Ashberry is a tall, hardy tree with bright orange-red fruits. The berries are astringent, bitter in taste, but their appearance attracts many birds, so mountain ash is an excellent protection for other crops. In addition, you can plant and replant wild rowan, dug out of the forest.
Table of contents
Terms of autumn planting
Pros and cons of autumn planting
How to plant rowan - important rules
How to plant rowan in autumn?
Choosing seedlings
Choosing and preparing a site for planting or replanting a tree
After-planting care
How to prepare a red mountain ash for winter
How to transplant a mountain ash to a new place correctly?
Autumn planting dates
Autumn planting time is determined by the climate of the area where mountain ash will grow:
In the central region, the best period will be mid-September - mid-October.
In southern latitudes, it is best to plant rowan from early October to early November.
In the northern areas, an acceptable period will be the whole of September - early October.
Autumn planting is most suitable for Siberia and the Urals, because spring is not stable in these areas, there is a risk of frost or, on the contrary, strong heat. While autumn flows with a comfortable temperature and enough rainfall.
Rowan, as well as other trees, it is recommended to plant after leaf fall.
If the planting dates have been missed, the seedling must be maintained until spring. In this case, use one of the three existing methods:
Storage in the basement:
The roots of the seedling are lowered into a container with wet peat, sand and sawdust.
The room should have comfortable conditions( air temperature from 0 to +10 degrees and 85-90% humidity)
Moisten the root system once a week.
At the site they dig a deep hole and place the roots of the seedling at a 45-degree angle.
Then it is instilled using a moistened mixture of sand and peat.
The seedling should be wrapped with a damp cloth and stuck in such condition in the snow. In this case, the optimum temperature will be maintained for it.
Using the latter method, you need to ensure that the sapling does not bare, and the snow layer always remains thick.
Preparation of rowan for planting
Pros and cons of autumn planting
In the autumn period, you can buy seedlings at a reduced price.
Also during this period, the planting material will be fresh, so you can appreciate its health and condition, both foliage and root system.
Autumn planting will cause much less trouble, the gardener will be relieved of the need to constantly check the level of soil moisture. All work will be done for him by nature.
Young trees planted during this season will start to grow 2-3 weeks earlier than during spring planting.
Many summer residents are also attracted by the prospect of saving time. Not much is left in the garden in the fall, which cannot be said about the spring period, when there will be a lot of trouble.
As a result of winter frosts, both the root system and the tree itself can freeze over.
A strong wind can also affect the health of the red mountain ash, which will break off the young twigs.
Another disadvantage is the attack of rodents, which can damage the tree in late autumn.
How to plant mountain ash - important rules
In order for the autumn planting to succeed and the mountain ash to take root in a new place, experienced gardeners recommend following a few basic rules:
Planting material should be in perfect condition, if the roots began to curl, then such a tree will take root worse and you need to plant it before the cold weather.
If the sapling was purchased with a closed root system or a special grid, then you do not need to get rid of them.
When skipping the dates of the autumn planting, the procedure is better to postpone to the spring.
Do not overdo it with the amount of fertilizer applied.
Cannot use manure as a top dressing, it can burn and damage the young root system.
A small tree needs to be prepared for the cold.
It is advisable to tie the mountain ash planted in the fall to a support so that it does not sway and break during a strong wind.
Properly planted rowan
How to plant rowan in the fall?
Autumn planting is different from the spring in many respects. What would rowan, planted before the onset of cold weather, caught on a new place and grew well, you must adhere to time-tested rules.
Selection of seedlings
Before you start planting you need to purchase a quality seedling.
The root system should be hydrated, with no visible damage, with 3-4 main branches and a length of 25-30 centimeters.
The presence of shriveled bark indicates that planting material has been dried out.
Crohn's should also be well developed, the presence of the main conductor and the main branches is very important.
During transport, seedling roots are wrapped with a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag.
Preparation of seedlings for planting:
Before planting, remove all dry and damaged branches, the same rule applies to the roots of a tree.
For the best moisture, the seedling root system is placed in a clay mash for 2-3 hours.
In order for all the forces of a tree to grow and grow on a new place, it is necessary to remove all green foliage.
Rowan seedlings ready for planting
Choosing and preparing a site for planting or replanting a tree But in order for the tree to grow and bear fruit better, the following conditions are met:
The best option would be loamy or sandy soil.
The soil should be loose and neutral, drainage from expanded clay is welcomed.
Rowan loves sunlight very much, so it's best to choose a shaded area.
The soil must be well hydrated.
It is desirable that the groundwater level be below 1.5 meters, but the rowan also tolerates a closer location.
Rowan planted at a distance of 4-5 meters from other trees. Approximately 2–3 weeks before planting the seedling, it is necessary to prepare a planting pit, it must have time to infuse.
The depth of the pit is 40-50 centimeters, the width will depend on the size of the root system of the seedling.
Fertile soil layer is mixed with:
Compost or humus bucket;
150 grams of superphosphate;
300 grams of wood ash.
One third of the pit is filled with the resulting mixture.
Then half of it is filled with barren land.
Planting mountain ash in open ground:
Before planting, pour a bucket of water into the prepared hole and wait until it is absorbed.
Then a sapling is placed there, which needs to be carefully spread its roots.
The root neck should be 5-7 centimeters above ground level.
When filling a hole, it is recommended to slightly shake the tree to fill all air pockets.
After the mountain ash is planted, the soil around the tree trunk is carefully tamped and watered.
At the final stage, the tree around the tree should be mulched with humus or peat.
Watering mountain ash immediately after planting
Care after planting
In order for a tree to properly form and grow strong and healthy, you need to properly care for it in the first years of life. To do this, follow these rules:
The first 2-3 years do not fertilize rowan, because it will have enough nutrients introduced during planting. An exception would be nitrogen fertilizers that stimulate tree growth. They can be made from 2 years of landing.
During watering 2-3 buckets of water are spent on one rowan. Watering the tree 4-5 times per season, in the presence of heavy summer precipitation, you can leave only spring and autumn watering. After each application of moisture, the ground must be mulched.
Pour rowan furrows along the furrows or using special grooves.
In autumn, the soil around the trunk is dug up to a depth of 10-15 centimeters. During the whole season, the ground near the tree should be kept clean and loose.
How to prepare a red mountain ash for winter
A newly planted tree will not have time to fully get stronger before the onset of cold weather, therefore it needs help to cope and survive the frosts. To do this, the gardener must perform the following actions:
The rowan trunk is wrapped with sacking, after which the structure is warmed with a spruce branch.
The lower part of the trunk needs additional protection, so it needs to be buried with fallen snow and make sure that its quantity does not decrease and does not bare vulnerable areas.
In order for , in order to avoid sunburn, the ashberry tree must be whitened.
Special toxic chemicals, which are scattered around the tree, can provide protection from rodents.
Abandoned mountain ash berries left for the winter
How to transplant the mountain ash to a new place correctly?
Now let's talk about how to transplant rowan. If you move to a new place trees whose age does not exceed 4-5 years, then the rules of transplantation will be similar to the rules of the initial planting. The only difference is that when transplanting you need to dig up the mountain ash yourself from the ground. In carrying out this procedure, it is worth remembering that this culture has a very extensive root system that cannot be damaged.
As for the transplantation of already mature trees, such work will be much more difficult:
The best time is late autumn, when the tree is in a state of biological rest.
The daily temperature should be -1-3 degrees, but the night temperature can be no less than -15 degrees.
The height of the tree should not exceed 3 meters, otherwise the transplant will be much more difficult.
It is necessary to dig out mountain ash very carefully. Initially, a groove is made around the trunk of the tree, with a radius of about 1 meter, then the soil is carefully removed, and large roots must be cut. It is easiest to remove a tree from a hole using levers.
The earthy lump formed on the roots must be preserved; for this, it is wrapped with sacking and spread on a thick film or an iron sheet. Then in this state the wood is dragged to a new place.
The optimum size of a ground coma for a 10 year old tree is 100 centimeters in diameter and 60 in depth.
The landing pit should be 40 centimeters larger than the size of an earthy ball.
At its bottom, make 5-inch layers of expanded clay, soil and snow. This manipulation is repeated 3 times, after which the tree is moved into a hole and carefully buried.
At the final stage, the soil is tamped and carefully mulched.
To prevent the tree from dying in a new place, its orientation with respect to the cardinal points should be maintained.
Autumn planting is the most optimal for mountain ash. This culture tolerates winter frosts. In addition, trees planted in autumn grow much faster, which means that the harvest can be harvested much earlier.
And at the end we offer to watch a small video about the care of rowan in the spring and autumn:
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