8 diseases and 7 carrot pests

In order to grow a rich crop of carrots , it must be protected from various diseases and pests , otherwise plants may die or bear deformed fruits. In this review we will talk about the most common pests of this vegetable( carrot fly, aphid, listobloshka and others), the causes of the appearance of diseases on it, how to protect and fight them.


  • Diseases carrots, preventive and remedies
    • Gangrene Gangrène
    • White rot
    • Gray mold
    • Rhizoctonia
    • Alternaria
    • Bacteriosis
    • cercosporosis
    • Brown spot
  • Pests carrots, their control drugs and folk methods
    • carrot fly
    • psylla
    • Umbrella mol
    • Nakedslugs
    • Wireworm
    • Carrot aphid
    • Exclamation scoop
  • Prophylactic treatments of carrots for diseases and pests

Diseases of carrots, prophylactics and means of protection

There are many types of carrot diseases that can affect a plant during the entire period of its growth. The main task of the gardener will be to carry out

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prevention measures, or if the disease still hit the planting, it must be correctly identified and all necessary measures taken as soon as possible to save the plant.


Thomosis is differently called dry rot , which is caused by a dangerous fungus. The disease affects the plant in the final stages of the growing season. In the initial stages of the disease can be recognized by oblong spots of gray-brown color, which are located on the leaves or petioles.

Carrot fomoz or Dry rot

In addition to damage to the aerial part, fomoz actively develops on fruits and continues its activity during storage, especially when the crop is in a room with air temperature above 10 degrees. Initially, black-brown depressions with a whitish bloom appear on the upper part of the fetus, which gradually grow and affect the whole vegetable.

It is not possible to save the plant, since is almost impossible to cure the disease that has already appeared, , all diseased plants must be removed. As a means of prevention, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers before planting and timely remove the tops.

White rot

Carrots affected by white rot

The disease affects the fruits of carrots, which during storage become soft and gradually become covered with white fluffy bloom. The final stage of the development of the disease will be the appearance of a crust with black dots.

White rot spreads through the soil, so you need to promptly remove all weeds and follow all the rules for planting and caring for plants.

The fight against the disease occurs through enhanced application of potash fertilizers, spraying of plants with preparations containing copper in its composition. Also must regularly disinfect the storage room .

Gray rot

Gray or kagatnaya rot

This disease forms a wet rot on the fruit during storage and leads to a large yield loss. Initially, the carrot surface is soaked, after which it darkens and covers the entire area of ​​the fruit. After a while, a gray mushroom plaque appears on them.

To protect against the development of white rot, it is necessary to feed the soil with nitrogen fertilizers in time. periodically spray with 1% with a solution of Brodian .It is recommended to store the crop at a temperature of +2 degrees.


Risoctoniosis of carrots or felt rot

The most commonly referred to as this disease is felt rot, it affects the fruit both during active growth and after harvesting during storage I.Recognize the disease can be on the dark gray internal spots, which subsequently formed a felt bloom of purple hue. At the last stage, black spots appear.

Treatment of the disease is carried out by spraying plantings with chemicals containing copper oxychloride.


Black rot( Alternaria)

The second name of the disease is black rot. The disease can occur at any stage of plant development. On the young carrots, the main feature is the blackening of the stem. On adult plants, you may notice a twisting of the leaves, which eventually turn yellow and dry. Petioles limp and lean to the ground. Dry black mold forms on the surface of the fetus.

Black rot can spread both through the soil and through the seeds. The disease can quickly destroy most of the landings.

You can get rid of the disease by spraying with Rovral.


Bacteriosis of carrots or Wet rot

Bacteriosis is one of the most common diseases, and it can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • appears on the edges of the lower leaves, as they expand on the edges of the bottom leaves, as they expand on the edges of the bottom leaves, , which grow on the edges of the bottom leaves, as the surface spreads as the surface grows, as the surface grows, the surface of the surface, on the surface, I go to the surface, I need to go to the surface, I need to go to the surface.
  • on the basis of leaf stalks one can observe characteristic gray-white or light yellow drops, , which are called bacterial exudates;
  • brown streaks or spots are formed on the stems; ;
  • on root crops appear ulcers and brown depressed spots.
If the disease has spread greatly, then the plant will begin to produce a sharp and unpleasant odor.

It is impossible to get rid of the disease, so the affected landing will have to be removed. Prevention will be keeping seeds before planting in hot water and timely spraying with Hom.


Chillies on carrot leaves

Initially, light brown spots are formed on the leaf plate with the light center of , which gradually grows. The edges of the leaves begin to curl. If the humidity is increased, the spots will be covered with bloom. On petioles and stalks of education oblong. Subsequently, the green part of the plant dies completely, and the fruits become small and lose their original shape.

Preventive measures will be pre-treatment of seeds in hot water and spraying of young shoots with a weak solution of Brodsky liquid.

Brown Spot

Carrot leaves are affected by brown spot

Brown Spot affects carrots at all stages of development and is therefore very dangerous:

  • in young plants appear on the lower part of the stem brown banners. In this case, the carrot sprouts are very often killed;
  • Yellow spots of appear on the leaves of adult plants, which gradually turn brown or black, but the original shade remains as a halo. With increased humidity on the spots you can see the characteristic black bloom;
  • stalks and stem bases are also affected by this ailment, form on them long brown spots .

In order to prevent the development of brown spots in rainy weather, you should regularly loosen the aisles of .Also, plants can be treated with decoction of celandine, nettle or horsetail.

Pests of carrots, the fight against them with drugs and folk methods

Pests that live on carrots are very dangerous for planting, this is due to the fact that under the influence of these insects can cause complete death of the plant or its partial dying , which leads to loss or decrease in yield. The fight against insects should be started immediately, after their detection, in this case there will be much more chances to get rid of them.

Carrot fly

Carrot fly

Carrot fly overwinters in the pupae under the ground, which is why the root of the plant most often suffers from such an insect. It is possible to determine the presence of pests by the condition of the tops of ; if a carrot fly is present, the leaves will turn a bronze tinge, after which they dry and die. Damaged carrot pests become unsuitable for consumption.

In order to control and prevent the occurrence of such insects, should promptly plow, loosen and clean the soil from weeds. The chemical treatment of Acclellic, Decis Profi, Tsiper, Sharpay and folk methods also helps well - pouring with liquid ammonia.


Listobloshka is a very small insect, which also has jumping legs like fleas. Females of such pests lay eggs on carrots .Soon from the eggs appear the larvae, which in turn will begin to feed on the sap of the leaves, thereby causing the plant to dry completely.

Listobloshka Carrot

You can get rid of insects by collecting eggs and processing the plantings with tobacco dust or soapy water.

Umbrella Moth

This insect looks like a small butterfly, is considered a particularly dangerous brown moth, , which infects the testes and the fruit of carrots. You can notice the pest on the cocoons that it weaves. The plant gradually darkens and begins to dry. The umbrella mole most often occurs at the end of June - mid-July, after which it turns into a pupa and does not pose a threat to the future harvest.

In order to get rid of insects, it is necessary to mechanically clean the plantings, that is, to cut off the aerial part of the plant and collect the caterpillars, which must later be destroyed. You can also spray carrots with lepidocide, entobacterin, etc. To prophylactic methods include deep digging of the soil before planting.

Bare slugs

Bare slugs

Bare slugs are considered the most common pests in the kitchen garden, due to the fact that they live in a variety of places that include soil, turf, fallen leaves, stones, or any other area with high humidity.

Both adults and young slugs can cause serious damage to yields. They are actively eating the leaves and eating large pits in the fruits themselves.

You can determine a slug by the white, brilliant trail it leaves behind.

For the prevention of the appearance of insects and for the control of them, beds are treated with superphosphate or 10% salt solution.



Wireworm is called the yellow worm, which is actually the larva of the click beetle. On average, the length of such an insect is 3 centimeters .The wireworm feeds on roots, eating them and leaving characteristic point passages. In this case, the vegetables will be unsuitable for human consumption.

It is possible to get rid of such pests with the help of feeding, which includes ammonia. Also well help drugs Aktara and Basudin.

Carrot aphid

Carrot aphid

External signs of the appearance of carrot aphids can be seen immediately. On plants, clusters of small green insects are observed. The leaves begin to curl and dry. Such pests feed on stem juice, as a result of which carrots are poorly formed or stopped in development. This factor may adversely affect the yield.

You can get rid of insects by spraying plantings with soapy water, an infusion of ash or tobacco. For prevention in the summer on hot days, carrots are sprayed with warm water as often as possible.

Exclamation scoop

The most serious consequences arise after the appearance of caterpillars of butterflies of this species. They feed on the root part of the stems and directly by the roots themselves, leaving holes and passages behind them.

dolly exclamation scoop

can effectively fight an exclamation scoop using special chemicals( Decis, Polytrin and Fury) and folk methods( chamomile and burdock).

Prophylactic treatments of carrots for diseases and pests

In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases and pests, you need to adhere to a whole set of measures, which include the timely execution of weeding and loosening, regular application of necessary fertilizers and preliminary disinfection of planting material and soil. Also about chen it is important to carry out preventive treatments:

  1. In order for to avoid the appearance of gray mold it is necessary to treat the soil with 1% Brodsky liquid;
  2. To prevent the appearance of felt rot by spraying the drug Hom;
  3. Rovral helps well with black rot ;
  4. can avoid powdery mildew formation by treating plants with Topaz or Horus;
  5. You can scare away the carrot mole of with a decoction of tomato tops, which are soaked in water in a ratio of 1 to 5 for 30 minutes. After this broth so much e boil. Every 2 liters of product is diluted in a bucket of water and add 2-3 tablespoons of liquid soap;
  6. From many other insects will help spring treatment with special insecticides.

A disease or a pest can often be found on carrots, which is why needs to carefully inspect the beds and the harvest at the time of defects and deficiencies of .In order to face such a problem as seldom as possible, it is necessary to follow the rules concerning agricultural engineering and plant processing.

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