Why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow and what to do

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Yellowed leaves are the first signs that plants are not comfortable. Yellow leaves of seedlings can indicate the appearance of the disease. The reasons why tomato seedlings begin to turn yellow may be several.

Yellowing of tomato seedlings is quite common. Strong seedlings suddenly begin to turn yellow, wither, spots appear on the leaves, the upper tips begin to curl. To get rid of these problems and help the plant to recover, you should understand the cause of the appearance of a bad disease and take all necessary measures to prevent it.

. ContentsIn the open ground

  • What is lacking in tomato seedlings
  • How to feed
  • Causes of yellowing and why tomato seedling does not grow

    There are many reasons for yellowing. In order to take action, you first need to figure out why the leaves began to turn yellow.

    The most common mistakes in the care and landing of

    Yellowed leaves indicate the appearance of problems associated with with the wrong care .

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    The main reasons are: oyd oyd..Abundant watering aggravates the situation, and the leaves begin to turn yellow.

    Often seeded seedlings also cause a lack of light. It grows, grows stronger, begins to close the sunlight foliage.

    The lack of trace elements leads to yellowing. Yellowing trace elements:

    • Nitrogen
    • Potassium
    • Magnesium
    • Zinc
    • Iron
    • Manganese

    If the land is too salty , the leaves will also start to turn yellow. Salted soil can be identified by white or yellowish spots on the surface of the ground - on the fly.

    The incorrectly selected packaging is the cause of yellowing. If the container is too small, the growing roots become cramped, the seedlings begin to ache, the leaves turn yellow.

    If the roots of the seedlings are cramped - a tomato can get sick

    What to do if the leaves turn out to be yellow when the seedlings of tomatoes are

    If you get over the causes of yellowing, consider ways to prevent them.

    With a lack of sunlight, the seedlings of put windows on the window sills on the sunny side of the .For additional lighting use lamps that extend the daylight hours at home for 5 hours.

    The seedlings need to be watered properly.

    Irregular watering also leads to yellowing. With a lack or excess of moisture seedling material turns yellow. It is necessary to water rarely, but plentifully.

    If planting is too frequent, shading occurs, transplanting to individual pots will help fix it.

      • If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves turn pale, fall off, new ones grow smaller. Fertilizing with nitrogen will eliminate nitrogen deficiency.
      • If new leaves become curly, and those that are older turn yellow and fall off, you need to water or feed potassium nitrate.
      • The leaves turn yellow between the veins - a lack of magnesium. Spraying with magnesium nitrate will correct the problem.

    The appearance of brown spots indicates a shortage of zinc. New are stained, dry, fall off. A solution of zinc sulfate will correct the situation.

    • If they acquire a light green or even white color, the seedlings do not have enough iron. Requires foliar feeding.
      The leaflet lacks manganese, it begins to turn yellow at the base, stained staggered. In this case, you can fertilize and spray the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate.
    If the leaves turn yellow between the veins, there is not enough magnesium.

    The ground may be salted when watered with hard water or an excess of fertilizer. In this case, remove the earth from the surface of 3 cm and watered with soft or rain water. You can feed only in a few weeks.

    Seedlings, which have become yellowed due to lack of space, can be saved by planting them in deeper and more spacious containers.


    The occurrence of yellow leaves of tomatoes can be the occurrence of diseases.

    The appearance of yellow spots provokes a fungal disease called Fusarium .The leaves in this disease not only turn yellow, but also wither. Saplings are sprayed with Fitosporin 2-3 times, after 1-2 weeks, the procedure is repeated.

    Often the tomato transplanting material is affected by disease blackleg .It occurs when excessive watering. Roots become thin and black. To prevent the occurrence of black legs should observe the temperature and proper watering.

    A common tomato disease that also affects eggplants, potatoes, and peppers is called Phytophthora .Phytophthora occurs when excessive moisture and low temperatures. Brown spots are formed. Late blight develops very quickly, it is necessary to take urgent measures.

    A solution of table salt will help to combat late blight. To do this, dissolve 0.5 tablespoons of salt in 5 liters of water and spray the seedlings.

    Seedlings tomato is struck with black leg

    Why leaves

    turn yellow Understanding the reasons is not so difficult, if you pay attention to which particular leaves of seedlings turned yellow .There are several reasons for the yellowness of the lower leaves:

    • Excessive watering
    • Lack of light
    • Excess fertilizer

    The cotyledon leaves may turn yellow due to abundant watering. The roots of the plant begin to choke in the water, and they begin to turn yellow.

    The tops of the tomato turn yellow with a lack of phosphorus.

    There are other factors that can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

    After transplantation

    Seedlings may turn yellow after transplantation. The fact is that the plant needs time to acclimatize in a new place.

    In this case, apply it for a couple of days from the sun.

    On the windowsill of

    Sunburn of tomato seedlings

    If the seedlings are standing on the windowsill the cause may be of sunburn .In this case, it is necessary to protect it from direct sunlight.

    After picking

    The leaves may turn yellow after picking. Some gardeners, when picking , damage the roots of seedlings too much, which leads to stress.

    After planting in the ground

    Planting seedlings of tomatoes is necessary in the soil containing enough copper, necessary for the normal growth of tomatoes. With a lack of copper, it begins to turn yellow.

    With copper deficiencies in the soil, seedlings can also turn yellow

    In open ground

    In open ground, seedlings can begin to turn yellow due to the lack of trace elements in the soil.

    Yellowing can be provoked by weather conditions. Too cold weather disrupts plant metabolism. In hot weather and sparse watering, tomatoes can get burned.

    What is lacking in tomato seedlings

    Seedling material needs to be constantly monitored, even a slight change in the color of the plant signals a change or even the onset of the disease.

    It is important that feed correctly and in time. The first time it feeds when the first true leaf appears. The second time - 7-10 days after the picks.

    Than to feed

    The time spent feeding the seedlings is very important

    The first feeding is made from copper solution .Top dressing is carried out after one true leaf appears. To do this, prepare a solution of copper at the rate of 1 tsp.copper on 1 l.water. Seedlings are poured over the prepared solution. Thus, the seedlings will be processed from phytophtoras.

    For good growth seedlings need nitrogen .The second dressing is done 7-10 days after the pick. Urea is used for feeding.1 tbsp.lurea to 10 liters.water. Liberally watered seedlings with a solution.

    Ignore even the slightest changes are not worth it, because it says the wrong care, and can also cause disease. With proper identification of the cause of yellowing, it is possible to prevent problems and grow strong, healthy seedlings.

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