Description of how to properly inoculate melon on a pumpkin

Despite the emergence of relatively resistant to cold temperatures and disease varieties, the cultivation of melons, watermelons, and cucumbers is variable. A sharp cooling, high humidity and the spread of fusarium cause a decrease in yield and sometimes death of the plant. Inoculation of melon and other sensitive crops on the pumpkin helps prevent these problems.

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      • .climate and disease, survival rate and speed of development depends on the root system. To improve these characteristics, a melon, cucumber or watermelon is grafted onto a stronger crop - pumpkin or zucchini.

        The melon( graft) grafted onto the pumpkin( stock) can withstand the soil t dropping to + 16 °, and the own-rooted plant feels depressed and slows down in development.

        Pumpkin has a large number of small roots, intensively absorbing moisture and nutrients from the soil. Therefore, melon, cucumber or watermelon grafted on a pumpkin, develops faster, which accelerates the ripening of fruits for 10-12 days.

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        This is important when growing melons, cucumbers and watermelons in regions with a short summer crop: Siberia, central Russia, in the Urals.

        Pumpkin roots are less sensitive to moisture. Long rains practically do not lead to rotting of the root collar and the development of fusarium wilt.

        graded on the pumpkin varietal qualities of grafted melon fruits do not change. Intensive nutrition and accelerated metabolism only increases the aroma and sweetness of the fruit. Due to the lack of slowdown in cold weather, the grafted melon fruits are larger.

        The cold-resistant varieties of the pumpkin dough have a good stock quality: Mozoleevskaya, Belaya honey, Gray Volga, Almond, Golosemyannaya and Lagenariya.

        Ideal conditions

        To calculate the time of vaccination are oriented to the time of transplantation of plants in open ground. The soil should warm up to + 16 ° С, in the middle zone of the Russian Federation this occurs in the third decade of May, and in Siberia in the first decade of June. By the time of transplantation, the grafted plant should be 30-35 days old.

        Seeds are sown in late April or early May. A big difference in the size of the stems of the scion and rootstock reduces the survival rate. Therefore, melon seeds are sown earlier for 3 days so that the seedlings are ahead of the pumpkin in development. The procedure is started when the first true leaves are formed on the shoots.

        If the estimated time of vaccination is missed, the procedure can be performed within 15 days.

        At later dates, the plant will not have time to thoroughly take root at the time of transplantation into the ground. A long-term development in the home leads to the stretching and weakening of the plants.

        Technology and methods for grafting

        For grafting, you will need: a sharp safety blade, tapes of nonwoven material or polyethylene for tying, graft clamps. Before the procedure, the instrument is disinfected with alcohol, one side is wrapped with tape.

        There are three main ways of grafting, except in the split method. Procedures carried out at home, guarantee only 70% -80% survival rate.

        Inoculation in the center of the pumpkin

        In the center of the pumpkin

        A rather complicated procedure that requires some dexterity and technical knowledge. If it is being held for the first time, it is desirable to attract an assistant.


        • have rootstock perpendicularly cut the upper part with the first leaf above the cotyledons;
        • between the cotyledons in the center of the stem, a puncture is made with an awl to a depth of 1.5 cm;
        • graft is cut at the level of the soil, scrape the skin from the bottom of 1.5 cm;
        • the stem of the scion is inserted into the puncture hole for the entire length;

        Tissue grafted plants should be in close contact. After this, the junction is tied with a tape and fixed with a clip.

        Plant Approach

        This is a relatively simple procedure that a beginner can do well.


        • pumpkin seeds and melons sown nearby;
        • under the cotyledons remove the thin skin( epidermis) of the plant stalks by 15-20 mm;
        • plant tissue tightly pressed against each other;
        • tied and fastened with a clip.

        There is a second variant of the procedure. On the stock and graft make cuts( tongues) of the same size( 1.5 cm) in opposite directions. The tongues are threaded into each other "lock" and fixed.

        Grafting by plant approach

        After 5 days, the graft stem below the graft is slightly crushed with the fingers. This procedure is carried out daily until the melon stem is dry. After 6-8 days, the stem of the pumpkin above the vaccine is removed. The root of the graft cut during transplantation into the ground.

        In the side of the stem

        The rootstock is removed from the stock so that only the first true leaf and the cotyledon leaves are left. A 1.5-2-2 cm long straight cut is made on its stem. The depth of the cut should reach the middle of the stem.

        The graft is cut off the soil. On both sides of the stem, from the side of the cotyledon leaves, they peel the length of the stock cut. Slightly bending the stem of the stock, open the incision and insert the graft, ensuring that the tissues fit snugly, tied with tape.

        Grafted melon in the side of the stem

        Care after the procedure

        After the procedure, the soil surface is mulched with wet sawdust. After being covered with glass jars or plastic bottles with a cut-off bottom.

        A humidity level of 90-95% and t +25 ° C is maintained throughout the week. For this, the containers are removed on the window sill, located above the battery and shaded from bright light. The inner walls of the bottle are sprayed daily with warm water.

        Plants are airing, daily opening the surface of the pot for 1-2 minutes. Watered every day with warm and separated water, avoiding the ingress of moisture to the vaccination site.

        If the vaccination was successful, on average, after 5 days, you can notice the development of the melon's growing point.

        After this, the airing is increased, and after 2-3 days the caps are removed.

        Airing seedlings

        In the future, support the average t + 20 ° C- + 25 ° C during the day and about + 18 ° C at night. Watering as the earthen clod dries. A few days before transplantation, plants are fed with mineral fertilizers for seedlings and hardened, bringing to fresh air. After transplantation, they take care of a pumpkin.

        Plants that are planted for the first time, take root difficult and give a small crop. Therefore, immediately transfer all planting melons on grafted plants is unwise. This is done gradually after gaining experience, finding the ideal rootstocks and grafts.

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