How to choose a compact dishwasher

Today we choose a compact dishwasher with your VashTehnik portal. There are embedded and freestanding models. We will choose from them. For those who think that the choice is simple, we recommend reading the text to the end. We will discuss the differences of the budget options from the expensive ones. Consider how to choose a compact dishwasher and do not miscalculate. Remember, maintaining and supplying consumables is more expensive than buying.

The first task devices - saving water and detergents. Secondarily, the host’s free time is saved. Gradually, the item will pay back the price paid.

Built-in or freestanding

It happens that there are no men's hands in the house, or it is unprofitable to change the furniture for the built-in models. In this case, a freestanding compact dishwasher. She has less trouble. To connect the necessary outlet, equipped with grounding, and a plumber is able to connect the device.

The extension cable must not be placed on the floor. If leakage occurs, a fire hazard may occur. As for the free-standing dishwasher, the connection is made in three steps:

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  1. Drain hose to the sewer.
  2. Bulk hose to the riser.
  3. Power Wiring.

Exceptionally in this sequence is connected communications. In case the intake valve is open, there is already a ready liquid outlet. Note that the process is not going according to plan and shut off the water in the area of ​​the riser.

An additional advantage of a free-standing machine is that it can be placed in the kitchen cabinet compartment. So small, that will climb anywhere( unlike washing).Here are the typical dimensions:

  • height 45 cm;
  • width 45 cm;
  • depth 45 cm.

Notice the slight upward deviations, thanks to them, the equipment is conveniently placed in place. Compact dishwashers, in contrast to washing machines, are suitable in size for any installation. Even inside the cabinet. The depth of the European kitchen furniture of the lower row is 60 cm, American - 67.5 cm. Compact dishwashers fit there without difficulty. The only drawback is that the board is not visible; when using it, it is necessary to open the cabinet door to control the process. We will not consider this a disadvantage.

The complete set of built-in dishwashers is complemented by a special panel under the countertop. Already said that the equipment becomes inside the compartment, but one nuance. Steam is constantly leaking from the door of the dishwasher. This is 100% damage to furniture. To prevent this from occurring, a special decorative front panel under the tabletop is attached. Closes the space exactly above the car door and the steam tabletop is not terrible.

Here is the main reason for the existence of embedded dishwashers: freestanding hurt furniture. And while protecting the spaces above the product, the cabinet door cannot be closed. It is allowed to install a free-standing dishwasher in an open shelf and protect the top edge of the compartment with an additionally purchased plate. It is recommended to do this with a number of Bosch models.

Built-in compact dishwashers are not as complex as full-size. Usually they do not have special metal brackets for fastening the product to the cabinet. Often comes in a set of decorative frame, partially eliminating the disadvantage. Compact built-in dishwashers, by and large, are simply placed in the compartment, equipped with a protective panel on top, and decorated with slats around the perimeter. Embedding under the power of the average housewife.

Please note that in the store we will meet compact dishwashers under the sink height of 60 cm. This is a special size, seen from Bosch or Siemens. Passes under the kitchen sink without inconvenience. But the compartment door will have to be refitted. Inside, the cabinet is finished with a vapor barrier to protect it from moisture. Otherwise, you will have to shred the door to bring the front of the dishwasher out. Who is the furniture with a sink, understand what is at stake.

Installation Instructions

Make sure that the installation instructions are included in the package, or it can be found on the Internet. Without a document, it is extremely difficult to carry out the technological steps correctly. It may happen that the product does not work or the cabinet is flooded.

As a rule, the dishwasher kit does not provide for hinged panels, the scale of the drawing is not so important. Just pick and print on paper for convenient use.

Finally, the main question is what an installation drawing is. Who saw comics, he will understand what it is about. In the black and white pictures in the drawings of the drawing accurately depicted the sequence of steps to make a successful installation. The numbers of technological operations, parts from the kit, and details in enlarged circles are given on this drawing. Below is a list of spare parts, purchased separately to change the installation option.

There are usually two groups. For example, a built-in compact dishwasher is placed in the floor area or on a shelf hanging from above. Conditions are different. This also applies to the size of the compartment for installation, and the placement of the drain hose.

Download the instructions on the manufacturer's website, it is possible to ask the members of the forum. It is easier, of course, to find a dishwasher in the complete set, but there are cases when the dealer seizes these drawings in order to impose installation services( either on their own or on a partner).

Compact Candy Dishwashers

Compact Candy Dishwasher CDCF 6 has attracted the price of 6,800 rubles. This is a record. Cheaper is just not there. For this money, you can wash 4 sets of dishes or perform a half load. And this is the second record. None of the dishwashers seen is taken for 6 plates and four glasses. But true miracles await further. The dishwasher does not have to buy a set of dishes. A number of models at a time require downloading 10 sets.

There are no special functions in this machine, but it is possible to use 3 in 1 tools. The manufacturer counts on them. After all, the water hardness tester is not available, but there are no strips for measuring the parameter manually, for further recording the value in the programmer. These actions are not even envisaged. Salt will be consumed in the amount indicated by the electronics. Without preliminary terrain data. I would say that it is suitable for the Far East with soft water, where salt is not needed.

Detergent powder is dosed by hand. The hostesses will have to develop an eye or use the 3 in 1 means. There is no talk of a water purity sensor, you have to rely on yourself, not on electronics. On the other hand, a rinse aid dispenser is integrated, which changes the cross section of the fluid outlet path into the compartment. So, you will see a chance to gradually adjust the dishwasher as needed.

It is not specified whether the machine is able to recognize the used means 3 in 1.

Dishwashers compact desktop Candy CDCF 6 - the obvious "champions": they do not have protection against leaks.

Electrolux ESF 2210 DW Dishwashers

For comparison, let's look at the differences between the Swedish Electrolux. First of all, the price. Twice as much as the one that stood for Candy. We have the opportunity to score water hardness in the program, which means we get a chance to avoid divorces. Measure this parameter will have to manually. The rinse aid dispenser is also present, the powder is recommended to be used according to the instructions.

The noise level is the same but provided partial protection against leakage. Electrolux compact ESF 2201 DW dishwasher will fit inside 6 sets of dishes, but there is no half load option. Means 3 in 1 are suggested to be used with simultaneous shutdown of the ion exchanger with salt and the rinse aid dispenser. It is recommended to apply long programs, for a short tablet it may not dissolve by 100%.

Higher device class. If in the previous case they had the same letter B, the specified equipment operates at the highest level. A little lame drying, but experts recommend not paying attention to it when choosing. Let the difference be doubled, we believe that the victory was left for Sweden. Do not forget to choose a 3 in 1 tool according to the water hardness for the terrain of the machine.

We are confident that, following the advice given, the reader will achieve excellent results with the Kandy dishwasher.

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