Peach can rightfully be considered one of the most useful and tasty fruits. The juicy and sweet taste of fruits with an extraordinary aroma attracts children and adults, and is valued by healthy food lovers .Due to its rich composition and caloric content, peach is great for therapeutic diets. Peach fruits are able to preserve the beneficial properties of the maximum after processing, so they make useful culinary preparations.
- Table of contentsat home
- Selection of fruits
- Storage of fresh peaches
- Storage of canned peach
Peach composition and its caloric content
Assumesthat the birthplace of fruit crops is China, it was on its territory that a genetically close wild peach species was found. The plant came to Europe in the first century from Persia, where it received its first known name malum persicum , a simplified version of which is used today.

For a long time the fruits of the plant were considered poisonous. It is known that some nations made amulets and amulets from the "evil peach".Gradually, people began to use the fruit in food, and soon began to guess about the beneficial properties. Today, the fruits of peach are fully studied, so we can analyze the nutritional value and chemical composition of the fruit.
Composition of the product( 100 g):
- proteins 0.9 g;
- carbohydrates 9.5 g
- fats 0.3 g;
- water 88.9 g.
How many calories are in peach, can I get better from them? Energy value 39 kcal .
The energy value of some peach varieties can reach up to 45 kcal. One fruit weighs on average 85-100 g .Thus, the caloric content of one peach can be from 33 to 45 kcal, depending on the variety. For example, fig peach( flat) contains about 34 kcal per 100 g of product.
Vitamin composition:
- ascorbic acid( C) 6.6 mg;
- tocopherol( E) 0.7 mg;
- pantothenic acid( B5) 0.15 mg;
- Niacin( B3) 0.8 mg;
- folic acid( B9) 8 μg;
- thiamine( B1) 0.02 mg;
- Riboflavin( B2) 0.03 mg;
- pyridoxine( B6) 0.03 mg;
- phylloquinone( K1) 2.6 mcg.
The coloring of the peach fruit is given by the plant pigment β-Carotene ( 162 µg) , which in the body is converted to vitamin A.
- potassium 190 mg;
- phosphorus 20 mg;
- magnesium 9 mg;
- Calcium 6 mg;
- Fluorine 4 µg.
Trace elements:
- manganese( 9 mg);
- Zinc( 0.17 mg);
- iron( 0.3 mg);
- selenium( 0.1 µg).
Source: Food Database( USDA).
Useful properties
Peach is a low-calorie product, a source of macronutrients and vitamins that must be ingested daily. The need for nutrients is doubled in childhood and senile age, for any disease and carrying the fetus. Therefore, , in the selection of a healthy diet, many nutritionists consider peaches as a dessert or for a snack between main dishes. Let's take a closer look at what usefulness peaches bring to human health.
Cardiovascular system
The benefits of the peach for the cardiovascular system are determined by the content of potassium, magnesium and calcium in fruits. Macroelements in the complex regulate the rhythm of heart contractions and reduce the load on the heart, preventing the formation of edema. Minerals support acid-base balance, increase vascular tone and regulate blood pressure.

Peaches will be useful for:
- heart disease;
- hypertension;
- atherosclerosis;
- hyperkalemia.
Digestive System
Dietary peach fibers stimulate intestinal motility, contributing to the steady promotion of fecal masses. Dietary fibers adsorb water and increase in volume, this causes a feeling of saturation. Plant fibers stimulate the growth of healthy microflora and the elimination of toxins from the body.
Peaches will be useful for the prevention: constipation
- ;
- dysbacteriosis;
- bowel obstruction;
- formation of fecal stones;
- colitis.
Another property of dietary fiber is the absorption of cholesterol and bile acids .This reduces the level of cholesterol plaque and the formation of gallstones. The use of peaches causes a feeling of saturation, which, together with low calorie content, contributes to rapid weight loss.
Peaches for Women and Men
Peaches contain phytoestrogens that are useful for maintaining hormonal levels. These properties are especially significant in menopausal women with .Vitamins E is indispensable for internal skin support. This is an active protection of the epidermis from the negative influence of environmental factors and stimulation of cell renewal.

The significance of the peach for the male body is separated by the zinc content of .The lack of this trace element reduces testosterone levels, which leads to impotence and disorders in the prostate gland of men.
Benefits in Pregnancy
Peaches are recommended for the diet of pregnant women. First of all, it is a balanced supply of significant nutrients. Vitamin C is an active participant in the formation of bone tissue, skin, muscle fibers and blood vessels of the fetus. The substance increases the absorption of iron. The lack of this trace element causes the development of iron deficiency anemia , a known complication of pregnancy.
Folic acid is involved in the formation of the nervous system, division and growth of cells of all organs and structures of the fetus, regulates blood formation. Especially important is vitamin B9 in the first trimester of pregnancy. Folic acid is involved in the transfer of genes from mother to child.
Phosphorus, magnesium and calcium are useful for the musculoskeletal system, the load on which increases with each passing month. In addition, minerals reduce the level of edema, contributing to the regulation of water and electrolyte balance.
In the diet of children
The product is perfect for the first fruit feeding of children. Pediatricians recommend giving peach to children older than for 10 months .It is recommended to remove the skin, which contains a large amount of β-Carotene - a potential allergen.

Peaches are useful for strengthening the immunity of children .Daily intake of vitamins, minerals will help to resist viral and bacterial infections, as well as increase endurance of the body.
Magnesium regulates nervous stress, suppressing the formation of hormones, accelerating the transfer of impulses between cells. This property is especially valuable when manifestations of childhood hyperactivity , which provokes disorders in the nervous system.
Contraindications for the human body
In addition to the benefits of a peach can cause harm to the body, therefore, has several contraindications.
The product is not recommended for:
- diabetes;
- increased acidity of the digestive tract;
- propensity of the body to allergic reactions;
- chronic diarrhea.
What is the rate of use of this fruit? Standard for a healthy person - 600 g per day .
The best recipes for health and beauty.
The beneficial properties of peach are widely used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.
- Arrhythmia, constipation, chronic gastritis .In the treatment using fresh peach juice. This is a daily intake of juice 50 ml 30 minutes before meals 5 times a day. The duration of therapy is 7 days.

- is considered as one of the most useful juices in the world. Diathesis .The fried kernels of peach seeds are ground into powder and a small amount of water is added. The resulting gruel lubricates the affected areas and incubated for 15 minutes. Duration of treatment is 3-5 days.
- Gingivitis .Peach oil( 2 tbsp. L) is mixed with 10% alcohol extract of propolis( 1 tbsp. L).A mixture of lubricated sore gum 3 times a day. Treatment continues until full recovery.
- Furunculosis .Peach oil( 1 tsp) is mixed with plantain leaves( 1 tbsp. L.) And incubated for 3 hours. The resulting ointment is applied to gauze fabric and applied to the inflamed areas for 30 minutes 4 times a day. Treatment is stopped after opening the boil.
- Hair Treatment .The mask is recommended for dry hair with split ends. Peaches( 2 pcs.) Peel, remove the stone and knead until smooth. Milk( 3 tablespoons) and oregano essential oil( 3 drops) are added to the slurry, mixed until homogeneous. The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair and put on a plastic cap. Stand 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and wash with shampoo. The procedure is repeated once a week.

- Nourishing the skin of the face .Peach pulp gruel( 1 pc.) Is mixed with chicken egg yolk( 1 pc.), Cream( 1 tbsp. L) and whipped. The mask is applied to cleansed face, incubated for 15 minutes and washed with warm water. The procedure is recommended 2 times a week.
Choosing and storing peaches at home
Fresh peaches are not very transportable and have a long shelf life of .This problem can be partially solved by making the right choice of fruit and applying the recommended storage rules.
Selection of fruits
The indicator of the full maturity of the fruit - a rich aroma. With light pressure, ripe peaches are slightly crushed and quickly take on the original form of .The hardness of fruits with a greenish tip indicates the breakdown of fruits to full technical maturity. In such fruits, chemical composition indicators are much lower.
Fruits with a large number of dents and darkened skin are not suitable for storage. You should not buy peaches, adjacent to rotten fruits, most likely they already have fungal spores. To increase transportation, nectarines are often treated with defined or paraffin wax. Therefore, it is better to purchase fruits grown in geographically close regions.

By the fruit’s bone, the presence of nitrates in the pulp of can be determined. Shrunken and shrunken bones are a sign of the use of nitrates for rapid ripening. Violet streaks in the pulp of fruit indicate the presence of the disease - chlorosis, toxins of which can cause poisoning in humans.
Storage of fresh peaches
After harvesting or purchasing peaches on the market, it is important to ensure proper storage. At home, fruit can be stored for no more than 5 days, and in the refrigerator for 14 days.
Storage Methods:
- If the annual storage requirement for the fruit harvest is , it is advisable to purchase special trays with cells. Peaches arranged in individual cells are well stored for 2 weeks at a temperature of 0 ° C- + 1 ° C and an average humidity of 85%.You can achieve the same result by wrapping each fruit in thin paper.

- cells. Some gardeners store peaches in the sand .To do this, selected strong fruit without dents late ripening. Fruits are laid out in a dark, well-ventilated room to evaporate excess moisture for 3-4 days. After that, each fruit is wrapped in paper and laid out in low boxes, filling the space between them with river sand. Each box is placed no more than 4 layers, so that the fruits are not crushed under the weight. Store fruit in recommended conditions. This method increases the shelf life up to 4 months.
- Significantly increases the shelf life of salicylic acid .For this, they make an alcohol solution of salicylic acid( 1 g / 100 ml) and process each fruit with it.
- If you bought unripe peaches, do not despair! They are easy and quick to ripen. Put the unripe peaches in the bag. For better ripening, add a banana or apple to the package. These fruits emit a lot of ethylene and contribute to even more ripening peaches.
Storage of canned peach
Preservation allows you to save 85% of the beneficial properties of peaches and provide a tasty and flavorful dessert ration throughout the year. To do this, select small and dense fruits without dents and wormholes.

Prepare the container in advance. 2-3 liters cans are well suited for canned peaches. The containers are washed and sterilized. Peaches are washed in 1% solution of baking soda and laid out in jars.
In an enamel saucepan, boil water, the volume of which is calculated on the number of cans. Add sugar to the boiling water at the rate of 500 g per 3 l water. After complete dissolution of sugar syrup is poured into jars of fruit.
Covered lids are placed in a saucepan with a towel laid on the bottom. 3-liter jars sterilized 45 minutes , 2-liter - 35 minutes .After that, banks roll covers. To check the seal turn over the top bottom. After this, the containers are returned to their original position and allowed to cool at room temperature.
Hermetically sealed and properly prepared preservation can also be stored indoors. But the best conditions for it are dark, well-ventilated rooms, lack of moisture and air temperature from 0 ° C to + 15 ° C .In such conditions, canned peaches last up to 2 years.
Peach - a universal product that will please with extraordinary taste and aroma, will help get rid of many disorders in the body. You can make gourmet fruit salads from fresh fruits, add them to dairy products and porridges. Canned peaches are ideal for dessert and sweet sauces.