Experienced gardeners have repeatedly surprised everyone with the results of growing root crops that are not typical for regions with a harsh climate. One of these is garlic. It is quite possible to cultivate on the site, if you follow the simple rules for planting and care. In this review we will talk about the features of planting spring garlic in the spring and growing it in Siberia.
- Timing for planting summer garlic in Siberia
- The advantages of spring planting spring garlic
- Planting preparation: soaking and processing
- How to prepare the soil in spring and autumn
- Proper planting in open ground
- Post-curfing in spring and autumn
Garlic belongs to cold-resistant plants, it withstands severe winters under a thick layer of snow and is not afraid of frost. But in a snowless season planting material can freeze out. Therefore, in Siberia, the Urals and the Leningrad region preference is given to the spring disembarkation of the .
Spring garlic is a cold-resistant crop, and return frosts are not afraid of it.
Winter varieties must be planted between 15 September and 5 October. Sowing needs to be completed 3-5 weeks before the onset of frost, in order to have a root system. It is important that the shoots do not have time to break through to the surface of the soil, otherwise the plant will die.
Spring disembarkation begins in late April - early May. The optimal temperature for the initial stage of the growing season is considered to be the range of positive values from 5 to 10 degrees. The ripening time and yield depend on the storage conditions of the planting material .Faster on the surface of the soil shoots are formed, formed from cloves that were stored in a cold way( at a temperature of 0 ° -3 °).However, the heads are formed in small sizes, and during hot and dry weather, single-teeth are often formed. Productivity such a method is no different. Garlic stored in a warm way( at a temperature of 20 ° -25 °) ripens 25-40 days later. The heads of such plants form large ones with large teeth. To accelerate ripening, it is necessary to prepare the planting material for planting: soak, germinate and plant.
Advantages of spring planting of spring garlic
In temperate climates, autumn planting in open ground has advantages over autumn. For growing crops in Siberia, spring varieties are more suitable, , which should be planted in the spring after establishing a daily positive temperature. This approach is due to the reduced risk of freezing of planting material due to severe frosts and the lack of a snow layer. In addition, plants are less demanding of the soil, you can get a good harvest on light and medium loamy soil types.
In Siberia, spring garlic is beginning to be planted as early as possible. From the end of April,
The undoubted advantage of spring planting is the high resistance of summer garlic to diseases of bulbous crops and insect pests. Yes, and shoots are formed friendly with approximately the same development. Also excluded bald spots on the beds, resulting from the freezing of individual teeth.
Preparation of planting material: soaking and processing of
The quality of the garlic harvest, like onion, depends in particular on the preparatory work, therefore planting material should be selected responsibly. When choosing garlic, you should pay attention to whether the head belongs to winter or spring varieties. How to distinguish them? The head of winter to the touch elastic with a dense shell. In the middle there is a rod around which the cloves are located. The shell of the spring variety is thin, resembling parchment. The cloves are arranged in rows without a central rod. The exception is the variety Gulliver, which forms an arrow.
The difference of spring garlic from winter
Preparation consists of the following steps:
- division of the head into separate teeth;
- selection of whole and large , without signs of damage to the specimens;
- wrap cloves in a wet rag for germination( for a few days the lump can be sent to the refrigerator on the lower shelf);
- soak in warm water for 10-12 hours;
- drying after soaking.
Sprouted garlic for planting
Soaking can be replaced by plant growth treatment with a growth stimulator, but it is worth considering that special preparations contain chemicals.How to prepare the soil in spring and autumn
The soil should be prepared before planting. To do this, it is necessary to fertilize the site with humus and mineral substances in the fall( 40 g. Of superphosphate, 20 g. Of potassium chloride per 1 m2).If there was no opportunity to carry out autumn work, needs 1-2 weeks before disembarking to dig up the ground, to enrich it with humus or compost, loosen the clods well with a rake. A couple of days before disembarking, place under the beds should be treated with saline.
Garlic grows well on sandy and loamy soils with a neutral reaction.
The place for planting garlic should be well lit and ventilated. Neighborhood with large plantings and buildings is unacceptable.Experienced gardeners do not recommend planting garlic in the same place, it is necessary to give a break of 3-4 years. It is better to choose plots in the garden where was growing zucchini, cucumbers, and gourd last season.
Proper landing in open ground
Culture planted according to the scheme:
- interval between rows - 20-25 cm;
- spacing between cloves - 6-10 cm.
You do not need to dig deep garlic, 3-5 cm is enough. In the opposite case, the shoots may sprout slowly or not at all appear on the ground surface. Donets clove should be placed at the bottom of the hole, it will form the root system. Before planting, the material germinated, so do not press it hard into the ground, so as not to damage the shoots.
Do not deepen the teeth too much into the ground, as this will slow down the formation of the root system.
After the teeth are deeper, the bed must be filled with soil and fertilizers must be introduced. The most commonly used ammonium sulfate, which not only enriches the soil with nutrients, but also protects young shoots from pests.
The planting of garlic on an industrial scale is carried out by special devices - planters.After-plant care and cultivation
Even an unpretentious plant needs proper care. This helps to increase yields and get high-quality roots with a long shelf life. For this, first of all, it is necessary to adjust the watering. Moisture is a major factor in the vegetative process, , however, its oversupply can cause the onion to rot. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully rely on the recommended rate of irrigation, taking into account the amount of precipitation, humidity, and soil type.
In the first phase of development, spring garlic increases the green mass, so watering should be abundant.
The average rate of water used for irrigation is 8-10 liters per 1 m2 of .20-25 days before harvesting root crops, watering stops completely.
Fertilizers and bait are introduced twice during the growing season. Their quantity depends on the fertility of the soil. Practically does not need enrichment chernozem. Other types of soil have less nutrients, so they need fertilizer.
Phosphorus and potassium will help ensure the normal growth and development of bulbous crops.The first bait is introduced after germination. If ammonium sulfate was not used immediately after planting, then after sprouting sprouts, it is time to protect them from diseases and pests. In June, complex mineral fertilizers are used in quantity, according to information from the instructions. It is also allowed to use a mixture of urea and potassium chloride( the components are taken in equal proportions).
Periodically beds with garlic need to loosen and remove weeds.
To enrich the soil with oxygen, it is necessary to loosen. It is often combined with weeding, because weeds are a danger to culture. The abundance of shade and thickening of the beds become a place for the settlement of insect pests. Yes, and excess moisture can cause head rot. 2-4 procedures for loosening and weeding are carried out at the vegetation stage. Reduce labor costs by mulching the beds. Peat or sawdust is used for this purpose. They are covered with a tight bed, as a result of which weeds make their way to the surface not so intensively, and the soil does not dry out.
A prearranged plan of activities will ensure the timely care of garlic, which guarantees a good harvest.