Carrot rotting in the cellar - a problem that many gardeners face. There are many reasons for spoiling the root, an infection in the cellar, dampness and high temperature during storage of .But in most cases, flabby carrots in winter is the wrong choice of variety.
best varieties of carrots for the winter storage
Late suitable for storage
Queen autumn
varieties of sweet carrots
sautéed Savoy
Fun F1
Canada F1
Russian size
Nandrin F1
How to choose carrots for storage
The best varieties of carrots for winter storage
Cropth spring from truckers question arises how the midst of plenty of beautiful bags of seeds to find the best carrots for winter storage .Many people choose the photo on the package, and this is wrong. To begin with we will get acquainted with the most old-looking species. Then we will find out, by what principle a variety should be chosen, in winter it is well preserving taste and presentation.
Fruits with a growing season of 100–120 days can be attributed to the middle-ripening group. According to experts, these roots are more sweet and juicy.
Mid-season carrots at the time of harvest accumulate a maximum of nutrients.
Consider the well-known and sought after experienced gardeners:
Carrots Nantes-4
Old variety, which gardeners from Siberia, the Urals, Moscow region, in general, all regions without exception have been grown since the middle of the last century. 120 days aging. Tuft ripeness occurs after 50 days from germination. The carrot planted in May is ready for harvest in September. With a lack of time for cleaning, you can leave in the ground until October. Nantes-4 in this situation does not lose its presentation and taste. Average weight parameters - 150 g. Average length, within 20 cm. Important characteristics: yield from 6 kg per sq. M.and deadline for storage is February.
Mid-Ripe Carrots Samson
Large carrots stored in the cellar until May of next year. Experienced agronomists recommend Samson novice gardeners. It can be grown on any soil, in any climate. With timely sowing in early May, Samson will delight with even, orange root crops with almost no core. The average length of the root Samson 20 and more centimeters, weight up to 170 g .Ripens in 110 days from the appearance of the first shoots.
Carrot Variety Chance
Stored until March. Root crops weighing up to 130 g have a good taste, juicy, have a classic conical shape. Subject to the sowing scheme recommended by the manufacturer( 20 * 4 cm) yield from 1 square.m - 5 kg .Carrots Chance loves the sun, loose soil with a large percentage of humus( sandy, light loamy.).
Late, suitable for storage of
Varieties of vegetables with a growing season over 120 days are classified as late .Ripe carrots can be stored until the new harvest. This group of plants suffers less from diseases, carrot flies, rarely.
Autumn Queen
Late variety of carrots Autumn Queen
A remarkable variety from Altai breeders, the queen is named deserved. Root crops grown on fertilized, loose soil usually exceed the characteristics declared by the manufacturer: weight 230 , length 25 , yield 9 kg / m² .
Carrots variety Doljanka
An interesting Polish representative, can be stored until spring. If the soil is infected with carrot fly larvae, this variety will be a good choice for the next season. Resistant to Fusarium and carrot fly .Fruits generates long weighing 130 g Carrot
grade Flakkoro
noteworthy, yielding( from 8 kg / m²), with large( 200 g) long( 28 cm) root crops , containing a large percentage of carotene.
Sweet carrot varieties
The best root vegetables for baby food are sweet. They bring more benefits because of the high percentage of carotene. Among the later varieties of sweet and able to be stored for a long time can be identified:
Sweet carrots Carotan
World-famous carrots, rich in carotene. It is recommended to use as raw materials for processing. Carotan is stored for a long time, its characteristics are: saturated orange color, cross-section diameter from 5 cm, root length not less than 25 cm.
Carrot variety Favorite
Sweet, perfect cylindrical shape. Matured roots have an average length( 15 cm) and weight( 160 g), stored well. When sown in the fall, Darling gives an early harvest in years, rich in rainfall, does not crack.
Already in June, you can feast on fresh fruits if you plant an early variety in early spring with a growing season from 80 to 90 days. You can pick a high-yielding variety that will feed your family in the summer and will be well kept in the cellar.
Early carrot Tushon
These are cylindrical, thin root crops, average lengths of 15 cm, weight - 100 g. Productivity - 5 kg / m² .For winter consumption can be sown in mid-June. For early root crops, autumn sowing is recommended( October, November).
Carrot variety Artek
Easy to care early variety. Artek can be well kept in the cellar. Maroon-orange root crops with an average weight of 150 and a length of 15 cm do not rot, juicy, tasty .For summer consumption fruits are ready in 1.5 months.
Fun F1
Carrot variety Fun F1
Early hybrid, ideal for summer beam production. Can be grown for winter consumption. Root crops are bright orange, not large 50 from , have an average length.
Large carrots are good for making healthy juice and Korean dishes. Here are the varieties that need to turn their attention in the next season:
Canada F1;
Nandrin F1;
Russian size.
Canada F1
Large-fruited carrots Canada F1
Unpretentious middle-late hybrid, yields good yields on heavy soil. Fruit weight from 130 to 500 g, cm 20 length, in cross section to 5 cm .The plant has a sweet, juicy orange pulp.
Russian size
Carrot variety Russian size
A variety that produces light root crops weighing up to 1 kg on light, fertile soils. Standard for carrots - large diameter( cm 6 ) .The length is also not small - from 25 to 30 cm.
Nandrin F1
Carrot variety Nandrin F1
A popular hybrid among farmers of Dutch breeders. Short growing season to 100 days. A carrot with a small core, cylindrical, does not crack. The average weight of Nandrin F1 150 g. In length, roots grow up to 20 cm.
How to choose carrots for storage
For newcomers to gardening, choosing carrots suitable for long-term storage is a challenge. In a huge selection it is easy to get lost and take the first bag with a beautiful picture. This is not worth doing. Here is a list of characteristics that will help you choose a good variety for storage:
growing season from 115 days or more;
does not crack;
is not susceptible to disease;
is suitable for cultivation in any climate, on any soil;
does not shoot.
Long-term storage is not only the right type of carrot. This is the optimal planting time, proper care and the choice of the optimal method of storing root crops.
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