Description and characteristics of cucumber varieties Ajax f1

Cucumber is a very popular vegetable crop whose importance is difficult to underestimate. The demand for such a vegetable stimulates breeders to invent innovative varieties of , which are becoming more and more advanced. In this review you can get acquainted with one of the new varieties called Ajax, the description and characteristics of which are presented below.

  • Contents Description and characteristics of Ajax
    • cucumber varieties Advantages and disadvantages
  • landing Features
  • Diseases cucumber culture
  • Harvesting

description and characterization of varieties of cucumbers Ajax

Grade cucumbers Ajax is a sample selection of the Dutch company Nunhems. In 2000, this species was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. The variety has positioned itself as being suitable for growing in home gardens and large farms .The culture is universal and suitable both for fresh consumption and for processing in the form of canning and pickles.

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Cucumber variety Ajax F1

This crop needs to be pollinated by bees, so it is best to grow it in open areas.

The variety is an open type indeterminant variety. Bushes are powerful, high lifting capacity. The leaves are medium in size and saturated green color, wrinkled. The plant reaches the big sizes therefore skilled gardeners and summer residents recommend to grow up it on a grid, a trellis, or any other support. Without a garter, bushes will be injured and bear fruit to a much lesser extent .

Culture is genetically predisposed to moderate formation of stepsons.

Fruits of a regular cylindrical shape, hilly, saturated green color with a whitish tip. Sizes of vegetables reach no more than 12 cm, and weighing no more than 100 grams .The bitterness is absent. Productivity is high: with normal care, up to 5 kg can be collected from one square meter.juicy fruits. Fruits plants up to the most frost. In terms of ripening Ajax cucumbers early. Culture perfectly tolerates fluctuations in temperature: it is not hampered by any intense heat or significant cooling.

Ajax-shaped cucumbers with large tubercles, dark green, with short light stripes and a whitish tip

Breeders position this variety as very resistant to such common cucumber diseases as powdery mildew, mosaic virus, brown spot. Vegetables are stored for a long time and are not prone to yellowing. The presentation is excellent, the cucumbers are neat, the same size, well tolerated transportation.

Advantages and disadvantages of

This varietal variety has a number of advantages:

  1. High yield .
  2. Drought tolerance and cold resistance.
  3. Excellent resistance to for various diseases .
  4. Long shelf life .
  5. Presentable appearance and good transportable properties .
  6. Versatility in the use of fruits.
  7. Unpretentious in care.
Ajax is characterized by the intensive formation of the early crop

. But this variety has its drawbacks. These include:

  1. Limited ability to grow. Not suitable for growing in greenhouses.
  2. The relatively mediocre taste of .Cucumbers have quite acceptable palatability, but for particularly capricious consumers there are varieties of cucumbers, far exceeding the taste of Ajax.
  3. Firm peel of fruit.

Landing Features

This varietal variety is very picky to the soil. But still, in order to get a good harvest, you need to fertilize soil. It is best to do this in the fall. For this, the site for future planting is well removed from the weeds, then any organic fertilizer( humus, mullein, chicken droppings, peat) is applied, and only after that the soil is dug up. If in the fall it was not possible to apply fertilizer, it is not too late to do this in spring.

In order for cucumber to grow quickly and well, it is necessary to fertilize the soil.
It is necessary to plant the crop in open soil only after completely eliminating night frost. The soil should be well heated and reach a temperature of at least 15-18 degrees.

To speed up the process of warming up the soil, you can cover it with agrofiber.

The soil should be wet and fluffed with good breathable capabilities.

Seed also has certain requirements. It is best to buy already prepared glazed seeds. They have already undergone a corresponding disinfecting treatment and treatment with growth promoters. If you still purchased unprepared seeds, do not despair, they can be prepared for planting yourself. To do this, they first need to soak in a solution of potassium permanganate, then germinate in wet bags( gauze or cotton) and already germinated seeds need to be hardened, keeping them in a moderately cold room. After these manipulations, you can safely begin planting plants in the ground.

Germinated Ajax Cucumber Seeds

For this, the soil must be thoroughly burst and make small wells, moistening them with water. 2-4 seeds are planted in each well, no more than 2 cm to a depth and sprinkled with fluff soil. If each seed germinates, they must be thinned.

To increase the yield, you can fertilize the plant during the whole growing season. Organic fertilizers are perfectly suited for this purpose, which should be applied no more than once every 2-3 weeks.

It is strictly forbidden to fertilize cucumbers with chlorine-containing substances.

Any variety of cucumbers loves cleanliness, so at all stages of cultivation it is necessary to clean the area from weeds and loosen it.

Watering is also recommended timely. It is impossible to allow both excessive drying of the soil and the stagnation of water, which contributes to rotting of the root system. It is necessary to water a plant in the evening hours with separated water of room temperature.

Diseases of the cucumber culture

Considering that Ajax cucumbers can become sick with gray rot, nuisance is prevented by tying

. This variety has positioned itself as being very resistant to diseases, but the responses of gardeners and gardeners indicate that the plant can still suffer from a gray heart..To prevent this, it is necessary to tie up the plant in order to limit it from contact with the soil.


Fruiting Ajax variety lasts until frost

High crop yields require daily harvest of .This should be done carefully so as not to damage the ovary.

Growing a varietal variety of Ajax cucumbers, adhering to the above recommendations, you provide yourself and your loved ones with an excellent crop without much effort.

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