Growing melon collective farmers in the open field and greenhouse

This crop is considered capricious, it requires special conditions for growing. Many varieties are cultivated exclusively in the southern regions. But the melon kolkhoznitsa is perfect for breeding in areas of the middle lane, even in open ground.


  • Description of the characteristics of Melon Kolkhozov
  • The list of localities of
  • Diseases and pests of the
  • variety.risky farming. Indeed, in the Volga region or in the Urals there is no opportunity to grow a normal berry without planting it in a greenhouse.

    The variety has been known since 1943, and since then it has been very popular among gardeners, as it pleases with good harvests in any summer, even not very sunny. The fruits are small, do not exceed one and a half kilograms, but very sweet and fragrant. The skin is thin, the flesh is white.

    The variety is middle-ripening, no more than one hundred days pass from the appearance of sprouts to harvesting, so this melon variety should be grown only by the seedling method.
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    Melon kolhoznitsa in the context of

    History of breeding and growing region

    Under greenhouse conditions, melon is beautifully grown in Holland, Italy, France, Japan and Bulgaria. From the nineteenth century, the kolkhoznitsa began to be grown on the territory of Russia in hotbeds, since it has not reached greater distribution. In the middle lane, with all the requirements for cultivation, the first harvest can be obtained in May.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

    Let us describe the main advantages of the variety, thanks to which it is popular among gardeners:

    • excellent taste;
    • resistance to temperature changes during growing;
    • good transportability.

    Minus one - not a very long storage period. Only unripe specimens can last a bit longer.

    Rules for planting in the open ground

    To grow melons, choose a sunlit bed, securely sheltered from the winds and having fertile, well-fertilized soil. It will be better if the beds begin to prepare in advance in the autumn. For this, the area set aside for planting is dug up, organic matter is added to the soil.

    If there is a lot of clay in the ground, then it is recommended to add sand in order to give the soil composition the desired looseness.

    In springtime, the bed is dug up, fertilizer compounds of the phosphoric and potassium groups are added to it. After the work is done, landing is permitted. For seedlings, seeds should be chosen larger. They are pre-treated with growth stimulants or boric acid containing zinc sulfate. After completing this treatment, the seeds should be soaked in water for twelve hours.

    Hardening of seeds by soaking in water

    Horticultural gardeners with an experience of sowing material are subjected to hardening. To do this, they:

    • fill the seeds with water, the temperature of which is thirty-five degrees;
    • remove the seed and keep it at room temperature for 24 hours;
    • for twenty hours the seeds are transferred to a place where the temperature is zero degrees;
    • then return the seeds to the previous conditions.

    Such actions with seeds are performed not less than three times a week before planting.

    Planted seeds in peat tanks that protect the roots at the time of transplanting. Young plants do not even have to get out of the cups - they are planted directly into them. Such a measure even additionally fertilizes the beds.

    Before sowing, the cups are filled with soil, which is purchased in stores or prepared with their own hands. In this case, the mixture should consist of nine parts of peat, and one part of sand and wood ash. Pre-soaking the seed will sort out the empty seeds that remain floating on the surface.

    Planting seeds to a depth of five centimeters, two pieces each. Until the shoots appear, the containers should be in a room with an air temperature of about twenty degrees during the day and no less than fifteen at night. Melon starts to emerge in about a week. When the seedlings form the third leaf, the plants pinch to give them the opportunity to begin forming side branches.

    Sowing of seeds is performed in April. Seedlings transferred into the ground after twenty-five days.

    Growing Conditions

    Transplant seedlings into small holes using the “seventy by seventy” centimeters scheme. It is only necessary to wait until the threat of night frosts passes. Water is poured into the arranged holes, a little humus is brought in, then the seedlings are planted so that an earthen lump can be seen above the bed surface. The plant is watered, a little sprinkled with earth. Light shading should be created for several days after planting.

    Field and melon harvest kolkhoznitsa

    Features of this variety

    - the culture is famous for the fact that under any conditions of the climate is able to give a good harvest;

    - melon seeds can be dried and then eaten separately;

    - it is contraindicated to eat it along with milk or alcohol - the likelihood of poisoning is high;

    - melon flesh of white color, crunches.

    Diseases and pests

    Like many vegetable crops, melons are capable of suffering various diseases that affect the weight and taste of fruits. Sources for infection can be considered soil composition, weeds, seed stock, the remnants of last year's plants.

    Most often the melon is ill with mealy dew. It appears a special whitish bloom on stem parts and foliage of plants, it causes drying. Dropped foliage stops the development of the fetus, its quality deteriorates. But the Kolkhoz Woman has a good resistance to this disease.

    The second melon problem is fusarium. It is distributed through the soil by seeds and residues of vegetation. The disease spreads quickly, the plants may die within a few days. Such viruses are prevented by treatment with chemical compounds.

    Another disease - viruses cucumber and watermelon mosaic. Infection occurs with the help of aphids, which transfers the infection from infected plants to healthy ones. As a rule, this happens at the second stage of the vegetative period and reduces the yield almost twice.

    Following all the recommendations, you can always grow a good harvest of this berry in your own area. True, fresh fruits do not last long. But experts have found a way out - dried melon is very tasty in dried form, it retains almost all useful components.

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