Annual flowers blooming all summer - name and photo are the best options
Contemplation of flowers on a well-groomed flower bed always pleases the eye, gives positive emotions. Annual flowers that bloom all summer( the name and photo will be presented below) will delight you with their multicolor all season, from the beginning of spring - until the onset of the first cold weather.
Annuals for flowerbeds
Shade-loving annuals
Curly annuals
Annual flowers, not afraid of the heatThis is all quite realistic; moreover, you can plan and design your garden so that it looks different every year. The quality of annual flowers, which is valuable for a creative summer resident, makes it possible to decorate new floral arrangements annually. Flower Garden with annual flowers
Annuals have many advantages, you do not have to worry about how they will spend the winter, you can plan their location in advance on the site. If you correctly calculate the shades, the time of flowering of individual species, you can get a great result - flower beds, playing with all the colors, the aromas of summer throughout the season. Most of the annual flowers prefer sunny places, but there are some that are quite suitable for shade.
For these plants, the entire vegetation cycle takes place in one season, they develop rapidly and bloom profusely. The most unpretentious flowers for the flower beds that bloom all summer long are petunia, marigolds, sage, calendula, nasturtium. In most cases, flower beds have a given shape, certain boundaries: diamond-shaped, round, rectangular.
Most often the flowers on the flowerbed are located in one plane, but there are many-tier, raised, vertical options. At such places, very low-growing annuals look very profitable, they are planted singly or with tall flowers. Most often, they act as ground covers, fill empty places between, for example, roses or other cultural bushes.
Marigolds annuals Karina
Marigolds are characterized by long flowering, have a bright yellow-orange gamut with brown shades, they are unpretentious, grow equally well in sunny areas, as well as in the shade.
Universal pet Petunia shows a rainbow of shades, prefers sunny places. She loves warmth, blooms all season, but with the onset of the first cold weather ceases to grow.
Salvia Blue Salvia
Salvia is an unpretentious flower that combines well with other plants. Flowers have the form of candles, the range of shades is various, but candles of lilac, violet, pink, red shades look especially beautiful on flowerbeds. Science knows many varieties of salvia, it can also be perennial.
Salvia on a flowerbed
Calendula with yellow or orange volumetric colors stands out as a bright spot among its fellows. In addition to the remarkable decorative qualities, it is therapeutic, and its flowers with leaves can be used to prepare various dishes.
Calendula - annual flowers, photo:
Calendula ordinary
Nasturtium has many varieties, especially its terry varieties.
Nasturtium of different colors
Loves the light, the sun, but can also grow in the shade, although there it gives more lush foliage than inflorescences. Nasturtium flowers are bright orange, red, yellow.
Annual flowers that bloom all summer - Snapdragon( Antirrinum, "dogs") attracts attention with its unusual shape, color combination( pink with white, yellow, just white or pinkish).
One-year old snapdragon
It harmoniously looks when co-planting with other plants.
If you plant cynia, you will long admire its long flowering, one flower can “hold” for up to 35 days.
Zinnia - Annual
Even in cut form, she lives in a vase for a very long time, does not fade. The more fertile will be the soil in the flowerbed, the brighter will be the flowers, which can be both short and very tall. The color of the flowers in the zini can be monotonous or motley, she loves sunny places, warm.
Calceolaria is another representative of the flowers of an intricate form.
The buds of the dimorphology library are simple in appearance, but therein lies their charm. The flowers are shaped like a daisy, the height of the stems is about 30 cm, the color range is varied - purple, orange, white, pink, double-colored petals. Differs in plentiful long flowering, unpretentious, not particularly afraid of pests, diseases.
Dimorfoteka - annual flowers
Another popular representative loved by gardeners has a rich color palette. These soft blue, purple, red, white, blue and lilac bushes look great on flowerbeds, in hanging tanks, along the tracks. Unpretentious, loving light and moisture annual flowers to give. Photos and their name is well known to summer residents - Lobelia.
Nemofil( American forget-me-not) is not very common in our open spaces, requires regular fertilizing, notable for the fact that it can bloom during rains.
It has a delicate aroma, looks great in flower beds, thanks to its delicate, but noticeable color. Depending on the variety, it can be white, white and blue, it has purple, black or blue specks, edges on the edges( with a white flower).
Nemofila with specks
There are very dark purple nemofily, almost black.
Coreopsis - garden flowers annual flowers in size, smaller in height than perennials.
They are notable for abundant long flowering, they feel good in flowerbeds, in flowerpots, near the curbs, in general, anywhere. Well take root, absolutely unpretentious. The
Brahikom is a one-year-old, dense-growing, boasting all the shades of purple and lilac.
It is unpretentious, but feels most comfortable on fertile sandy soil. He loves the sun, but also blooms well in cloudy weather, heat-loving.
Annual flowers of dahlias - unpretentious, have an interesting feature, the lower - the faster they give color.
Annual Dahlias
The most common variety is “Jolly Fellows”.Low-growing, dwarf varieties are ideal for curbing, flower beds, bright flowers, different shades.
Just because of one fragrance, enchanting, unlike anything, it is worth planting on the Mattiola plot( night violet).
Mattiola - Night Violet
The genus Mattiol annuals has up to 20 different varieties of this fragrant plant. The flowers are small, thick, pale lilac, pink or dark purple hue. There are also white, pale yellow Mattiola( mattiola gray).It is easy to care for, blooms profusely, loves the sun, but also grows well in partial shade. The plant has an average height, blooms throughout the summer.
Garden annual balsam - a fairly tall plant( 50-70 cm) with large flowers that can be terry or semi-double.
Garden one-year balsam
Balsam colors are various: white, scarlet, pink, crimson flowers.
Datura or Datura
Krupnotsvetkovaya Datura - a real decoration of the garden, blooms with large white flowers shaped like a bell. Also found are red, blue, yellow varieties. It grows quickly, has abundant, long flowering. Datura is a tall plant( 1 m or more).
Mallow one-year
Mallow one-year-old is beautiful, noticeable, thanks to its size( from 30 to 120 cm) and bright terry flowers. Unpretentious to care, drought-resistant, if you pinch off faded flowers in time, you can significantly extend its flowering time.
From May to September cornflower blooms - an unpretentious plant of medium height, with thick small flowers of bright blue, pink, crimson, purple, white. Looks harmoniously in mixed flower beds.
Bellflower annual - undersized plant with light blue flowers. He likes sunny places, but he can grow in the shade, although he doesn’t bloom anymore. Blossoms from May to September.
Iberis snow white
Snow white Iberis( “bitter”) is one of the smallest annuals( up to 30 cm), sun-loving, but it feels good on shaded areas. Varieties of Iberis umbrella differ pale pink, lilac, purple hues.
Iberis содерж to content ↑
Shade-loving annuals
For the so-called "problem" places - under trees with a lush crown or spreading shrubs fit unpretentious annuals that prefer the shade. These flowers have dense foliage, rich in all shades of green. Their flowering is not as abundant as that of sun-loving fellows, but this factor does not detract from their beauty.
Cosmeia annual
Multi-colored bright Cosmeias - shade-loving annual flowers for flower beds, can create a joyful atmosphere even in shaded areas of the site. Kosmeya blooms for a long time, abundantly, looks like a daisy, the color gamut is replete with all shades of pink, crimson. Shaded areas noticeably “refresh” white cosme.
They love the shade of nasturtiums, forget-me-nots, marigolds, pansies, and mallows - their buds have rich colors, they feel comfortable in any weather. With bróvallia, fuchsia, lobelia, balsam, you can create bright and harmonious group plantings in shady places of the garden.
It is necessary to take into account that some shade-loving annual flowers for the garden do not respond well to direct sunlight, they are recommended to be planted in the darkest areas of the site.
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Curly annuals
Annuals curly flowers are very popular among gardeners and summer residents. Their beauty is not inferior to many years of representatives, they grow faster, require minimal care. In addition to visual appeal, they can decorate fences, country houses, used as protection from the sun above the gazebo. Curly flowers for the garden annuals( those species that are not afraid of drafts) can serve as a kind of shield from the wind for more vulnerable plants. If you have imagination, you can create amazing and rational design compositions.
Beauty Ipomoea prefers regular watering, sunlight, otherwise she’s unpretentious. Reaches three meters in one season.
Curly sweet peas love moist soil and sun, but not direct sunlight. The coloring is very diverse, blooms from July to November, reaches a height of 3 meters.
Nasturtium curly Nasturtium curly( annual) and liatris( perennial)
There is a variety of curly nasturtium( Nasturtium large) that grows up to 3 meters in length, Kobeya with large flowers-bells, Tunbergia winged with large orange flowers, with orange orange corals with large orange bells, Tunbergia with large orange flowers, with orange orange shade with large orange flowers. All of them belong to the climbing annual vines.
The ipomoea Kvamoklita pinnate( Ruby stars) looks very beautiful - it braids a large area with complexly dissected leaves, on which bright red flowers, shaped like stars, are arranged evenly, not very often.
Kvamoclitis pinnate( Ruby stars) содерж to the content ↑
Annual flowers, not afraid of heat
And the following information, I think, will be interesting to my countrymen, the inhabitants of Kuban. Last summer( 2017) was very hot here. Other regions complained about the cold summer, well, and we had the opposite. And in my beds, in the flower beds of many of my friends there was not much pomp. Some flowers refused to bloom, other flowers were unusually scanty, and still others simply survived in conditions of extreme heat - it was a pity to look at them.
Nevertheless, there were flowers that were not affected by the abnormally hot sun, or by rare, but heavy( in the full sense of the word) rain. But before I even blurted them out. These were the same year olds, but they sprang up self-sowing and grew not at all where I needed. That is, last summer showed that these annual flowers are very viable. In the conditions of last summer, only they abundantly bloomed and smelled.
This is mirabilis, fragrant tobacco and purslane. I will write briefly about each.
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This flower is necessarily present in the flower garden of my grandmother, then my mother and I also love him very much. True, in my childhood I did not know his real name, we all called him “night-time dawn”.And he fully justified its name. The flowers opened in the evening, stood open all night and only in the morning, closed at dawn. We had varieties with bright crimson flowers, but there are with white, yellow, pink and pale salmon petals. I saw even with flowers of different colors in one bush. At home, it is a perennial, in Kuban conditions it can survive the winter, and it can even freeze, but then around the frozen plant numerous shoots appear, of which only the strongest and healthiest remain. I think that in conditions of the middle lane it is definitely an annual. By the way, many people grow it at home on the windowsill.
Mirabilis very unpretentious plant. In addition to evening watering, easy loosening, removal of weeds, he received nothing from me last year, but he was almost the main decoration of the garden. Blossom to the cold. And they came to us almost in December.
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Fragrant tobacco
For me, fragrant tobacco is a flower that "planted and forgotten."This is an annual plant, but each year in spring in the same place new shoots appear. I can only limit its distribution throughout the garden. But to be honest, I'm not particularly zealous. Flowers of fragrant tobacco are not very noticeable, but in the evenings such an aroma spreads throughout the garden that you don’t want to get rid of “extra” plants. Also does not require special care. Only shoots can weed "weed", so the removal of weeds is mandatory at first. Then, when the plant rises up, no weeds are not afraid of him, because only the strongest and strongest survived the winter survive. By the way, in the spring I often transplant tobacco plants from the places where I don’t need it for empty bald spots in the flowerbed. Growing up, becoming a bushy bush, it not only closes the bare place in the flower garden, but also creates a wonderful background for low-growing plants.
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Portulak, this is also a flower from my childhood. Every summer I saw him in my grandmother's and in my mother's flower garden. We called him a "carpet" because he covered the ground by the paths in the front garden with a bright carpet. It was the purslane that gave the flower garden a certain completeness, completeness. What beautiful flowers have portulaca! .There are simple, there are terry or semi-double the most diverse colors. Portulaca blooms all summer, from June until frost. In the evenings, the flowers are closed, but in the morning they “burn”, like colorful lights in a flower bed. It is possible to sow the purslane only once and, thanks to the abundant self-seeding, it will please you every year. He likes sunny places, blooms badly in the shade or does not bloom at all. It grows well on sandy soils. But he also likes my black soil. I do not know how correct my observations are, but it seems better not to fertilize the purslane. Growing a purslane can even weeds survive. At least, I have never seen weeds in the place where it grows.
When choosing annual flowers for summer cottage, you can buy seedlings or seeds in specialized flower shops or supermarket departments. Today, the choice of sowing materials is so wide that it is not difficult to find the desired flower.
High representatives are excellent for decorating flowerbeds or mixborders, in mixed flower gardens they usually create a background. When planning the site design for the summer season, consider the combination of sizes( heights) of plants, their color range. Botanical requirements for soil moisture, lightness, fertilization should also be borne in mind. Sometimes species of plants with the same name can be both tall and short stunted. When buying seeds, read the enclosed information. Annual flowers that bloom all summer - the name and photo are always on the package. Try to keep crops that grow close to each other from an agrotechnical point of view.
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