Attention of gardeners description and photo of winter varieties of apple treesNow comes the time of planting chokeberry Aronia. The seedling is immersed in a hole so that the root neck is a couple of centimeters above the ground level, covered with the prepared substrate, compacted and then watered, so that the shrub is well settled on the ground. Pristvolny circle, in order to avoid rapid drying of the earth and the formation of a crust, richly mulch. In order for the chokeberry aronia to root faster, experienced gardeners advise, before planting chokeberry, to shorten the shoots of the seedling, leaving no more than 5-6 viable buds.
Care of chokeberry after planting
It is very easy to care for frost and drought-resistant shrubs. Aronia needs regular pruning of the crown, three times feeding, removal of weeds, preventive treatment from pests and infrequent, but abundant watering.
Pruning of plants is carried out:
- in the fall, after collecting the fruits and ending the growing season;
- in early spring, before the beginning of the process of awakening the shrub.
In addition to carefully cutting dry, damaged and weak branches, they remove shoots that prevent the penetration of light crowns and insects from pollinators into the crown. Aronia rowan painlessly transfers forming pruning, so it can be grown as a miniature tree. To do this, at the soil level, remove all shoots except the strongest, and then gradually form a stem from it. For this, for several years only a few apical buds are left on the aronia bush, and when the plant reaches the desired height, the growth point is removed and the creation of a compact crown on the top of the stem is started.
Spring begins with the treatment of shrubs from pests and fertilizing with the predominance of
nitrogen fertilizers. Re-fertilization should be carried out after flowering, when the ovary begins to fill, another fertilizer should prepare the plant for winter. It is carried out at the end of the summer without the use of nitrogen.
Although black chokeberry can survive in drought conditions for a long time, it needs water to get an excellent harvest and beauty. Watering is important:
- at the beginning of the growing season;
- in the summer, during the pouring and ripening of fruits;
- in the fall before the shrub leaves for the winter.
Read also: Growing potatoes
Each bush should receive at least 20–40 liters of water once. For the greatest efficiency of the surface root system, watering is carried out at a distance of 30–40 cm from the center of the shrub into shallow furrows.
Pristvolnye circles are kept clean, for which the soil is regularly loosened or sprinkled with mulch.
Pruning chokeberry Aronia and its reproduction by cuttings
Aronia pruning begins with the first year of life. The beginnings form a crown of 10–12 Yilus branches, then, as they age, they gradually substitute new shoots. Rejuvenation begins at the age of 8 years.
If a bush is running and expires, no need to rush it up. It is enough to cut the entire crown under the root in the fall to wait for a strong young growth in the spring. From her in the fall form the backbone of a new shrub.
Strong healthy branches that are to be shortened or cut can be used to obtain excellent planting material and the breeding of chokeberry.
For green cuttings, take non-lignified tops or middle parts with 5–6 live buds. All the leaves, the roof of the upper pair, cut off, and the remaining shortened. Rooting is carried out in a greenhouse, in a light sandy substrate, pre-treated cuttings with growth stimulant. In a year, a full-sized black chokeberry sapling for planting is formed from a small segment of a branch.
Lignified cuttings are pieces of matured one-year-old shoots with several healthy buds. They are cut in the fall and rooted in shkolka so that when planting above the soil surface there are only two buds.
If there is black chokeberry in the area of an adult bush, it can be multiplied:
- separating and sowing root-growing shoots with its own root system;
- specially rooted annual shoots, bending and securing them on the ground.
Young plants quickly take root, only in the first years of life they need shelter for the winter and after a couple of years are ready to please the gardener with ripe bluish-purple or almost black hearths.
Video about planting chokeberry Aronia