally, these plants are used by some nations to make vessels.


The variety of zucchini allows you to choose the appropriate variety not only for certain growing conditions, but also for aesthetic and taste reasons.

With the right combination of hybrids, you can get a good harvest even from a small area and extend the period of fruiting. And some exotic varieties will help make a variety of traditional culinary dishes and grow material for handicrafts.

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