Description and characteristics of late ripe cabbage sugar head

In a number of useful and accessible vegetable crops, cabbage occupies one of the leading positions. It’s hard to imagine a table without this vegetable, a real fount of vitamins: salads, pickles, snacks, first and second dishes of fresh and sauerkraut. The simplicity and ease of preparation, the possibility of long-term storage, irreplaceable wholesome and excellent taste and very low calorie content make it a favorite of adults and children.

A huge number of varieties allows a wide choice of hostesses, but many prefer the variety Sugar Loaf, the description and characteristics of which are presented below.

Table of contents

  • Description

    varieties This cabbage variety is deservedly popular among summer residents and gardeners. It belongs to the family of Cruciferous, late-ripening white-headed varieties. Sugar Loaf variety was selected by specialists from the Moscow-based Zedek company in 2008.Suitable for both large-scale production, and cultivation in personal plots.

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    A mature plant has a wide spreading rosette reaching 80 cm in diameter, up to 40 cm in height. The growing season and ripening period from germination to full technical ripeness is on average 130-160 days. The weight of ripened cabbage head from 2 to 4 kg ( maximum - up to 6.5 kg).

    Cabbage grade sugar head

    Leaves of light green color with a strong wax bloom of a gray shade, a round form, large sizes, weakly bubbly with slightly wavy edge. The leaf of a ripe head is very juicy, soft( there are no pronounced hard veins), crisp and sweet( the content of organic sugar is much higher than in all known varieties of cabbage), with a high content of vitamins and microelements.

    The head of Sugar Sugar has a smooth rounded shape, partially covered with a sheet, in the section it is a sparkling white color, the flesh is very dense( density is 4.1 points for a 5-point system). Inside the stump is short( up to 7 cm), outside - of medium length.

    To make this kind of cabbage completely sweetened and absolutely not bitter, it is recommended to harvest the crop after the second frost.

    It is best to eat and pickle a vegetable a month after harvest - cabbage improves its taste, becomes completely sweet and does not taste bitter.

    The main advantages and disadvantages of

    Cabbage The sugar head is perfect for fresh consumption, salting and saucing
  • high content of vitamins and trace elements - B1( thiamine), B2( riboflavin), B9( folic acid), C, PP, iodine, phosphorus, fluorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese;
  • excellent keeping quality - stored until May-June, without being rotted, retaining useful properties, improving( !) Taste indicators of quality;
  • keeps marketable well, as cabbage heads are resistant to cracking;
  • ; the variety is resistant to such common diseases as kila, fusarium, bacteriosis;
  • has good seed germination .

Of the drawbacks, it is possible to note only not the highest yields of - about 6 kg per square meter.

Soil preparation and seedling growing

Cultivation is done through seedlings. Sowing seeds of late ripening varieties is best done in the beginning - middle of April. Place the seedlings on the windowsill or sow directly into the open ground under the film. The soil for seed germination should warm up to 15-17 degrees, sowing density - 5x5 . See Before sowing, soak for 12 hours in potassium humate solution, then rinse and lightly dry.

Treatment of cabbage seeds before planting

The soil should be well fertilized with humus, urea, potash fertilizers. For growing seedlings at home, you can prepare containers with special mixtures:

  • 20-25% turf ground, 70% peat, 5% sand;
  • half of the composition - sod, up to 45% - humus, 5% sand.

Planted in open soil seedlings after the appearance of 4 leaves, approximately in late May - early June.

Before planting, the cabbage needs to be hardened - carried out on the balcony for a few hours, or opened at the sunny time of the day.

Cultivation of cabbage Sugar head in open ground

In order to plant cabbage seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to prepare it well and to follow some simple rules:

  • can not be planted cabbage on the last year planting ground of , you should not cook potatoes, planted potatoes, and you should cook potatoes, planted vegetables, planted potatoes should not be planted on the last year's planting ground, .pumpkin;
  • suitable soil composition - weakly or neutral.

Sugarloaf loves well lit, sunny places to grow. In the fall, the bed for cabbage needs to be dug up, and in the spring - to loosen and apply organic fertilizers( per 1 sq. M - 10 l + 2 glasses of wood ash). In each well, you can fall asleep on the 2 table.spoons of superphosphate and 1 spoon of urea. Seedlings should be removed from each other not less than 60x60 cm, buried in the ground before the first sheets and pour 0.5 liters of water into each well.

Peculiarities of

care During the growth process, plants are recommended to be fed with organic fertilizers 2-3 times( manure + water in a ratio of 1: 5). After the appearance of 10-12 leaves, cabbage should be spud, it will strengthen the root, will contribute to the emergence of new side roots.

Cabbage seedlings In the period of active growth, the sugar head consumes nutrients intensively.

Watering the sugar head is better not very often - 1 time in 20 days, but abundant. The soil should not dry out, but it is not worth re-moistening. The most abundant watering - during the formation of the head. After watering or rain, the soil should be loosened, weeds removed.3-4 weeks before harvesting, watering is stopped to avoid cracking the heads of the cabbage.

Diseases of culture, methods of control and prevention

Cabbage variety Sugar head is resistant to many common diseases, but in the case of improper growing methods, unfavorable weather conditions there is the possibility of infection.


Cabbage root affected by Kiel's disease

Fungal disease, for the prevention of which is necessary to observe crop rotation, remove weeds, to bring lime into the soil before planting, destroy infected specimens.


Fusarium wilting cabbage

Yellowing of the leaves between the veins, staining of the veins in brown is usually clearly visible on the cut. Affected plants should be removed, for preventive purposes, the soil should be treated with copper sulfate, sprayed with Agat-25, Immunocytophyte.


Vascular bacteriosis of cabbage

Black veins of the leaves, the edges turn yellow, the affected leaves die off. Spraying of seedlings with Fitolavin 300, rejection of infected and weak specimens helps well.

The main condition for obtaining a healthy crop is the mandatory crop rotation and proper care for the crop.


As already mentioned, Sugar Loaf should be collected after 1-2 frosts, in late September - October( depending on the climatic conditions of the growing area). For storage, select healthy cabbage without cracks or damage. Trim the outer stump, leaving about 4 cm. Store in a dry place, on shelves, racks or in wooden boxes at 0 degrees. In such conditions, your cabbage will remain until the end of May.

Compliance with the simple rules of agricultural technology will allow you to get a rich healthy crop of wonderful vegetables. All winter you can enjoy dishes and salads from a delicious, sweet, very healthy and dietary garden crop.

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