To dishwasher properly cope with their responsibilities, it is necessary not only to comply with the rules of operation, and regularly look after the equipment. Otherwise, you may encounter such troubles, as the smell of mustiness, fatty plaque mold. And in particularly severe cases - and c breakdown of the equipment.
All about how to clean the dishwasher at home and extend its life, you will learn from us the proposed article. We have described in detail the methods and steps care dishwasher, listed on the means-tested practice. Given our advice, you eliminate any problems with the operation of the machine.
The content of the article:
Mechanical cleaning stages
- Flushing drain and water inlet filter
- Check the condition and cleaning sprayers
- Cleaning the housing and seals
Elimination of fat, mold and limescale
- The use of finished chemicals
- An alternative to the purchased assets
- Tips on care and maintenance of
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Mechanical cleaning stages
While many modern models of dishwashers has a function of self-cleaning, it does not prevent the need to periodically wash the filters and other elements of the machine.
Even professional products for appliance maintenance may not be enough when it comes to clog or operation with hard water. Therefore, collateral work perfectly dishwasher - a comprehensive and timely care.
Flushing drain and water inlet filter
At any draining dishwasher present a multi-task - to prevent runoff obstruction pieces of food and other debris.
But even if you diligently follow the manufacturer's recommendations and in front of each boot rub ware cloths to remove the remains of products reason for stopping the device does not complete a full wash cycleMay become fat or plaque from hard water.

Clean the filter should be at least 1-2 times a week, as fine mesh can become clogged even insoluble particles of detergent powder or salt, and then the machine will display an error drainage work
, Act as a filter to get to:
- Turning off the dishwasher.
- Removing the lower basket, we collect the remaining water at the bottom of the appliance with a sponge.
- At the bottom of the housing near the spray is a circular recess - and positioned therein a filter that It consists of a metal membrane for fine cleaning, the plastic cup with large holes and inner mesh.
- The new dishwasher for this item provides easy removal - simply pull up or unscrew counterclockwise. But in older models 7-10 years old may need a screwdriver, pliers and other hand tools in the arsenal of DIY.
- From the very opening under the filter is necessary to remove the water with a sponge and explore niche for contamination - worth any solid particles of waste to get through the protection filter, they can damage or break pump.
- To ascertain the efficiency of the impeller pump, it is possible to unscrew the screw with a screwdriver, to remove the cover plate and gently rotate the blade. If they rotate easily and foreign objects were found - you can collect back. Otherwise it is necessary to disassemble the pump design.
- Then, all parts are cleaned of debris accumulations and washed with warm water with any degreasing solvent. If the filter is not very long ago cleaned, reticulum cell heavily clogged or glass covered with scum, you can Soak these elements for a few hours in a solution of vinegar, citric acid or a means for splash dishwasher.
Although the output filter - the most popular place accumulations blockages in complex mechanical cleaning of dishwashers and does not interfere to check the state of the intake hose. There may show accumulations of sand, rust particles and salts.

To get to the input filter, you need to cut off the water and remove the supply hose - is visible within the fine-meshed membrane
it is necessary to disconnect the inlet hose to clean the Gulf dishwasher (as well as wash it). Inside should be two filters: just behind the crane tee and at the entrance to the device itself.
Both mesh removed and washed with warm water. If they are damaged or heavily clogged, can be replaced by new ones - such consumables are inexpensive. After checking all filters collected in reverse order.
Check the condition and cleaning sprayers
Another problematic element that may incapacitate dishwasher - spraying system. While water supplied from the hose already purified of coarse inclusions, the fine particles of sand and calcium salts easily pass through the inlet filter cell.
Also, water with high hardness can damage gum seal on rotating yokes, so it is desirable to inspect their state is not less than 1 time per month.

To clean the clogged nozzle vane can use toothbrushes, thin slices wire or ordinary toothpick, only need to act carefully so as not to push dirt deeper into openings
The principle of cleaning nozzles:
- Get the upper basket with attached thereto a yoke.
- Fold blade latch and remove sprinkler.
- Remove the lower rack and remove the lower beam - usually enough to crank rocker anticlockwise and pull it up, keeping the piece in the middle.
- Inspect the condition of the seals (if necessary - replace).
- Rinse under running water blade, to clean the nozzles and the connecting nodes.
- Assemble the system again and make sure that the spray arms rotate smoothly and effortlessly.
Mount rocker arms have various models may vary, so you should consult before the first cleaning instruction not to accidentally break the latch.
How to clean the nozzles on the spray guns dishwashers Hansa, demonstrate video:
Cleaning the housing and seals
The inner wall of the basket and on the appliance door gum recommended wipe dry after each run. But not periodically disinfected and prevent these portions using special means permitted for use in dishwashers.
Particular attention should be paid to the joints and the area on the lower part of the door - they are almost not washed with water during the wash cycle, so here is a quick food debris accumulates and begins to decompose.

If not wipe moisture from the internal elements of the device and its airing duct, inside can settle odor or mold dampness
Not highly contaminated seal is enough to wipe with a soft cloth dampened with a cleaning solution, and in severe cases, you can help yourself to a toothbrush. But the spray means or a wet sponge to wash the door is not desirable that the liquid does not hit the electrical wiring or the castle.
Many housewives are household appliances for cleaning household means, for example, the same powder or lemon vinegar. But in the case of seals such savings is highly questionable - gum can harden or crack from dryness under the influence of acid, and the machine will begin to flow in the operation.

After the program you want to open a compartment for tablets / powder, rinse it from detergents, wipe or leave open until completely dry
Baskets with a dried food residues can be first soaked in warm water for a few hours, then wash with soapy water tight non-metallic brush. However, this task copes and self-cleaning function, if it is provided in the device. Before you install inside the box all the elements should be cleaned with tap water and wipe dry.
Elimination of fat, mold and limescale
If you notice that the dishes or the inner walls of the device appeared whitish plaque any of the boxes was the bad smell - an urgent need to be taken for the cleaning of the machine.
And here will be the best assistants ready solutions made machine manufacturers. Useful and handy tools that are sure to find in the kitchen of every housewife.
The use of finished chemicals
To wash the dishwasher and its internal elements inaccessible simple mechanical cleaning is recommended to run the device in any long-term cycle under a high temperature with the addition of cleaner.
But if on the inner surfaces of the dishwasher you notice yellow or rusty spots - the reason may be the high content of iron in the water. In this case, you have to install a special filter in the inlet pipe.
Fresh stains can be removed with a cloth impregnated with a means for clean stainless steel, but inveterate rust after washing with better anti-corrosion coating process.

Butylated Finish - a universal means for cleaning dishwashers, which is placed upside down in an empty tray, and the machine runs at a full cycle at the temperature of 65 degrees
The most popular chemicals for disinfection and cleaning of scale:
- Finish Machine Cleaner - under the influence of hot water membrane on the neck of the bottle is dissolved, and a means to actively cleans all available surfaces from grease, scum and odors.
- antiscaling composition - degreasing powder for removing limescale and scum on the internal components of the machine.
- FILTERO - liquid for dishwashers preventive cleaning of grease and scum.
- ELECTROLUX - liquid for removing fatty deposits and small food debris and powder to deal with scum, and flavor.
These drugs work on a similar principle - they are placed in empty the dishwasher, then the device include at 45-90 minutes at a high temperature. Once again it is recommended to start washing in vain, already in a short cycle, that is guaranteed to remove all traces of chemicals, and wipe the surface with a soft cloth.

An illustrative example of excellent professional work tools - dishwasher inner surface before and after cleaning with Finish Machine Cleaner
Besides it is possible to use sprays and specialized fluid recommended for cleaning and polishing stainless steel walls of the dishwasher, and for struggle with unpleasant smells - aromas, which are hung on a basket of the device and can be used for several cycles.
But add to preventive cleaning and degreasing liquid for cookware manufacturers do not recommend.
The fact that an increased foam could damage the internal components of the device, and trying to save run renovated. Therefore manually wipe surfaces in a soap solution is possible and necessary, but it is not necessary to run the machine with the addition of a foaming liquid.
An alternative to the purchased assets
Professional products are good to their balanced composition and integrated action on the three most common problems of machines - scale, and the smell of fatty plaque. But if you're looking for a way to quickly clean the dishwasher while saving - we offer a few recipes of inexpensive but effective ingredients.

Soda, vinegar and citric acid - the most famous mistresses helpers in the fight against limescale and rust stains fat film
To clean the machine, and along with the flow of fat is necessary to pour 1,5-2 cups of vinegar into a cup or bowl. Then, they should be placed in the top tray to the bottom pour soda and any long run mode.
And as soon as the water heats up - click on the pause and leave the unit for at least 30 minutes (but overnight is best). During this time, different stale debris and plaque softened and easily removed together with the dirty water.
Another versatile tool that will help remove traces of scale - citric acid. Its consumption depends on the engine capacity of the machine and the degree of soiling, but on average need about 150-200 grams. It works well at high temperatures, and to better effect - a forced stop unit 30 minutes to several hours.

Although lemon is really good powder removes limescale and cleans the nozzles in a cell for powder, a cleaning method highly controversial because strong acid may damage the seals instrument
There is a more gentle way - prepared from water and vinegar or lemon powder solution, pour it into any with a spray bottle and be used for manual cleaning of the internal walls of ducts and other surfaces with scum. Thus it is necessary to spray means carefully and make sure that it did not fall on the rubber elements, as well as on the skin.
Of soda tablets can be made "2 in 1", which will not only help clean the machine from grease and dirt, and freshen the air and a pleasant aroma.
Cooking method:
- The glass powder soda pour 10-15 drops of any essential oil and 1-2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
- Mix all the scapula - the mixture should be like damp sand.
- With the help of a spoon or shovel for ice cream to stick small balls.
- Decomposed prepared tablets at the bottom of the device.
- Run the dishwasher for a long cycle.
For best results, users recommend Add to basket more and a plate of 1-2 cups of vinegar.
Tips on care and maintenance of
Comprehensive cleaning of the machine is recommended at least 1 time per month, and wash the filter system - weekly.
But in order to reduce the amount of work during the general cleaning, be sure to take note of a few simple tips for regular care and maintenance of:
- Place the dishes in the trays in accordance with the manufacturer's layout. General recommendations, However, the same for all devices - pans, pots, pans with soot and other heavily soiled or large dishes are always placed at the bottom - there is an active washing. And glasses, cups and bowls need to turn upside down, so that they do not remain the remains of powder and water.
- Before loading the dishes, wipe off coarse dirt normal tissue.
- use refined salt in addition to the detergent powders or tablets, which include those already softener.
- After each cycle, remove coarse mesh filter and remove the accumulated debris.
- Check compartment detergentsThat it was not a powder or pieces of tablets.
Use only clean non-metallic objects and soft cloth - tough fibers can damage the protective coating boxes or baskets and give the "green light" rust.
Roller introduce features with household dishwasher cleaning means and with the preparation method:
In order not appeared musty odor always wipe internal elements after each run with a dry cloth and ventilate the device to the evaporation condensate.
One last tip - use the dishwasher at least 3-4 times a week. Paradoxically, but the longer the device is out of work, the less will be its life, because when such downtime often have problems with clogged with lime stone and unpleasant smells.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
To visually imagine volume forthcoming cleaning, especially internal recovery and purification elements of the dishwasher, we suggest to familiarize with a small selection of Video tips from the masters of home and experienced housewives.
Regular maintenance and preventive washing dishwasher systems:
As you can see, nothing complicated in the care of dishwashing equipment. But if the machine is not to indulge regular brushing, her gleaming walls quickly covered with bloom.
Score food debris filters and spray nozzle, in the seal dwell fungus, and key items will fail and require replacement. Do not forget about his assistant, or entrust it to specialists in the prevention of cleaning services.
Want to tell about how and by what means you take care of your own dishwasher? Has a unique technique or interesting information that is worth sharing with visitors to the site? Please write comments in the below box, ask questions on the topic of the article.