Recipes for canning gooseberry compote for winter

AREA:methods of rolling gooseberry compote

When you want to draw a lot of vitamins without preservatives, then gooseberry compote for the winter comes to the rescue, closed by simple recipes with your own hands. Appetizing berry is useful not only in fresh form, it has a positive effect on the body and in a tinned state with long storage. With daily use, there is a blush on the face, vigor, freshness and cheerfulness are felt.

A bit about gooseberry

Before answering the question: “How to cook gooseberry compote?”, You need to find out how this berry is useful. Gooseberry is recommended to take in metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, anemia, and all because it contains vitamins B, C, P, pectins, carotene, copper, phosphorus, iron, tannins, organic acids.

Gooseberry should be used by people with hypovitaminosis, gastroentelekolitom, bleeding. The fruits of the shrub have a tonic, diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

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A simple recipe for gooseberry compote for the winter will help to stock up on essential vitamins for the whole year. With this berry they make not only compotes, but also jam, jams, juices, marmalade. Traditional medicine did not miss the valuable fruit in their recommendations. Gooseberry decoctions fill the body with the missing microelements: iron, phosphorus, copper and others. Serotonin, which is in the composition, helps suffering from tumor diseases.

Gooseberry compote recipes

Canning gooseberries for the winter does not cause much trouble and complexity. Step-by-step descriptions make it possible to close the desired berry to your own taste. Below are the most popular recipes that are firmly entrenched in many families, and from year to year they are resorted to again. Among the main components of the provisions, you will see the gooseberry itself, sugar and water.

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Compote from ripe green gooseberries for the winter

Canning description:

  1. Select only ripe berries, remove all greens from the surface and wash thoroughly. For one 1.5 liter jar should go one 150 g glass of gooseberry.
  2. Take out a saucepan and pour 1 liter of cold water from the tap into it, pour in about 50 grams of sugar and boil everything.
  3. Put gooseberry in boiling syrup, boil for 5 minutes. This recipe does not provide for the sterilization of cans with berries.
  4. Pour into banks and cork. Enjoy your meal.

In order to avoid the appearance of cracks in the gooseberry skin, before canning, each berry should be gently punctured with a needle. After the procedure, the gooseberry will not only preserve the whole skin, but also preserve the form itself and will not disintegrate.

Red gooseberry compote

Canning description:

  1. Peel the gooseberries from the stalks and wash them.
  2. At this time, sterilize clean jars with lids.
  3. Place the gooseberries in half or 2/3 tare. It all depends on how you want to get a concentrated taste.
  4. Boil water in a kettle or saucepan.
  5. Pour jars with contents and let it brew for 5 minutes.
  6. Drain the fragrant water in a saucepan, add the desired amount of sugar and boil.
  7. Pour the gooseberry jars with hot syrup.
  8. Roll up. Provisioning is ready.

Diabetics should not add sugar to the components. Gooseberry, and without that, has a sufficient amount of sweetness.

Compote from apples and gooseberries for the winter

While canning gooseberry compote, other fruits and berries are often added to it. It can be apples, currants, raspberries, strawberries. To get this drink, gooseberries can be cooked and rolled into jars at once or frozen in a certain set of berries in order to defrost and prepare compote in the winter without long-term storage.

Canning description:

  1. Prepare a three-liter jar: wash with soda, sterilize.
  2. Cut 5 pieces of apples into pieces, removing bones, pith and tails.
  3. Wash 400 grams of gooseberry, remove the stalks, pierce each berry with a needle.
  4. Place the prepared ingredients in a sterilized clean jar.
  5. Boil 2 liters of water and fill it with a jar.5 minutes to wait until the water is saturated and soaked with the juice of the components.
  6. Drain back into the pan and stir in 500 grams of sugar until completely dissolved.
  7. Pour the syrup into a three-liter container and screw on the caps. Wrap, let cool. Compote ready.

Before use, compote should be drained.

Gooseberry Compote with Orange

Canning description:

  1. Sort ripe, high-quality gooseberry berries. Remove greens and wash thoroughly. Place 2 cups of fruit in a sieve and set aside so that the water flows after washing. While the berries are dried, prepare the orange.
  2. The form of canned 1st orange is given according to your desire. You can peel an orange and cut it into slices, and you can, without peeling, cut into rings or half rings. What your imagination wants, can be realized.
  3. Apply sterilization to completely washed 3-liter jars.
  4. Boil the syrup: 300 grams of sugar for 2 liters of plain water.
  5. Put the ingredients in glass container. Pour syrup over the jar and immediately clog. Wrap a can with a blanket and wait a day to cool.
  6. The next day, compote is ready.

For greater confidence in avoiding the breakdown of provisions, fruits and berries can not be immediately poured with syrup, but before that, pour boiling water into the jar with ingredients and let them brew for 5 minutes.sieve. Set aside a sieve to drain all dirty water. It is not necessary to remove tails, it will take additional time and will not affect the result. When the berries dry out, make needle puncture with a needle.

  • The same procedure is carried out with black currants.
  • In the end, you should get a 150 gram glass of currants and a liter container with gooseberries.
  • Cooking syrup: 400 grams of sugar diluted with two liters of cold water. Cook to dissolve the sugar.
  • Pour the prepared fruits into pre-sterilized 3-liter jars and pour boiling mixture. Twist the lids and wrap in a warm blanket for a day.
  • Bon appetit!
  • Read also: How to save carrots and beets for the winter

    About the methods of rolling the gooseberry compote

    Above, the preservation procedures without sterilization were described, in principle, this type of compote is not needed. For greater reliability of storage of food, jars of contents can also be sterilized. To do this, fill the pan with cold or slightly warm water, immerse in it jars with gooseberry compote for the winter so that the water reaches the “hangers” of glass containers. Liter jars require 10 minutes of treatment with their hot temperature, one and a half liter - 15 minutes, two- and three-liter need a 25-minute steaming. After this process, the jars are tightly twisted and wrapped in a warm cloth to cool. Sudden temperature drops are harmful, both for the container itself and for the mothballed provisions.

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