Proper cultivation of cucumbers in the open field

Cucumbers are a popular vegetable in our country, so every gardener, regardless of the size of the plot, loves to grow cucumbers in his garden. But even with the same climatic features, the yield is different for everyone. The whole secret is in the care when growing cucumbers, planting must comply with the rules.

If you follow the proper agricultural practices, plant according to the advice regarding the predecessor crops and take care of them properly, then getting a good crop even from seed will be easy for a beginner.

.asD.dein outdoor cultivation of cucumbers

In general, care for a crop is not difficult, but given the climate of regional features, there are many nuances that are necessarydimo know

The main requirements for growing cucumbers include:

  • Only healthy seeds that have been prepared are selected for planting;
  • soil to sow should be loose and slightly acidic;
  • planting of seeds and seedlings is carried out in a strictly allotted time in compliance with the temperature regime;
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  • During the growing season, 3-4 weeds and loosens the soil;
  • regularly irrigates the beds with warm water( 10-14 liters per 1 m2);
  • fertilizers and fertilizing are introduced according to the schedule, the nutrient consumption rates cannot be changed;
  • beds should be located on the sunny side of the , but not in the draft;
  • when planting seedlings to prevent thickening;
  • timely monitor the condition of the plants and the degree of soil moisture;
  • for identified problems instantly carry out processing of the culture.
Cucumber beds should be located on the north side of the

. Cultivating methods for

There are quite a few options for growing greens. Among the most well-known methods: in open ground, greenhouse, on the balcony, in a barrel, etc.

When cultivating vegetables in open beds, the method of seeding and planting of seedlings is used.

How to plant seeds on the bed

Sow the seeds need at certain temperature indicators, otherwise shoots may not appear. An important point is the preparation of soil and seeds .The quality of the work done depends not only on how they can germinate, but also on the intensity of the development of seedlings.

After the formation of 3-4 leaves, thin the frequent beds, leaving the strongest seedlings. At the stage of germination and growth of shoots, it is important to provide with sufficient moisture, good illumination and fertilizer with any nutrients that help the plant grow.


The seedling method is used to obtain early crop and to protect young shoots from spring frosts. Grown seedlings in the greenhouse or home conditions are transferred to the bed is already strong. The root system of them, though weak, takes root quickly in the new environment.

It is important not to damage the sensitive root when transferring seedlings to the hole.

Before planting sprouts in open ground must be adapted on the street, abrupt changes in habitat and temperature can destroy them.

Scourge can be placed in the spread and on the trellis. Depending on the method chosen, the spacing between bushes and rows should be kept. In the absence of a garter, the stalks should have enough space for laying on the bed.

Garter of cucumbers on a trellis grid

Where it is better to plant cucumbers to get a good crop

Culture comes from India, so a hot, humid climate is ideal for it. The structure of the scourge itself points to the need for a garter on the trellis.

The bed thus arranged is protected from fungal infections with an abundance of rain and from the scorching rays of the sun. Fruits find shade under the massive leaves of the plant. However, it is worth remembering that the scorching sun is also dangerous for cucumbers, burns can occur on the greenery.

Considering the climatic features, it is necessary to provide for partial shading of bushes or partial shade. This is easy to do by planting maize, sunflower or short grapes in the inter-row area. Scattered light to the plant will be more useful.

With all the love for moisture, you should not choose a plot in the valley for sowing cucumbers. With heavy rainfall and high groundwater levels, plants are threatened with fungal diseases due to overwetting. Much better place on the hill, where to control the degree of soil moisture is much easier.

Land preparation for planting

It is better to prepare a place for a cucumber patch in advance to eliminate unpleasant surprises.
Digging of beds from the fall - a mandatory procedure

At the end of the season, all plant residues and debris from are removed from the area. For larvae of pests and other microorganisms, they are of great interest. In such an environment, parasites overwinter and by the spring already replenish colonies with a new generation.

In order to eliminate this possibility, it is recommended that in addition to the cleaning, it is necessary to dig up the ground ( immersion depth not less than 25 cm).Make it better before the most frost to prevent the parasites from finding a new refuge. Also, autumn work includes the introduction of fertilizers to increase the fertility of the soil. This process can be combined with digging.

In the spring, the section is again dug up and the is necessarily decontaminated. To do this, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water.

Cucumbers respond very well to this type of fertilizer, like manure. It can be introduced both in the autumn and in the spring for 2-3 weeks before disembarking( 8-10 kg per 1 m2).To stimulate the growth of young shoots, nitrogen and potassium phosphate substances( 25 g of potassium salt, 40 g of superphosphate) are introduced into the soil.

To protect cucumbers from pests, the soil is planted by Aktellik

before planting. In the process of preparing the soil for the new season, the future garden bed must be treated with special wood ash or special preparations protecting it from pests( Fitoverm, Aktellik).

How to plant in the soil

Growing greens with seeds requires the following rules:

  • sowing time is selected taking into account the favorable temperature conditions( end of May - beginning of June);
  • seeds must be treated before planting;
  • soil should be decontaminated and fertilized;
  • beds are better positioned side east to west;
  • planting scheme - 20x100 or 60x80 ( depending on the growing method);
  • seed immersion depth - 2-3 cm.

Rules for growing seedlings:

  • seed should be trained( sorting, soaking, disinfection);
  • The soil also needs to be sanitized and enriched with nutrients;
  • is ideal for the cultivation of seedlings to use a substrate of turf land, mullein and humus( 2: 1: 7);
  • for the fertilizer of the soil are made of the substance( 30 g of ammonium nitrate or urea, 20 g of superphosphate, 6 g of potassium salt, 30 g of lime per bucket of soil);
  • temperature regime after sowing - 12-15 degrees;after the seedlings managed to ascend at first several days, it is observed 20-25 degrees, then the temperature is reduced - during the day to 20-22 degrees, at night to 15 degrees;
  • 10 days after emergence of seedlings, seedlings are fed with slurry( 1: 1) with the addition of 20 g of superphosphate to the mixture bucket;
  • daily is hardened in the fresh air a week before transferring shoots to the open ground;
  • for the prevention of seedlings treated with epin or immunocytophyte.

Proper care for the seedlings

The rules for the care of the cucumber beds are very clear. Among the main conditions - creation of a moist environment. .This is regulated by watering.

Ideally used for sprouting sprinkling or drip irrigation .The use of a hose can damage the immature roots with a strong jet. A small area can be shed spray. The rate of water per 1 m2 is 10-14 liters.

Regularity of procedures - 1 time in 7 days with average air humidity, 1 time in 5 days at temperatures above 28 degrees.

Only warm, settled water is used to water the beds. The use of cold liquid adversely affects the development of the plant.
When taking care of cucumber shoots, it is ideal to use drip irrigation.

. The intensity of development and the formation of a large lash require a lot of power, so you can not ignore the introduction of dressings. After the first sprouts appear on the soil surface, the first top dressing is applied: 10 g of potassium salt, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate are taken for 10 liters of water.

With the second feed , the bed is enriched after 2 weeks, having doubled the amount of dissolved fertilizers. When applying fertilizers, avoid contact of the working solution and the green part of the crop.

To protect cucumbers from rotting and pests it is recommended to periodically conduct weeding .This procedure is usually combined with loosening, which provides free access of oxygen to the soil and prevents the formation of stagnant moisture in the soil. The first weeding is done after forming 4-5 leaves on the shoots.

Spring weather is often unpredictable, therefore, after sowing, the bed is covered with agrofiber.

The film must be removed during the day, and the shelter must be restored again at night. So late frosts will not cause the death of seedlings.

Based on the information presented, it can be concluded that creating favorable conditions for growing cucumbers is not difficult. Timely prevention will prevent damage to the plant by pests and various diseases. And thanks to the lure and irrigation cucumbers will be endowed with high taste.

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