Onion peel as a fertilizer in the garden

Onion is an indispensable vegetable in the kitchen. It is used to prepare culinary dishes almost every day. Before applying it is necessary to "undress".Onion peel is sent to the garbage can, as garbage. But this is a unique raw material for dyeing eggs for Easter, preparing firming masks for hair, a remedy for cold and cough, and most importantly - an environmentally friendly fertilizer for the garden.

Table of Contents

  • Composition and Useful Properties of Onion Peel
  • Application of Onion Cheeks Shredding
    • Spraying against Pests
    • Fertilizer Cultivation of Residuesfrom seven ailment. "Onion peel no less useful than the vegetable itself. Its composition is unique and contains a variety of mineral and vitamin substances. Among them, carotene, phytoncides, vitamins of groups PP and B. After being introduced into the ground, all these beneficial elements greatly benefit the soil and garden plants.
      A family of three consumes about 120 kilograms of onions per year. Up to 6 kilograms of onion peel can be collected per year. This amount is enough to handle a large suburban area.
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      Onion peel close-up

      The main properties of substances included in the onion scales:

      • Carotene. This substance is a unique antioxidant that helps increase plant resistance to various diseases. It fights fungus and rot perfectly, being a powerful immunostimulant;
      • Phytoncides. This component is located on the surface of onion peel in large quantities. This protective substance is aimed at eliminating the activity of foreign bacteria and microbes. They inhibit the activity of spores of fungi, are capable of destroying unicellular organisms, such as the ciliate infusoria;
      • Vitamins of group B. They are abundantly contained both in the onion itself and in its scales. Due to this they can be used to accelerate the growth of seedlings. Strengthens the root system and stems;
      • Nicotinic acid or vitamins of the PP group. Very useful for stimulating the growth of vegetables and trees in dark areas. Particularly suitable for growing on heavy soils. It speeds up the processing of nitrogen into oxygen, thereby strengthening the roots and stems of plants.
      Using a decoction of onion peel for watering pot plants reduces the risk of root rot by almost 100%.

      Use of Onion Peel

      Husk is a versatile fertilizer that is suitable for both indoor and garden vegetables. There is not any difficulty in preparing a useful composition that can be prepared in the following ways:

      1. Boiling.
      2. Infusion in cool water.
      3. Husk application directly to the soil.

      It is necessary to boil the scales for a few minutes, then the broth is cooled and infused for two to three hours. More beneficial properties remain in the fertilizer prepared on the infusion of the husk in cool water. The process is longer, it will take from one to two days.

      Preparing Onion Husk
      Never prepare the onion brew in reserve. It must be used within a few hours after preparation. In the opposite case, the broth will simply “sour” and will not bring any benefit to the plants. ”

      Dry scales are applied to the soil in the spring before digging. It can also be added directly to the wells before planting seedlings or seeds. For this, it is worth chopping and mixing with ash. This composition not only nourishes the soil with nutrients, but also scares off pests.

      Spraying against pests

      Onion Husk is very effective in controlling large numbers of pests. Any formulations sold in specialized stores are poisonous, so the gardener has to observe a number of activities in order not to harm his body. The onion peel is completely safe, it will not only scare away the pests, but also saturate the plants with useful substances.

      The most effective decoction of onion scales to combat the following pests:

      • Colorado potato beetle;
      • Apple moth;
      • Aphid;
      • Thrips;
      • Fleas;
      • Spider Mite.

      To make a decoction, you need to take two handfuls of non-crushed flakes and pour 10 liters of warm water. Put on the fire and boil no more than 5 minutes, avoiding a strong boil. Then remove from heat, cover and allow to stand for at least 4 hours. Before use, the solution must be diluted at the rate of 2 liters of broth per 10 liters of water.

      Spraying is carried out both from a spray bottle and from a regular watering can.

      Preparation of broth from onion peel
      Processing should be carried out only in the early morning or at sunset. Otherwise, plants can get severe burns.

      To combat thrips or spider mites, it is necessary to prepare a more concentrated solution: For one liter jar of husk you need to take 2 liters of warm water. Insist leave for two days and strain. Then dilute with water in a ratio of one to two and add a little soap. We try to process the leaves from two sides.

      To combat aphids on tomatoes and cucumbers, you need to prepare onion brew as follows: Pour 1 cup of husk with 10 liters of boiling water and hold for at least 12 hours. The finished decoction is filtered and applied to the plant by spraying. You can also just wash the leaves infusion. You can process the site every 4 days. If the aphid does not appear, use an onion preventative solution by spraying it with a spray bottle every two weeks.

      The broth prepared in the same way is an excellent bactericidal agent.

      When spraying a decoction, you should try to get on the entire surface of the plant. Especially on the back of the leaves. This will provide a long bactericidal effect.

      Fertilizer for tomatoes and cucumbers

      Now many are talking about the benefits of using natural fertilizers to grow organic vegetables and fruits. The beneficial properties of onion peel have been used in plant growing since ancient times.

      Some of the main advantages of onion peel as fertilizer:

      Top dressing from onion peel for vegetables
      • Natural product. Absolutely harmless when applied;
      • Do not harm young seedlings, strengthen the root system and stem;
      • Availability. The cost of fertilizer is already included in the main vegetable - onion. So there is no need for any additional material costs;
      • Ease of preparation and use;
      • Rich mineral and vitamin composition.

      The use of onion fertilizer is possible for any garden crops. A special effect brings watering seedlings.

      For tomatoes, the infusion can be used from the moment the seedlings are grown to the treatment of the plant during flowering and fruiting. Spraying tomato once a week speeds the formation of ovaries. If the leaves of tomatoes began to turn yellow, it is worth carefully processing the infusion of the bush and the problem will recede. When watering seedlings after planting in the ground, 500 milliliters of infusion is used for each well, as the plant grows, the dosage is tripled.

      After the gravy for onion peel broth, the plant should be watered well.

      It is very convenient to use onion peel for feeding cucumbers, is a double effect - fertilizer and protection from aphids and other pests.

      For the cultivation of carrots or potatoes, chopped onion peel can be added directly to the well or ditch before planting. Plants will be well protected from pests and will receive an excellent feeding.

      Use for indoor plants

      This is an excellent fertilizer for indoor plants. It is better to use onion decoction at the rate of a small handful of husk and 1500 milliliters of warm water. The solution is boiled for about 7 minutes, then cooled and filtered. And the miracle tool is ready.

      Used for spraying the surface of leaves and spillage of the top layer .Such processing of indoor plants will allow them to saturate them with minerals and vitamins, as well as provide reliable protection against diseases and parasitic microorganisms.

      Excess broth should not be stored in the refrigerator until the next use. He has a habit of rotting.

      Watering and processing of home flowers should be no more than once every two weeks. Such care will strengthen the plants, allow them to fully develop and grow.

      Spraying plants with decoction of onion peel

      Features of the use of onion scales in the garden

      The collection of this useful fertilizer can be carried out throughout the year , the main thing is that the onion peel remains dry otherwise the process of decay begins. To store it, you can use a regular cardboard box, a net for storing vegetables, or any other container that will provide adequate ventilation.

      Husk is afraid of moisture, so you need to choose a dry place protected from direct sunlight. Carefully collecting onion scales every day, you can provide yourself with high-grade fertilizer for the entire summer season.

      If normal storage conditions have been created for storing scales, they will not lose their valuable properties over the course of several years.

      When preparing the solution, you need to understand that each onion variety differs in its composition of useful substances, which is reflected in the onion peel components. Therefore, it is not necessary to strive to maintain exact proportions for the preparation of infusion.

      The husk has a special component - quartzine, it provides its bitter taste. Infusion can be diluted as long as this bitterness is felt. If it disappeared, the concentration of the solution is very low and will not benefit the plants.

      Freshly prepared solution has the greatest benefit, so do not store the broth for more than a day. You should not throw out the remaining meal after filtering broth, there are still a lot of useful substances. Better dig it under fruit trees or shrubs.

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