How to form tomatoes in two stems in a greenhouse

Experienced gardeners know that it will take a lot of effort to remove a good harvest of large tomatoes from greenhouses. In addition to the timely watering and application of fertilizing, the plant needs to be helped to form correctly so that it does not waste power on the shoots. How to form tomatoes in two stems and will be discussed in this article.

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  • Why the Formation of a Tomato in a Greenhouse Made of Polycarbonategrowing season from the main stem of a tomato can branch off a lot of shoots, which will also be tied fruits. It seems that the process itself should please the gardeners with a large number of ovaries, but in reality it looks quite different.

    A mature shrub with bulky greens and a small number of ovaries is unable to provide with vitamins and minerals in the required amount, with the result that some of them fall off, while others are unable to fully ripen.

    Forming bushes is required for almost all varieties of tomatoes. The only exceptions are standard cultures( a type of plant of the determinant type).
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    But how many stalks to leave on the bush? Depending on the selected hybrid / variety and the characteristics of the development of the tops, gardeners form a bush in three ways:

    • in 1 stem;
    • in 2 stalks;
    • in 3 stalks.
    Scheme of formation of bushes in 1-2-3 stalks

    In a polycarbonate greenhouse, pasynkovanie aimed at obtaining high-quality yield, which is ensured by redirecting power to the main stem and fruits. Pasynki rob a plant of most of the micro and macro elements useful for development, therefore it is advisable to remove them. It is important during the procedure not to confuse the stepson with the fruit-bearing branch. Determine the excess escape can be at the place of its growth. This is the axil sheet.

    The advantage of pasynkovaniya is to reduce the time of ripening fruits, that is, you can collect tomatoes 1-2 weeks earlier. In addition, the yield increases due to an increase in the fruiting period. Yet the main merit of the procedure is to obtain high-quality tomatoes.

    How to form bushes in two stalks

    Before you begin to remove extra shoots, you need to decide on the following questions:

    • the frequency of the procedure( tomatoes should be grown in greenhouses once every 7-10 days);The
    • plant for staking a plant in two.

    It is also worth considering that when a sprout is cut, tomato juice can get on your hands. Moving from bush to bush, there is a high probability of infecting other tomatoes with various diseases if there is at least one affected tomato. Therefore, experts recommend wearing rubber gloves before the procedure and wipe them with an alcohol solution after each whip.

    The scheme of removing extra shoots on tomatoes

    The essence of the bush formation technique is to isolate the main stem and the first stepson, as it is the strongest, capable of intensive development and fruiting. To determine it simply, it is located under the first brush of the inflorescences. The remaining stepchildren who have reached a length of 4-7 cm can be safely removed. Cut off shoots need sharply, holding them with your index finger and thumb. In order not to damage the main stem, move the sprout to the side when jerking, not to the side. Also cutting with the tool having a sharp edge( knife) is allowed.

    When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, bushes are formed into one or two stems. With a large number of branches, the plants are shaded and interfere with air circulation, so the 3-branch technique is not suitable.

    How to form the determinant brushes

    This group includes low-growing plants of early and middle ripening periods. In principle, they do not need the formation of a bush( on average, the height of the tops reaches 55-65 cm).But experienced gardeners still carry out the procedure for obtaining an earlier harvest and increase in fruiting.

    Shrub that must be removed

    In determinant tomatoes, after the formation of 3-4 leaves, the first flower brush is laid on the main stem. A second sheet appears after 2-3 sheets, and all subsequent brushes are tied through a leaf. The last closing growth of tomato inflorescences are arranged in a row without an interval on the leaves. In the southern countries, the culture is grown without removing the stepsons, aided by the climate and the long daylight hours. In our regions it is simply necessary to participate in the pasynkov process.

    For the formation of tomatoes of a determinant type, in addition to the main stem, the first or second stepsons are chosen. After the beginning of flowering, you need to install a support so that the branches do not break under the weight of the fruit. In a greenhouse, plants are tied to a trellis.

    Removal of excess shrub

    Forming indeterminant varieties

    This type includes cultures that do not have restrictions on growth. Most often, such varieties are formed into one stem, less often with two. The application of these methods is explained by the ability of indeterminate tomatoes to form a large number of side shoots.

    On a plant whose height exceeds 50-70 cm, in addition to the main stem, the first or second stepson is left( a stronger and more developed option is chosen).On each branch leave 4-5 brushes of inflorescences. Sprouts located on the sides and in the root zone are removed.

    Favorable time for trimming the bush are the morning hours( the weather must be dry and sunny).During this period, the plant is filled with juice as much as possible, which facilitates the breaking off process. The wound will dry out during the day, which reduces the risk of infection with fungal disease.
    Tomatoes formed in one stem

    What happens if growing tomatoes is allowed to drift

    Removing useless sprouts contributes to the ripening of large fruits, because the tomato does not waste energy and energy. If young seedlings are not subjected to such a procedure, then the bush turns out to be highly branched, and the fruits on it will be small. Many ovaries can fall due to lack of vitamins and minerals. In addition, the beds thicken and there is a problem with airing. With increased humidity, various fungi are activated, which causes plant diseases.

    The spontaneously forming tomatoes in height can reach 1 m or more, which creates illumination problems in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate. And for normal growing season, light is simply necessary, it promotes protein synthesis. Therefore, the regulation of the growth of the bush is another advantage of pinching.

    Neglected tomatoes produce a lot of greenery and few fruits.

    The beds that do not form shrubs look untidy, it is extremely inconvenient to process them, you have to go through the thickets. By the end of the season, the plant remains a lot of undiminished fruit, which is unsuitable even for preservation because of its too dense structure and bitterness in the taste.

    Removing stepsons does not take much time, and knowledge to perform trimming or pinching will require minimal. But the harvest will delight large tomatoes, which will correspond to product and flavor characteristics. The scheme of how to form bushes can be applied in the open field.

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