Detailed description and characteristics of cucumber Amur f1

Cucumbers are the most popular garden crop in the world. The growing demand for cucumbers does not allow breeders to stay in the invention of more and more new varietal varieties. Variety of vegetables under the mysterious and beautiful name Cupid was bred in the Netherlands and soon won love and recognition all over the world. This kind of culture was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in the 200th year.

Contents.Crop begin to collect in 37-40 days after disembarkation.

Varietal variety does not require pollination and is suitable for cultivation both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Bushes are vigorous, and their weak branching allows you to omit the process of forming the bush .In each node there are no more than 1-2 ovaries.

Fruits reach ripeness at the same time. Leaves are medium-sized, delicate green color, slightly wavy on the edge.

Culture can be grown in private households and cottages, and on an industrial scale.

4-5 bushes are planted in the open ground on one square meter, in the greenhouses - no more than 3 bushes.

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The variety does not require pollination and the formation of an

shrub. Fruiting is long-lasting , the most abundant crops are harvested in the first month of aging.

According to the description, the fruit is a regular cylindrical shape, wrinkling is weak. Vegetables neat and identical in size do not exceed 12 cm, and weighing no more than 110 grams.

Such characteristics allow using vegetables both raw in salads and cuts, and canned. Small and neat cucumbers look very nice in winter blanks.

Moreover, is a crack resistant fruit and does not form voids inside during heat treatment.

Tastes of fruits are excellent : they are juicy and sweet, fragrant and crunchy. And the ultra early harvest periods allow you to get enough of ripe, tasty fruits in the earliest periods after long winter cold.

Crop yield is high. With sufficient and proper care, up to 14 kg of ripe fruits of excellent quality can be collected from one square meter.

Commercial appearance is excellent, which allows you to grow vegetables for their own needs, and for sale.

The hybrid also has excellent cold-resistance and drought-resistant characteristics .

Genetically, vegetables are endowed with resistance to various diseases: powdery mildew and downy powdery mildew, cladosporia, a mosaic virus, root rot.

The yield is high, the presentation and taste are excellent

The advantages and disadvantages of cucumbers

The variety variety has many advantages :

  1. Ultra early ripening time.
  2. High yield.
  3. Versatility in the use of vegetables.
  4. The possibility of growing both in open ground and in greenhouses.
  5. Easy to grow without forming bushes.
  6. Unpretentious care.
  7. Drought tolerance and cold resistance.
  8. Excellent presentation.
  9. Excellent taste of the fruit.
  10. Long fruiting periods and long vegetable storage periods.
  11. Excellent transportable capabilities.
  12. Lack of bitterness in the fruit.
  13. Resistance to various diseases.

Disadvantages of this culture are absent.

Variety advantages: early ripening and easy maintenance, long fruiting and storage

Cultivation features of

It is possible to grow this variety of from seed as well as the seedling method .

When growing from seedlings, it is necessary to take into account such an important feature as vulnerability and seedling sensitivity.

Any variety of cucumber cannot boast of strong and powerful seedlings, therefore, choosing such a planting method, it is necessary to plant the seeds immediately in separate cups, pick the shoots very poorly.

is planted in the open soil of the seedlings, when 3-5 true leaflets appear on the seedlings.

It is necessary to plant the seeds immediately in separate cups, pickling shoots tolerate very badly.

Growing this variety from seeds will not cause much trouble. Seed planting gives excellent germination.

Fruits ripen a little later than with the seedling method. But not always. Sometimes it happens that weak seedlings take root for a long time and the ripening period coincides with the vegetables planted with the seeds directly into the soil.

To ensure good germination of seeds, they should be carefully prepared. First, seeds should be soaked in manganese solution.

Then soaked seed is germinated in fabric or gauze bags moistened with warm water. And already germinated seed material for some time endured to moderate cold.

Soil Requirements

Cucumbers like well-fertilized, loose, moderately loamy soil. To ensure excellent yield, you should take care of the site from the fall.

For this, one should carefully remove the area from last year’s weeds and plants and fertilize it. Any organic matter from is suitable as a fertilizer: mullein, chicken manure, peat.

If you can not feed the soil in the fall, you can do it in the spring. For spring dressings, use only the ashes of organic .

The ground must also have good breathability.

From the autumn, you need to remove the area from last year’s weed and plants and fertilize it with organic

. Seeding rules

The seeds are planted in open soil, deepening them by 2-3 cm.

To ensure germination, 3-4 seeds are thrown into each well. Then, if all have risen, they need to be thinned out.

Plants are planted in open ground when night frosts have completely receded. If, however, there is a threat of small frost at night, you should cover the area with agrofibre.

Plant Care

Like any type of cucumber, Cupid loves cleanliness and order. In the process of growing an crop, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds and loosen the soil of the .

Watering needs regular and timely .It is necessary to carry it out in the evening, separated by warm water.

Do not use a full irrigation plant, it is best when the water does not fall on the leaves, and falls under the root. But it is also important to prevent excessive stagnation of water under the roots.

Fertilizing plants need throughout the growing season. You can feed every two weeks with .

Suitable for these purposes as organic and mineral fertilizers: superphosphate, potash funds. Only chlorine-containing preparations should be avoided.

Do not use a full irrigation plant, it is best when water does not fall on the leaves, and falls under the root

Diseases of culture

This type of cucumber is positioning itself as very resistant to various diseases and pests.

But if the plant is still damaged, to eliminate the problem, you must use the tools intended for this, which can be purchased at any specialized store.

As a prophylaxis of root rot, plants must be tied up.

Harvesting and storage rules

The crop must be harvested at least at least 3 times a week. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the ovary.

Store the fruit must be in the refrigerator, or in any cool room.

The crop must be harvested at least 3 times a week.

The Amur is a very productive and unpretentious variety of cucumber, growing which you will provide yourself and your family with tasty and flavorful vegetables.

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