Detailed description and characteristic of the whole-serving tomato variety
Every gardener dreams of a variety that will tolerate drought and frost, and at the same time produce high yields of .This variety is the variety of tomatoes Klebosolny, the description and characteristics of which are given in this review.
Table of contents
Description and characteristics of a tomato variety Hospitable
advantages and disadvantages
Preparation and planting of seeds
Planting seedlings in the open ground
Diseases and pests
Harvesting and storing the crop
which will be available. He survives perfectly in all weather conditions. Belongs to varieties of average aging. The aging period 115-120 days .Bush grows to a height of 1 meter in the open field. In the greenhouse, the height of the bush reaches 2.5 - 3 meters. Mid-season tomato variety Hospitable
Shrubs wide, spreading. The fruits are large, round shape, grow with brushes. Fruit weight ranges from 550 to 900 gr. The color of the fruit varies from light pink at the beginning of ripening to bright red in the mature stage. The flesh is dense, juicy, with a small amount of seeds, the taste is rich and sweet. Used raw in salads and for processing into juice.
possibility of growing in open beds and in greenhouses ;
good transportability ;
excellent trademark ;
storage duration ;
small ripening period .
Tomatoes of the Khlebosolny variety are distinguished by their high fruit weight and exquisite taste.
The disadvantages of this variety include:
bush sprawling requires support and tying;
canned as a whole is not possible due to the large size of the fruit.
Preparation and Planting of Seeds
Before planting, the seeds must first be prepared:
Using saline solution, we select seeds suitable for planting. Immerse the seeds in the salt solution for 10 minutes. Splash seeds are thrown away. Down on the bottom, rinse under running water;
To prevent diseases, we disinfect seeds with 1% manganese solution;
We process with a growth stimulator ;
Wrap the seeds with an napkin and put them in the fridge for 24 hours( temper);
We warm up the 5 clock at a temperature of 20 degrees.
Before planting tomato seeds Hostess hardened
For sowing seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil:
We mix garden soil , river sand, peat in equal proportions;
To normalize the acidity of add 200 grams of ash ;
We introduce rotted mullein ;
We pour over the ready soil with a strong solution of manganese.
We fill the prepared soil in wooden boxes, level it and make grooves with a depth of 1 cm. Lay the seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Sprinkle with earth, gently pour and cover with polyethylene. We take out to the dark room with a temperature of +25 degrees.
After 5 days, after the sprouts appear, we remove the polyethylene and transfer the container with the seedlings to a room with good lighting. Reduce the room temperature to 14–15 degrees. Watering should be abundant, but not frequent. For irrigation it is better to use a spray. After two leaves appear on the seedlings, they should be transplanted into separate 1 liter pots.
For the correct development of tomato seedlings after the appearance of two leaves, it is necessary to dive the sprouts of the
. Replant should be extremely careful not to damage the still weak root system. This should be done with a lump of land from the former place of growth. Every two weeks, seedlings should be fertilized with a solution of ash diluted in the following proportions:
ash - 200 grams;
water - 10 liters.
Since tomatoes love good lighting, it is necessary to create additional illumination with fluorescent lights.
A week before planting, the seedlings must be hardened. The first two days in a room with saplings you need to open a window on 2-3 hours . After two days you can take out the containers with seedlings on a light day outside. Two days before planting in open ground, leave the seedlings in the open air overnight.
10 - 14 days before planting of tomato seedlings Hospitable in open ground should begin hardeningIf the variety is planned to be grown in a greenhouse, then the landing is carried out in early May. Plant this variety at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other .In the oblong hole spread sapling under the slope and sprinkled with earth. To plant seedlings of tomatoes should be early in the morning or in the evening.
This method of planting promotes the development of a powerful root system. Seedlings watered from watering cans and mulch with sawdust or humus. The next watering should be done as the soil dries. After watering, it is necessary to loosen so that a crust does not form on the surface.
In the process of bush growth, weeds need to be weeded regularly.
Hilling is recommended during flowering and fruit ripening. Top dressing is desirable to make different, in accordance with the growth stage:
during the flowering period it is necessary to fertilize the root zone with ashes;
at the stage of formation of the fruits of mix 1 gram of soda and boric acid with 1 liter of water;
in the process of growth can be fertilized with a solution of a fermented mullein.
The formation of a bush depends on the place of growth. If a bush grows in an open, well-lit garden, it is formed into two trunks. If the bush grows in a shaded area, or it is recommended to form it in greenhouses in one stem. Such bushes require support and garters.
When growing tomato Tomatoes in greenhouses or greenhouses, bushes need to be tied up with
Diseases and pests
Gardeners prefer this type for high resistance to late blight. However, the cultivar, Khlebosolny, may be affected by the root and vertex rot. In order to prevent, it is necessary to perform weeding, mulch bushes with straw, disinfect with manganese. In addition, this variety may be affected by these pests:
A solution of household soap can be used to combat aphids. It is necessary to wash the leaves with a solution. Other pests can be controlled by spraying Fitosporin. Spraying carried out in the early morning or evening.
Do not spray the bushes in sunny or foggy weather. This will cause leaf burns.
Harvesting and storage of the crop.
. Harvesting is carried out in 115-120 days from the moment of planting. As a rule, up to 20 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from one bush. When laying tomatoes for long-term storage, it is necessary to take into account some features:
to harvest better in the afternoon , there will be no dew on the fruits by this time;
storage should be dark;
temperature in the storage should be + 5-10 degrees. Humidity - 82%;
tomatoes must be thoroughly bruised; put off fruits with signs of damage;
Freshly-picked Tomatoes variety Klebosolny in boxes
To put tomatoes in wooden or plastic boxes , shifting each layer with paper. Instead of paper, you can use dry sawdust;
in each box must be not more than three layers ;
once a week check each layer of and throw out damaged fruit.
Delicious juice, ketchup, and pasta are made from the fruits of this variety. Excellent aroma and excellent taste are indispensable in the preparation of salads and snacks.
Tomatoes Hospitable salads are simple and unpretentious in cultivation. Even newbies can grow this variety. When following simple guidelines, it is not difficult to get a high yield.
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