Many gardeners and gardeners allocate a site for planting with sweet pepper. This very tasty and healthy vegetable is an important ingredient for the preparation of many dishes. It canned, frozen. Therefore, each plant grower wants to get a good harvest of vegetables. Variety Bogatyr fully corresponds to its name, the description and characteristics of which can be found below.
A table of contentsRefers to mid-season varieties.

Bogatyr variety appeared in the Russian State Register of agricultural crops in 1996.His “parent” is a team of the Moldavian Scientific Research Institute. The creator of Bogatyr is the company “Agrofirm Poisk”, located in the Moscow region. Agrofirm employees clearly identified the most successful regions for growing varieties:
- North Caucasus region;
- Lower Volga region.
Depending on the seed manufacturer, , it is possible to produce fruits of a cuboid or conical shape weighing at least 150 grams
.The bush has a height of about 60 centimeters with a large number of branches and branches. Crohn blooms violently, almost every flower has an ovary. With proper care from one square meter of a summer cottage, you can get 7 kilograms of fleshy fruit. With large-scale sowing, you can get 400 kilograms of fruit per hectare.
The first green fruits appear on the plant 130 days after the first growth. Full maturation - red color on 15-30 a day after technical ripeness.
Fruits are usually large in size, with a thick, juicy skin of at least 0.5 centimeters, saturated with amino acids and vitamin C.
Summer residents love this variety for unpretentiousness and high resistance to diseases. The landing on the seedlings is made in the middle of February, , and there is a simultaneous germination of plants. As it grows, a strong stalk and an extensive root system is formed.
The first fruits are collected in August. Bulgarian pepper resistant to frost, so it continues to bloom and bear fruit until the first frost.
The variety is suitable for growing in open ground and greenhouses.
Advantages of the variety
This variety has many advantages:
- High yield ;
- Unpretentious in care;
- Bright red fruits beautiful shape;
- Fine taste ;
- Resistance of to frosts and temperature changes;
- The ability of to withstand diseases ;
- High transportability ;
- Versatility of use: is well suited for preparing salads, hot dishes, and for canning and freezing;
- Long-term shelf life of fruits.

This variety has virtually no flaws. According to gardeners, there are only two of them:
- It is afraid of drought , therefore it needs regular watering;
- Does not bear on dark areas.
Planting seeds, growing plants
Fruiting period of a vegetable is quite long, so it can be grown only seedlings. Seeds can be different: both their own collection and acquired.
Existing seeds should be sorted, selecting only large and intact - this is a visual stage. Then it is necessary to make a rejection with saline. In 1000 ml of water we add 40 grams of table salt, carefully re-mash and drop the previously selected seeds. Move the solution again. Raw materials suitable for sowing will be at the bottom of the tank, unsuitable seeds will float.

Wash the selected seed thoroughly with water and disinfect with a weak manganese solution. Then put on germination, spread out on a thoroughly soaked cotton cloth. The fabric is folded in several layers above and below the seed. Sprouting is carried out for 7 days of , the fabric must be constantly moistened.
The room should be warm, in this case, the seedlings will appear in a week and can be planted in containers prepared for this.
Pepper is very afraid of the fungus, so seedlings need to be sanitized with .Seeds are placed at a distance of 2 centimeters from each other, the top layer of the earth is not more than one centimeter.
To create a greenhouse effect, seedling containers are covered with a film. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and the containers are exposed to a well-lit place at a room temperature not lower than 17 degrees.

container After about 30 days, a plant is obtained that has an 3-4 shaped leaflet and a good rhizome .It is at this moment worth transplanting seedlings into separate containers. You can choose peat cups or plastic. When transplanting it is important not to affect the root system, otherwise the plant will be sick for a long time. Strongly sapling is not worth deepening.
Not worth seedlings located in the bright sun, it can outgrow. We make a slight darkening.
Pepper seedlings are fed twice:
- The first time 14 days after the first shoots;
- The second time two weeks after the first feeding.
Seedlings at the age of 2-2.5 months after preliminary hardening are planted in a permanent growth place. Hardening is carried out for two to three weeks. For this, cups of plants are taken out of the room to the open air from the beginning for 30 minutes, and then every day we increase the time to full days.

Planting in open ground is made according to the scheme - 40 centimeters between plants, 60 centimeters between rows .Some gardeners prefer to plant two plants in one hole. Directly at the landing in the recess, fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be applied.
Then the pepper needs to be watered every time the soil dries out and more often to loosen the ground. Pepper likes nitrogen fertilizers, , therefore it can be fed twice a month with diluted chicken manure in a ratio of 1 to 10.
The result is a strong, green shrub that must be tied to a trellis.
Diseases and pests
Bogatyr variety has resistance to the most common diseases, such as:
- verticillary wilt;
- tobacco mosaic;
- apical rot.
However, there are diseases and pests that can cause significant damage to the crop. Of the pests, this variety is most susceptible to the effects of peppermint.
The most dangerous diseases:
- Alternazis .Symptoms: watery spots appear on the fruits, and dark brown spots on the leaves. Treatment: spraying of plants with maroon liquid;
- Septoriosis .Symptoms: the whole plant is covered with gray spots with a pronounced dark edging. For treatment, a solution of phytosporin 1 tablespoon per bucket of water is applied;
- Black Leg .Symptoms: the lower part of the stem begins to rot. Unfortunately, with this disease it is not possible to cure the plant. The seedling is removed and destroyed. The earth is disinfected with a solution of blue vitriol.

The most dangerous pests:
- Aphis .This pest can cover the entire plant and destroy it in a couple of days. For prophylaxis and during infection, one can use Karbofos solution in the proportion of 25 ml per 10 l of water;
- Slugs .These pests are destroyed by frequent loosening of the soil around the seedlings. For prevention, you can sprinkle the ground with wood ash and dry bitter pepper;
- Spider Mite .Folk remedies are excellently suitable for combating these pests: decoctions of onion, garlic or dandelion, a solution of household soap.

The best prevention of the appearance of diseases and pests - timely weed control. They should not be on the site during fasting plants, as well as careful cleaning and digging the soil to prepare for the winter.
Pepper Bogatyr does not require much effort to grow. A little care and attention and each bush of a plant can bring at least 2.5 kilograms tasty and beautiful fruits.