What to plant in the garden in the second half of summer on the vacant beds

One of the principles of gardening: we harvest the first crop - we prepare the second. So what to plant in the garden in June-July-August after harvesting vegetables, for example, after radishes? The growing season in the Kuban is quite long. This allows you to get at least two crops of some vegetables. I always look with regret at the empty garden bed of radish or podzimniy onions, which was harvested on the greens for the first spring salad.

  • Salad
  • Peas- August, is not limited to radish, daikon seeds, about which we know. ↑ to the contents ↑


    First of all, these are salads that you should have on your table all year round. By the way, salads are such cultures that can be sown throughout the summer with an interval of 10-15 days.

    Leaf Lettuce This is an ordinary lettuce - leafy, headed or half-leaved varieties and hybrids that we used to see on our beds in early spring. I must say that not all varieties of lettuce work out well during summer sowing. Some varieties quickly grow coarse and go to color. Therefore, pay attention to the description on the back of the bag of seeds. Usually they write: this variety is suitable for summer sowing. These varieties are suitable for planting in July and August. I advise the semi-spear variety Azart - it is neutral to the length of the day, the early leaf salad Gourmet is resistant to tsvetushnosti, the leaf variety Red-leaf summer is suitable for growing throughout the summer.

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    Watercress springs

    These are different varieties of watercress, which can be grown not only in open ground or in greenhouses, but even on a windowsill. The best summer in the open ground to sow late varieties of cress. They are more resistant to bolting. Watercress crops in August are the most magnificent, the most delicious. I advise the late ripening variety Accord.

    Arugula - a popular salad

    This is a salad of rucola, which has recently become increasingly popular. It is better to sow in August, as it is a short day plant.

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    In addition to salads, in the second half of summer, cabbage can be sown. But mid-season, late-ripening varieties are not suitable for summer sowing. If for some reason you have failed seedlings of late ripening varieties, then do not despair - everything can be fixed in the middle of summer. Choose early-ripe varieties or even ultra-ripe. They are grown at this time by direct sowing in the ground. Seeds will germinate quickly if you keep the bed wet for this period. Spill the bed well before sowing, cover with spunbond, lutrasil, and agrospan with a score of 30 to trap moisture in the soil. Heads of cabbage will be ready in September.

    Of course, this cabbage is not intended for winter storage, for long-term storage. But for pickling or short storage, it is quite suitable. These are hybrids like Nazomi F1, Kazachok F1.Sow cabbage on the released garden after the onion. After the radish cabbage sowing is not recommended.

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    Peas, asparagus beans

    You can grow vegetables such as peas, asparagus beans when you sow in the garden in summer. When sowing, it is desirable to use the bush varieties of asparagus beans, which give a small compact bush with simultaneously ripening fruits - Sachs without fiber 675, Dewdrop. These varieties are not intended for the production of grain beans, but for the production of blades. It will grow well after radishes, onions, lettuce.

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    Carrots, beets

    Few people know that in the second half of summer( end of July), vegetables such as carrots and beets can be sown to produce tender young root vegetables in September-October. Of course, they are also not intended for long-term storage - this is, so to speak, a delicacy.

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    Radish variety Margilan

    And, of course, the second half of summer is the time for sowing different varieties of radish. Among them are recently popular daikons, Chinese, Japanese, our usual black Russian radish. The only requirement for summer radish sowing is to observe crop rotation. Do not sow radish after radish, cabbage - they have the same pests.

    The best predecessor for radish is a cucumber. All radishes need a large supply of nutrients in the soil, and a lot of organic material is usually added to the cucumber when sown. They love loose, light soil, as some varieties form roots up to 30-40 cm long. Do not dig the seeds. On the one hand, seed germination slows down, and on the other hand, fruits form deeply, it will be hard for you to remove them from the ground. Due to the deep sowing, shoots are very sparse, but the radish crops should not be thickened. Radish is a large plant. When sowing, keep a distance of 30-40 cm between rows and 20-30 cm between plants.

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    Radish, dill

    And more. Do not forget that in the second half of the summer, to the vacant beds in the garden, more specifically, at the end of August, you can sow the same radish in order to enjoy the fall with juicy root crops. Radish can be sown in between rows of strawberry or on the vacant space after harvesting onions.

    Dill sown in August-September is always juicier, more luxuriant, sown in spring.

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    Treatment of vacant beds

    If you do not intend to occupy the vacated beds with other vegetable plants, then take care of the preservation of the fertility of these plots or the return of this fertility, if it was missing.

    If you have found mushroom or bacterial diseases in your beds( and they are now found almost everywhere), then when digging and tillage, use Fitosporin. Spill the vacated area before digging with a solution of Fitosporin. This is a good protection against fungal, bacterial diseases.

    Now there are new drugs to protect plants from these diseases. This is Phosphatovit and Azovotov - microbiological fertilizers, restoring microflora, fertility of depleted soils. These drugs are also useful in areas that have alkalinity. They help plants to assimilate nitrogen and phosphorus from soil, even in salt marshes. In these preparations, you can soak the seeds, tubers. They have been used in professional circles for several years already, and among summer residents they are almost unknown.

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    Do not leave the carrionBe sure to collect the crumble, because, as a rule, it is the wormy fruit affected by apple, pear, plum moths. If you leave a carrion under a tree or fold it somewhere in a heap, it means that you will leave the pest to spend the winter on your plot. Be sure to take the drop from your garden or bury to a depth of at least 50-60 cm.

    Finally, I would like to know, and what do you put on the vacant areas in your garden? What can be planted in the garden at the end of summer?

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