For centuries, people have been treated with plants. Sometimes we do not even suspect how many useful properties the grass or berry, inconspicuous in appearance, has.
One of these useful plants is an irga. Nowadays, a small number of people know about it, but in the Middle Ages it was actively used by healers and healers for the preparation of various drugs .Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of this unique berry.
Table of contents
- Appearance and aura of plant distribution
- Composition and beneficial properties of irgi for the human body
- Harm and contraindications: who should not use irgi?
- Application of irgi in traditional medicine
- When irga can harm?
- Recipes decoctions and teas with leaves and berries
- Flower infusion
- Berry juice
- Berry tincture
- Tea based on the leaves
- Broth from the bark
Appearance and halo of the plant
, which the General The scientific name of this plant is “аmelanchier”, in Celtic language it means “honey”
.You can also find such a name as "madam", which is more common among the people.
There are almost two dozen different varieties of this plant. It is a tall shrub with leaves of deep green color. The fruits of shadberry are red-purple round berries of small size, sweet in taste. Their maturation occurs in the middle of summer. The average lifespan of this shrub tree is 60 years .
Irga grows in northern Africa, America, central and southern Europe, as well as in Japan. In Russia, shrubs can be found in many regions, but it is most common in the Crimea and the Caucasus, .
Composition and beneficial properties of shadberry for the human body.
Shadberry berries are widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. They contain many vitamins and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body.
- The phytosterols that make up the berries have anti-sclerotic effect, strengthen blood vessels, reduce the fragility and fragility of capillaries and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
- Thanks to the pectins contained in the irg, the gastrointestinal tract is restored, the appetite is improved, and toxins and carcinogens are removed from the body. A decoction of these berries also helps to relieve stress and fatigue, normalizes the work of the nervous system. In addition, irga is an excellent immunomodulator.
- Vitamin C helps fight infections, improves metabolism and lowers blood cholesterol.
- Bioflavonoids( Vitamin P) helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, prevent blood clots and support heart function in coronary disease and hypertension.
- Riboflavin( vitamin B2) is actively involved in metabolic processes, normalizes the sebaceous glands and is necessary to maintain normal vision.
Berries are distinguished by low calorie ( 43 kcal) , due to which they are actively used in weight correction programs.
Harm and contraindications: who should not take irgu?
The benefits of irgi are obvious, but it can also harm the human body if used in the following cases:
- diabetes mellitus ( the berry is rich in carbohydrates, which can lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose);
- obesity ( excessive consumption of berries can lead to an increase in body weight);
- low blood pressure ( components contained in the fruit, reduce blood pressure);
- prone to skin rashes ( irga can cause strong reactions in allergy sufferers);
- low blood clotting ( substances that make up the berries contribute to blood thinning).

In childhood, eating irgi should not exceed 50 g per day , otherwise there is a risk of allergy.
Application of irgi in traditional medicine
In folk medicine, irga has found wide application. Broths, teas and medicinal infusions are prepared on the basis of the fruits, inflorescences, leaves and bark of this plant.
Apply irgu in the following cases of :
- heart disease, increased blood pressure and varicose veins;
- poisoning and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- high blood cholesterol and cholesterol plaques;
- diseases of the nervous system and fatigue;
- prophylaxis and complex therapy of diseases of the organs of vision;
- low vascular permeability and increased capillary fragility;
- ORZ and ARVI;
- periodontal disease and bleeding gums;
- diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
- recovery of the body after illness;
- purulent wounds, burns and abrasions.

In these cases, , you can use fresh berries, take shadberry juice, diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, or prepare tinctures .Medicinal teas are made from flowers and leaves, and for external use in treating wounds and burns a compress from the bark of the plant bark is necessary.
Irga helps not only to alleviate the condition in various diseases, but also nourishes the body with beneficial substances, and also has a healing and rejuvenating effect.
When Irga can harm?
Even a healthy person who uses irga for restorative purposes can be harmful to their health if they consume too much of this product. What can happen in this case?
Among other things, Irga has a strong sedative effect .Excessive consumption of juice, tincture or tea can lead to drowsiness, loss of strength and decreased attention.
Allergy symptoms may also appear even in individuals who have not previously suffered from such symptoms.
When consuming shadberry in combination with dairy and dairy products , the digestive system is disturbed, leading to discomfort, bloating and diarrhea.
Recipes decoctions and teas with leaves and berries
Traditional medicine offers a huge number of ways to prepare therapeutic drugs based on berries, flowers, leaves or bark of irgi .If you have health problems or to fill the balance of useful trace elements in the body, you can use one of the following recipes.
Flower infusion

The tincture is prepared on the basis of vodka, but those who do not tolerate alcohol can replace it with water. To prepare a remedy, you will need to do the following:
- pour 2-3 tablespoons of dried flowers into a small saucepan or liter jar of ;
- pour 2 cups vodka or boiling water;
- if alcohol is used, to infuse the drink for for 3 days , in the case of boiling water - to wait for cooling, after wrapping the container with tincture;
- when the drink is infused, it is necessary to strain .
The tincture is taken 3 times a day, taking one tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals.
Berry Juice

Berry Juice can be consumed fresh, diluted with water, or preserved. Prepare canned juice in this way:
- berries are thoroughly washed with and allowed to drain off with excess water;
- pushes with a pestle to a puree state;
- squeeze juice in a juicer or manually using cheesecloth;
- diluted with the juice of the more sour berries( since the irg is high in sugar, you can add cranberry, cherry or currant juice);
- preheat , but do not bring to a boil, and roll it into hot jars.
Before you start canning, the banks need to be doused with boiling water. Drinking juice is recommended at 50-100 grams before eating.
Berry tincture

To make a healing tincture from irgi berries, you will need a glass jar and high-quality vodka. Prepare a drink in this way:
- berries are brought to puree with a pestle;
- jar with ¾ fill with mass;
- pour vodka, leaving a space of 3-4 cm from the neck of the vessel;
- insist for 2-3 days; in a dark cool place;
- filter and discard the rest of the berries.
Keep this tincture better in the cold. It is recommended to take 3 times a day. , a tablespoon before meals.
Tea on the basis of

It is better to use fresh leaves for making tea, but in the extreme case dry tea will do.
A few leaves of shadberry are poured with boiling water and let brew for 15-20 minutes .You can add 1 teaspoon of natural honey. Flower tea is also prepared in the same way.
It is better to use tea in the evenings, it perfectly soothes the nervous system and ensures a healthy sound sleep.
Decoction from the bark of

The decoction is intended not only for indoor use, but also for external use. With the help of compresses, festering wounds can be treated and burns can be treated. To prepare the product, you need :
- to grind the bark of the with a coffee grinder;
- pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting powder into the pan and pour 2 cups boiling water;
- to put the dishes on a low fire and to cook a therapeutic agent for 15-20 minutes ;
- cool the drink and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth;
- Add 1 cup cool boiled water .
Take tincture 3-5 times per day according to ½ cup .If the product is prepared for external use, it is not necessary to dilute it with water.
As with any medicinal plant, irgie can provide invaluable benefits to the human body if used correctly, and can also harm .For this reason, you must follow the rules for the preparation of therapeutic agents and control their dosage.