What is vermicompost and how to use it in the garden

In gardening, fertilizers are often used to increase yields and improve the quality of garden crops. Preference is given to natural species without chemical additives. Biohumus is mainly isolated, which has passed a series of studies and tests in many countries. What it is and how to use it in the garden will talk further.

Contentsexceptional composition optimized for all sorts of plants. In its formation, the main role is given to worms, which consume the remnants of agricultural waste and ultimately produce a balanced coprolite.

drug vermicompost

Functions of

product composition comprises enzymes, plant growth hormones, soil antibiotics, micro- and macroelements:

  • iron,
  • nitrogen,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • sulfur.

In this case, the composition of biohumus in minor concentrations includes: boron, manganese, copper, zinc. These ingredients help transform mineral compounds into amino acids and unwanted metals and nitrates do not accumulate in the vegetation.

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Useful properties

  1. Improves plant survival.
  2. Promotes rapid germination of seeds.
  3. Enriches the soil.
  4. Accelerates fruit ripening.
  5. Increases yield.
  6. Improves the quality of taste.
  7. A detrimental effect on pests.
  8. Strengthens plant immunity.
  9. Does not contain weed seeds, eggs and insect larvae.
  10. Used annually.
Biohumus is useful for plants

Benefits of fertilizer

Another advantage is that it does not clog the ground. For example, after feeding manure, debris grows by 30-40%.

Manure is not used for breeding seedlings, whereas biohumus is used. It does not oxidize the soil, unlike manure. In manure there is a pathogenic flora that is harmful to the human body, and biohumus is safe. It exceeds the humus content of nitrogen. The introduction of this fertilizer is highly effective and does not bear negative sides.

Instructions for use

Biohumus cultivate the soil when plowing the land.250 -350 ml of dry extract are added under each plant. Then thoroughly mixed with the ground. Most effectively, he proved himself when sowing potato culture.

When planting vegetables and flowers, use a larger amount of fertilizer - 400-450 ml. For fruit trees( apple, plum, pear) make 3-4 liters. For raspberries, currants, gooseberries 1.5-2 liters will be enough. After adding it is stirred with the ground. Next, the plant is fertilized every 10 - 14 days until flowering.

Before planting, the land can be fertilized with biohumus for better planting growth.

Besides dry, liquid biohumus( “vermicompost tea”) is used.

To prepare liquid fertilizer, it is necessary to use 1 liter of concentrate per 10 liters of water. Infusion is kept in a warm place for 3-5 hours, stirring occasionally. The prepared solution is poured over the beds with seedlings. Consumption rates - 10 liters per 1 m2.Top dressing in early spring should be done once every 15 days and finish after flowering. To prepare for the winter, trees and shrubs are watered with a liquid product in the autumn.

2 liters of biohumus replaces 50 kilograms of manure.

Biohumus for indoor flowers

Substance is useful not only for garden crops. The use of home flowers in top dressing shows a favorable result. For fertilizer indoor plants used biohumus in liquid form. The mixture retains useful bio-components and has the following effect:

  1. forms soil microorganisms that promote the formation of humus
  2. supplies plants with nutrients
  3. develops the root system and rich flowering
When using fertilizer, you must follow the instructions. Otherwise, the structure and acidity of the soil will be disturbed, which will lead to the death of the microflora of the earth.
Biohumus is also useful for indoor plants

Safety measures

Since the substance is safe, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene when working with fertilizer. Use rubber gloves and wash hands with soap and water after work. Fire and explosion proof. Poisoning excluded.

In case of contact with mucous membranes or skin, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water.

How to make biohumus at home

Creation stages:

  • cleaning vegetables and fruits, husks of seeds, egg shells, bread crumbs are ground with a blender or meat grinder;
  • dry the resulting mass using sawdust or cardboard;
  • prepare a 0.5 meter container, lay 3 centimeters thick ground on the bottom and launch worms there;
  • to make holes at the bottom of the container, for the release of excess moisture and in the lid - for access of air;
  • mix organic matter with earth;
  • waste is added as it is processed by worms( 2-3 weeks);
  • ensure that the base does not dry out, occasionally watered with warm water.

Worms will live in the upper part of the box, and all that is below - biohumus. He will be ready in four to five months. After the container is full, the contents will need to be removed.

Worms for compost

Worms can be found by yourself, or bought in a store. When buying, pay attention to the mobility and color of the worms. Red Californian worms are commonly used. They live for a long time and work quickly, as well as actively reproduce, but do not tolerate low temperature. There are also other types of worms: prospector, rain and earth.

Worms for biohumus should be red.

This type of fertilizer includes 7-9 times more humus than cow manure or compost from plant waste. The advantages include good moisture, crumbiness, compatibility with other organic fertilizers. It is recommended to store fertilizer in a dark dry place, avoid direct sunlight. When freezing and defrosting does not lose its qualities. Shelf life and a half years.

The use of natural fertilizer is quickly gaining popularity among summer residents and farm owners. Safety and affordable price of biohumus is superior over all possible inorganic fertilizers. Its production on vermfermah is also a promising business.

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