Barberry - extremely useful plant .It is isolated not only by the aesthetic and nutritional significance of the shrub, but also by the healing properties of all parts of the plant.
The barberis root has the widest potential of healing properties, which has many medicinal properties, which is often used in traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
Contents:Composition and therapeutic properties of the root of the barberry, contraindications
If you look closely at the break of the roots of the barberry, you can see a bright yellow color. gives this color to the roots of the plant a rare alkaloid berberine .This component of the barberry determines its basic healing properties.
Based on alkaloid, a choleretic preparation “Berberine bisulfate” is developed, which is used in traditional medicine.
In addition to berberine( 9.4%), the root of the plant contains alkaloids( 4.8%):
- columbamine;
- leontin;
- oxyacanthin;
- Berberrubin;
- iatroricin;
- Palmitin.
The chemical composition of the root is complemented with organic acids : malic, chelidonic and citric, resins, pectins, vitamins C and E.

The study, in a study, a study of a study ofeffects after the use of herbal remedies, prepared on the basis of the roots of barberry.
Berberine inhibits the production of high-density lipoprotein( "bad" cholesterol).This is an indispensable property in atherosclerosis, obesity, cardiovascular pathologies.
Aqueous extract of barberry root increases cardiac contractility and reduces peripheral vascular resistance, thereby preventing the dangerous manifestations of hypertension.
Thanks to the addition of berberine with organic acids and vitamin C, the barberry root is effective for controlling fever.
The pronounced anti-inflammatory effect helps to fight nephritis and other inflammatory processes in the body.
The active substances of the root have the antioxidant effect , inhibiting lipid peroxidation. Therefore, herbal remedies will be useful as an antioxidant additive in diabetes mellitus and liver pathologies, which are accompanied by the release of toxins in the body.
Regular use of the barberry root reduces the level of sugar in the blood .
Additionally, berberine has anticonvulsant, diuretic, antibacterial, tonic, sedative, and antispasmodic properties.
The roots of barberry should not be used for hypotension, a contraindication is pregnancy and the postpartum period, bleeding associated with ovarian dysfunction, liver cirrhosis and acute manifestations of hepatitis.
This list includes children under 12 and people with individual intolerance to root components. Consumption above the recommended norms may lead to suffocation or respiratory arrest.

Harvesting, storage and use of dried raw materials
The roots are harvested in the spring before the kidneys swell or in October. At the same time, it is permissible to dig no more than 1/3 of the roots from each shrub. Subsequent harvesting is possible only after 5 years.
Shake off the ground from the roots and cut out the fibrous part. Since berberine dissolves quickly in water, can not wash raw materials .Dry the roots in a dry and ventilated area for 4-5 days.
It is possible to speed up the process in the oven by setting the temperature to 45 ° С.After that, the raw materials are removed in fabric bags that are stored in a dry room. Expiration date 3 years .
Herbal remedies help fight viruses and bacteria during epidemics, are a worthy alternative to many chemicals.
Useful infusion
To prepare herbal remedies, crushed raw materials( 1 tsp) are placed in a thermos and filled with boiling water( 0, 5 l), infused for 45 minutes.
Used for:
- lowering the temperature with fevers( malaria), 1 tbsp.l4 times a day;
- mouth rinse with inflammation of the gums 3-4 times a day;
- relieving pain in the liver and gallbladder 50 ml 4 times a day;
- as an auxiliary treatment for dropsy and jaundice in 50 ml 3-4 times a day.
Infusion can be used as an active substance for lotions for eye inflammation, purulent wounds, eczema, or for rinsing a person with dermatitis.

Medicinal raw materials( 3 tsp) are poured with water( 0.5 l), boiled for 20 minutes, brought to the original state with boiled water. The broth is filtered and poured into a glass container.
Applied with:
- internal bleeding 1 tbsp.levery hour;
- hepatitis, bronchitis, 1 tsp.3 times a day;
- neuralgia, hypertension, atherosclerosis in 50 ml 3 times a day.
Broth is used as a choleretic agent, taking for 1 tsp.5-6 times a day .It is used in hepatitis, gallbladder pathologies and exacerbations of cholecystitis.
To prepare a therapeutic agent, the crushed raw materials( 40 g) are poured with 40% ethyl alcohol( 100 ml), drawn in a dark place for 20 days. The tincture is taken 30 drops 3 times a day for internal bleeding.
With a tincture make compresses, lotions for diseases of the joints and muscle spasms. To this end, gauze tissue moistened in the agent is applied to painful areas for 30 minutes. The procedure has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.
How to use in cosmetology
The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties of the barberry root are also attractive for cosmetology.
Due to the effect of berberine, the local metabolism in the epidermis increases, which helps strengthen the hair follicles, tighten loose skin and smooth wrinkles.
The active substances of the root brighten the most persistent pigment spots and freckles, even out the complexion.
Skin Rejuvenation
For the procedures of rejuvenation used a decoction of the roots of the barberry .This is a daily wipe in the morning and evening.
For decorating the skin, the decoction is used frozen. The procedure for wiping with ice cubes is repeated every morning before applying decorative cosmetics.
Twice a week they make an mask. To do this, a terry towel is moistened in a warm broth, wring out, put on the face, neck, décolleté and held for 15 minutes. Means do not wash off.

Strengthening and hair growth
For the treatment procedures , a strong infusion of roots is prepared. For this 4 tbsp.lraw materials pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 1 hour.
Herbal medicine is used as a conditioner after applying shampoos. Procedures carried out within 1-2 months.
With a strong fall of hair, makes masks. To do this, the infusion is rubbed into the hair roots, put on a plastic cap and wrap the head with a towel. Stand 15 minutes and wash off with water.
Acne and age spots
For acne, will benefit from daily wiping problem areas with a decoction or infusion of .
The product has disinfectant and antibacterial properties that suppress the spread of acne and reduce inflammation in the skin layers.
With pigment spots and freckles, the skin is rubbed with a strong infusion 3-4 times a day. If the skin is dry, the infusion is mixed with sour cream( 1: 1).
Use of leaves and berries
- Broth .Crushed berries( 50 g) pour water( 250 ml) and boil for 30 minutes. Strained agent is used as a choleretic or febrifuge 100 ml 3 times a day.
- Mors .Dried raw materials( 300 g) are poured with water( 3 l), boiled for 10 minutes and infused for 2 hours. Sugar or vanilla powder is added to the filtered beverage. Barberry juice will be useful for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder, colds, hemorrhoids and constipation. Daily rate of 500 ml.
- Juice .Dried fruits are soaked in cold water for 10 hours. After that, wipe and squeeze the juice, add sugar to taste. This is a good way to raise appetite, strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Juice is recommended to use 100 ml in the morning.
- Infusion .Whole fruits( 2 tbsp. L.) Pour boiling water( 0.5 l) and insist 8 hours. Therapeutic infusion is used for the regulation of water-salt balance, treatment of pancreatitis. Daily rate of 3 tbsp.l., the course of treatment is 7 days.
- Prophylactic Tea .In the teapot( 250 ml) lay 1 tsp.fruits and pour boiling water, insist 5-7 minutes. They drink tea warm after 30 minutes after eating. Drink tones and strengthens the immune system.
The fruits of barberry are used as seasoning for rice, meat and fish dishes, boiled jelly, jelly and marshmallow.

Barberry leaves contain alkaloids, only in smaller quantities than in the roots. They contain a large number of phytoncides, phytohormones, flavonoids, vitamins C, E and K.
- Tincture .Crushed dry raw materials( 40 g) pour 40% ethyl alcohol( 100 ml), insist 20 days in a dark place. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day for 20 days. This treatment regimen will be useful in hypertension, atherosclerosis, internal bleeding, and hemorrhoids.
- Infusion .The crushed raw materials( 1 tablespoon) are poured with boiling water( 250 ml) and steamed in a water bath for 15 minutes. The volume of filtered broth is adjusted to 250 ml and infused for 8 hours. It is taken as a choleretic agent in liver pathologies. Treatment tactics: taking 1 tbsp.l4 times a day for 10 days.
- Vitamin Drink .The leaves of barberry( 100 g) pour water( 1 l) and boil over low heat for 5 minutes.50 grams of honey is added to the drink. Drink tones and strengthens the body. You can consume no more than 200 ml per day per day, dividing into 2 times.
Of all the alkaloids contained in the barberry, only berberine has been studied to date. This allows us to speculate that the barberry can be useful for human health in other areas.
However, as of today, barberry is , a significant for human culture, which brings aesthetic pleasure, enriches the diet and cures many diseases.