10 tips on how to choose blinds for windows: color, material, appearance


  1. №1. Advantages and types of blinds
  2. №2. Material of manufacture of blinds
  • Plastic Blinds
  • Cloth blinds
  • Wooden blinds
  • Bamboo Blinds
  • Metal (aluminum) blinds
  • No. 3. Horizontal blinds
  • №4. Vertical blinds
  • №5. Cassette blinds
  • №6. Roller shutters and blinds-pleated
  • №7. Blinds size and installation method
  • №8. Shutter control system
  • №9. Blinds color
  • №10. Fittings - the finishing touch
  • .

    Blinds, which were once an attribute of boring and gray offices, are now actively used for arranging apartments and houses. They occupy a minimum of space, perfectly cope with the function of protection from sunlight and prying eyes, and most importantly, they can become an ornament of the interior, take at least photo-blinds. The buyer today is offered blinds of different designs, materials and colors, and the widest range turns into a real torture for an unprepared person. Make a purchase better fully armed, but for this it does not prevent to understand in advance how to choose blinds for windows, what are the advantages and disadvantages of their different types, and which option will be best in each specific the case.

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    №1. Advantages and types of blinds

    Modern blinds, regardless of the design features,have the following advantages:

    • saving space and light weight design;
    • practicality and ease of use;
    • functionality;
    • wide possibilities of regulating the flow of sunlight;
    • ease of maintenance;
    • grandiose choice.

    Blinds confidently compete with the usual types of curtains and often win in this competition. Moreover, for the organization of space on the balcony, this is almost the only suitable option.

    We are used to the fact that the blinds consist of thin lamellas connected together. Depending on their locationBlinds are divided into vertical and horizontal. In addition, a group of blinds often include structures in which instead of lamellas a continuous fabric web is used, thisroller shutters and curtains-pleated.


    №2. Material of manufacture of blinds

    For the manufacture of blinds, the following materials can be used:

    • plastic;
    • metal;
    • the cloth;
    • tree;
    • bamboo.

    Also possiblemultifactorial version, when two or more materials are combined at once. The design and type of material used greatly influence the features and scope of the blinds.

    Plastic Blinds


    Plastic blinds are widely used, used in kitchens,balconies,bathrooms and even living rooms. Plastic is used to create, basically, horizontal blinds, and among itsmain advantages:

    • low price;
    • hygienic and easy to care;
    • Possibility of coloring in any color and applying any material (for example, wood);
    • resistance to moisture and sunlight.

    However, some recognize plasticnot enough aestheticfor use in living quarters, but it's a matter of taste. The remaining shortcomings are associated with poor-quality material, which can turn yellow, deform in the sun and break.

    Cloth blinds

    By popularity, fabric blinds catch up and even distill plastic. The fabric is used to create roll and vertical blinds, much less often horizontal. The latter are considered exclusive and are worthy.

    Typically, such tissues are used:

    • fiberglass cloth, which is resistant to fire and irreplaceable in the kitchen;
    • polyesterDense, resistant to burnout and easy to clean;
    • cotton- option for lovers of all natural. Preference should be given to the most dense fabric, which is less susceptible to deformation, stretching and warping;
    • jacquard- a durable fabric with excellent sun protection qualities, an option for a bedroom.

    Manufacturers usually cover clothspecial impregnations, which protect the blinds from burnout, dust and odors, so care will be required minimal. Only sometimes you have to do a dry cleaning, in extreme cases - wet. The lamellae of vertical fabric blinds come in different heights and shapes, so they can decorate any window opening and make it original. They can be any color or pattern, and on the reverse side, the fabric blinds can have a special coating that does not let light through - an option for bedrooms.

    Wooden blinds

    If you need to choose louver for interior in stylecountry, eco or classic, then you can stay on wooden. Their mainadvantages:

    • beautiful appearance due to the natural pattern of wood;
    • ecological compatibility;
    • strength and ability to keep the shape perfectly;
    • durability.

    The tree is suitable for horizontal blinds. It can be used more or lessinexpensive breeds(cork, Canadian linden, dyed pine) orvaluable(wenge, red and pink tree). The price in any case is several times higher than for plastic and fabric analogs, and the breed depends not only on the cost, but also on the performance. The cheapest wooden blinds will be fragile and will soon start to burn out in the sun, changing the color, the quality ones will last long and will not be subject to temperature influences. Wet cleaning of wood is contraindicated - only dry cleaning is suitable. From wood it is better not to make large structures - they will look massive and hard to weigh.

    Bamboo Blinds

    The last drawback of wooden blinds is bamboo - they are light, and in a minimized form they occupy a minimum of space. The material is not afraid of sunlight, it is resistant to moisture, the color varies from light yellow to golden brown. Ofminuseshigh price and the ability to deform under its own weight, so bamboo is not suitable for the organization of large window openings.

    Metal (aluminum) blinds

    Metal blinds are usually made from lightduralumin alloys. These are cheap designs that are commonly used in production buildings, but are also applicable in kitchens and interiors made in loft or high-tech style.The lamellas can be perforatedto create an unusual light effect or covered with special materials to give them a velor surface.

    TOadvantagesinclude ease of care, resistance to ultraviolet light, moisture, fire, as well as light weight. Mainminus- property to rattle in a draft and deform, but the price is low.

    No. 3. Horizontal blinds

    Which blinds to choose for a small window opening? Definitely, horizontal. Their versatility lies in the fact that they can be used to organize windows of almost any size and even for inclined attic windows.


    • occupy a minimum of space;
    • great opportunities in the regulation of sunlight, because horizontal slats are turned at the right angle, and the blinds can be raised to the required level, until the window is completely freed;
    • simple installation and a variety of mounting options: on the sash of the window, in the window opening, behind the window opening;
    • large selection of materials.

    Ofminusesnote less strength and ease of handling compared with vertical blinds. The standard width of the lamellae is 16 and 25 mm. Horizontal blinds canmount between frames- this design saves much space, while maintaining convenience, because the control mechanism is carried out inside the room. For inclined windows are providedmansard structures, which are distinguished by the presence of special cables that help keep the blinds parallel to the window.

    №4. Vertical blinds

    Vertical blinds most resemble curtains, can only be made of fabric. The design is a system of vertical slats, which are fixed at the top on the cornice, and below are connected by a chain. The width of the lamella is usually 127 or 89 mm: for larger rooms, wider elements are applicable, in small - narrow slats will look more harmonious. Blinds open in one of the sides or from the center in both directions, the length can be up to the window sill or to the floor.


    • excellent appearance;
    • variety of design;
    • strength, practicality and durability;
    • Vertical lamellas can visually raise the ceilings slightly;
    • Simplicity in management;
    • the possibility of arranging window openings of complex shapes (for example, arched).

    The minusesthere are almost no such blinds, but you can find fault with the fact that they are not quite compact.


    №5. Cassette blinds

    Cassette blinds are consideredone of the varieties of horizontal. The basis of the design is a cassette, which is firmly attached to the sash of the window, and in which the assembled louver blade hides. The system was specially designed for plastic windows, very rarely found on wooden windows. Blinds are made of plastic or fabric.

    Since the installation of the blinds is carried out close to the glass, space is saved. Blinds do not interfere with the free opening of the doors, since they are firmly fixed on them. Moreover, such a design opens up wider possibilities for regulating the luminous flux, since one leaf can be left closed, slightly opening the second one.

    №6. Roller shutters and blinds-pleated

    Roller blinds can only be referred to the category of blinds. Here, instead of lamellas, a continuous piece of fabric is used: when rolled up, it is wound onto a roll and completely releases the window opening, and in the unfolded state completely covers it. By adjusting the height of the canvas, you can achieve the desired degree of illumination. The fabric can be any color, embroidered with beads, stones, have an original design, and then in expanded form such blinds will be a real decoration. Ofadvantagesnote the compactness, excellent appearance and ease of control, but it is better not to allow prolonged exposure to soot and strong odors.

    Blinds-Pleatedalso made of cloth, sometimes of paper, which special machines are processed with formation of horizontal folds, due to which the product is easy to smooth and fix on a certain level. In a collapsed form, such curtains occupy the minimum space in the window opening, and most importantlyadvantageis the possibility of using a complex configuration on windows.

    №7. Blinds size and installation method

    The size of the blinds depends not only on the parameters of the window opening, but also on the type of construction chosen and the features of the installation. About everything in order.

    Horizontal blinds can be attached:

    • on the leaf. The width of the blinds should be 30 mm larger than the width of the glass. The length corresponds to the length of the window itself, but it is better to take away from it, -2 cm, so that the blinds do not lie on the windowsill;
    • in the opening. Measurements are carried out at several points, since the window opening may slightly differ from the ideal. The width and length are determined, as in the previous version, but it is worth remembering that the curtain rod will slightly protrude from both sides, so do not interfere to check whether it will not rest on the slopes;
    • on the wall. The width of the blinds should be 10-15 cm more than the width of the window opening, the length is chosen at its own discretion: blinds can close the window sill, and may not "reach out" a little before it.

    Vertical blinds are fixed:

    • in the opening. The width of the blinds in this case will be equal to the width of the opening minus 2 cm, from the length of the opening is read 1 cm;
    • on the wall. The width of the blinds should be wider than the window opening by 10 cm or more. The length depends on how much the window sill is protruding. If he goes beyond the line of blinds, then they should not be lower than the window sill. If it is hidden, then the length can be any, up to the floor, but between the floor covering and the blinds it is better to leave about 5 cm;
    • on the ceiling. The width of the blind exceeds the width of the window by 10-15 cm, and the length is defined as the distance from the ceiling to the window sill minus 5 cm when the window sill protrudes. When the window sill is flush with the wall, the length should be at least 5 cm more than the distance from the ceiling to the window sill, and may equal the height of the room minus 5 cm.

    The blinds can be fixed with or without drilling. When the construction is mounted to a wall, a ceiling or in a window opening, use self-tapping screws, but it is better not to drill plastic windows - they are provided with special brackets.

    №8. Shutter control system

    Blinds can be controlled:

    • manuallyIs the simplest, cheapest and most common option. Used for this are canes, chains and ropes. It is important only that access to the control system is as convenient as possible;
    • remote controlprovides the presence of electric drive, buttons and control panels. This option is for bulky heavy systems when the cornice is too high or when access to the window is difficult;
    • smart house system"Will allow you to open and close the blinds at a pre-set time without human intervention.

    №9. Blinds color

    Designers use several basic principles of choosing the color of blinds:

    • in the tone of the walls, more precisely a couple of shades darker or lighter - a win-win choice;
    • in the tone of furniture or textiles- this solution allows you to create very interesting and stylish interiors;
    • contrasting hueit is only appropriate if the interior is decorated in neutral colors and in the same color scheme, then the blinds will become an accent;
    • universal option, which is appropriate in 90% of cases, -White color.

    It is not necessary to stop on single-color blinds - you can choose the option withdrawing or even photo printing. The main thing is that they harmoniously fit in the interior: the more patterns, textures and colors used in the room, the more restrained should be the blinds.

    In the kitchen, it is better to choose practical plastic blinds, for the living room and bedroom, vertical or horizontal wooden, in the nursery you can use compact and practical roller shutters. If desired, you can combine blinds with curtains.

    №10. Fittings - the finishing touch

    A competent choice of blinds requires attention to detail, i.e. to the fittings. From its quality and performance will depend on the ease of operation and appearance of the structure. Usually the blinds are equipped with such accessories:

    • cornice- the element to which the blinds of the blinds are attached. Made of aluminum or wood, plastic analogs are short-lived. In roller blinds, the cornice is replaced with a coil, onto which the fabric is wound;
    • runners- the elements of fastening the lamellas of vertical blinds to the cornice, are usually made of plastic;
    • connecting stringcombines vertical slats from below, horizontal - on the sides. A special rope can be used, but the line will be much stronger;
    • canes and chains of control;
    • weightsThey are used in vertical and roller blinds to keep them in an upright position.

    Can be usedadditional fittings, for example, an ergonomic handle or decorative strip. All metal parts must be chrome plated or galvanized. Elements of accessories are fastened so that if necessary they could be easily replaced, their color is usually as close as possible to the color of the blinds.

    Finally, the blinds do not interferetest, opening and closing them 10-15 times in a row. A quality product will work smoothly, without jamming and creaking, and the lamellae will not roll over.

    Tags:Windows, Curtains
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