How to grow loquat at home

Medlar - an evergreen tropical plant .The entire trunk is wrapped in dark gray bark. The leaves are large and glossy on the surface.

During the flowering period, white fragrant flowers appear on the plant. For fruits characteristic spherical or pear shape and the presence of thin skin. The taste of ripe fruit is sour.

Is it possible to grow medlar at home in Russia, how to do it, learn from the article.


  • Growing a Medlar in the Moscow Region and in Ukraine
  • Availability of Useful Properties and Contraindications
  • Healing properties of leaves and orange berries

fruit. Medlar cultivation in the Moscow region and in Ukraine

Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of a tropical fruit. Grow culture in the Caucasus and Turkey. For breeding plants suitable warm countries where the temperature does not fall below 0 Celsius.

If you grow a medlar in central Russia, in the Moscow region or in Ukraine, you get an ornamental shrub. But observing the agrotechnical recommendations, you will get a beautiful tree with tasty fruits.

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The presence of beneficial properties and contraindications

The medlar berries contain a large amount of beneficial vitamins, as well as minerals. Culture has a low calorie .

The fruit contains the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • folic and ascorbic acid;
  • potassium;
  • iodine;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • Calcium;
  • magnesium.
The medlar berries contain a large amount of beneficial vitamins, as well as minerals

Dietitians usually prescribe a plant with overweight .If you use a variety in sufficient quantities, the fruit will bring great benefits to the body.

The main benefit of the fruit is that it is rich in vitamin A, which is considered indispensable to human eyes. The use of medlar will improve the muscles of the eyes and help restore the lost shine.

In the medlar cooking is made jams, compotes, jam, liqueur tinctures.

Who does not recommend to use a tropical fruit:

  1. When detecting gastric and duodenal ulcers, exclude the plant from the diet.
  2. If the pancreas is inflamed, it is a contraindication for eating medlar.
  3. With increased acidity and severe gastritis is not recommended to eat fruit.

Wine and juices for such people will only bring harm, and jams and preserves will be beneficial.

A tropical plant can cause an allergic reaction of , therefore for children, the use of culture should be limited or given after consulting a specialist.

Medlar - Japanese relative of Russian hawthorn ^

Healing properties of leaves and orange berries
  • Fruit can be used for the treatment of urolithiasis to remove stones.
  • The healing culture acts as the as the first assistant in the gastrointestinal illness. After eating pilaf for food, digestion improves. To get rid of bloody diarrhea, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of unripe fruit.
  • Asthma and bronchitis will help cure alcoholic tincture , made from plants. Due to the use of this tool breathing easier, cough gradually disappears. Tincture can be treated pain in the heart.
  • If infusion from the leaves of the variety to gargle , the cold will not or disappear for a long time.
  • If kidney dysfunction is detected in a person, it is recommended to use the medlar to increase their filtration. This fruit contains molecular water, so the human body after eating a plant is easy to get rid of toxins.

    How to grow a culture at home from the bones of the

    Ordinary bones of the plant serve as seedlings of .Before growing the seed, it is recommended to hold in the cold for no more than 3-4 months.

    Natural conditions allow the formation of sprouts for 2-3 years of life, when the shell is destroyed.

    To speed up the procedure, a solution of sulfuric acid is used, stones are placed in it and kept for 5 hours, and then washed.

    Such treatment allows planting a crop in the fall in open ground, in spring you can expect the appearance of sprouts. Before planting the loquat, seeds must be kept in warm water for 24 hours.

    Using sawdust, peat, or plastic film, mulch the soil. A good option for planting seeds indoors: after the formation of the first shoots of 25-30 centimeters , the plant must be grown in advance and placed in the allotted place.

    Medlar bones can serve as excellent seedling material

    Proper planting and plant care

    Planting seedlings is necessary in the prepared soil containing the following components:

    • deciduous soil;
    • sand;
    • humus.

    Before planting, it is recommended to dig an hole, not exceeding the size of the soil clod, calculated for the root system. Seedlings are placed in the holes carefully, without damaging the roots, and then it is necessary to fill it with soil mixture from above.

    Before planting a loquat seedling, cut the leaves to half, dig a hole and place the

    plant there. If the leaves are cut to half, you can reduce the evaporation of moisture from the .To prevent rotting, as well as prevent the penetration of pathogens, it is recommended to pour wood ash at the cut points.

    Crop care:

    • in summer, the plant needs plenty of water to keep the soil dry;
    • leaf cover does not require constant spraying;
    • direct sunlight for the variety is not an obstacle, the lighting should be sufficient;
    • after harvesting it is necessary to trim the crown;
    • excellent soil mixture, taken in equal proportions;
    • from April to September should be fertilized;
    • every spring, young trees must be replanted; for adult plants, transplantation is done once every 3-4 years.
    Plant roots can get a bacterial burn if the soil contains a large amount of nitrogen. Frequent watering will also ruin the root system.

    Artificial pollination is necessary for fruit during the flowering period of .It is necessary to deal with the formation of the crown, in time to cut dry and damaged branches.

    Most gardeners are aware that culture is susceptible to diseases as well as the attack of pests. The plant eats aphids and thyroid gland.

    Twice a season, the shrub needs to be treated with insecticides. Thus, the variety can be protected from damage prevention.

    Treatment is carried out by “Fitoverm” - no more than 2 milligrams per 1 liter of water, “Insegar” - use 10 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water, and “Lepidocide” - dissolve 30 grams of the substance 10 liters.

    Harvesting from a tree and storing

    After staining the fruit, do not immediately harvest. During this period, there is excessive astringency in the fruit pulp.

    When the fruits begin to turn brown, the tart taste disappears, the plant becomes sweet and is suitable for collection and further consumption.

    It is necessary to collect ripe fruits carefully, without damaging them. Whole fruits will stand for a long time and do not deteriorate.

    For storage of tropical crops, it is necessary to provide a cool place without the access of light , but it is allowed to store the plant at room temperature. Fruits during maturation should not be in contact with each other.

    Collect the loquat when the fruits begin to grow - their tartness disappears, they become sweet.

    Tanaka - fruits of the large size, are painted in yellow-orange color. Usually reach weight 50-80 grams. The aromatic pink pulp is characterized by juiciness and tender sweet-sour taste.

    Champagne is a large-sized culture with slight fuming, the color of fruits is bright yellow. The flesh has a light cream color, the fruit tastes delicate and pleasant.

    Premier - the fruits of this variety are distinguished by an orange-yellow shade. This variety with juicy creamy flesh, having a delicate sourish taste.

    Seiles - the usual weight of a ripe fruit is 80 grams. To taste, the culture resembles apricot.

    In addition to high taste qualities, the fruits are stored for a long time, they are not damaged during transportation. Simple agrotechnical recommendations allow you to grow a novice gardener at home.

    Without leaving your home after 4-5 years, you can collect a good harvest of exotic fruits.

    Frost - considered a suitable crop for growing not only indoors or in a greenhouse, but also for the winter garden. Low degree of fragility of wood allows you to set the plant in any form.

    Large fruits, rich in aroma and lack of tartness, are characterized by the presence of large amounts of vitamins. The berries have a red-brown color.

    Popular medlar varieties: Frost, Tanaka, Seyles, Premier, Champagne

    Among the fruit trees in the medlar garden will take the place of honor and will delight its owner with tasty fruits for many years.

    Beautiful tropical fruit suitable for fresh consumption, as it is rich in beneficial properties.

    The skin is removed from the plant before use. It is not useful, does not have a pleasant taste properties and it is desirable not to use it.

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