Phosphorus is one of the main nutrients without which it is impossible to imagine normal plant growth. It is on a par with potassium and nitrogen, responsible for the flow of all metabolic processes and viability of crops. If this trace element in the soil is not enough, the vegetation may completely die. That is why it is necessary to identify the problem in time and solve it with the help of phosphate fertilizers before the onset of the worst - crop loss.
- value phosphorus for
- plants What are the signs of lack
- member Application phosphate fertilizer and as may be applied
- superphosphate
- diammonium phosphate( diammonium phosphate)
- Ammofos
- Phosphate powder
- Bone Meal
- precipitate
- Termofosfat
- necessity phosphorus-potassium fertilizer
- Types
The value of phosphorus for plants
A sufficient amount of phosphorus in the soil provides normal growth of crops and their resistantawns to adverse weather conditions , including a decrease in temperature.
If this microelement is not enough, all the vegetation may die due to the cessation of the functioning of the reproductive system responsible for reproduction. Appearance of seeds will be broken, and grain crops will become at all similar to a usual grass.

What are the signs of the lack of the element
In order to save the plant from a disease or fungus in time, which attack after depletion of crops, it is important to know about the signs of a lack of a useful microcell. In this case, it will be about phosphorus.
The lack of phosphorus affects plants in the following way:
- first the color of the foliage turns dark green and then acquires a rich purple color ;
- leaflets can change in shape and even fall prematurely;
- . dark spots appear on the bottom of foliage;
- culture can lose in height and becomes like a miniature bush;
- observed weak development of the roots of .Sometimes the stem falls straight from the ground.
The use of phosphate fertilizers and how much can be applied
There are a huge number of mineral nutrient complexes, which are composed of phosphorus, but differ in names.
They can be different concentration of of this microcell and the presence of impurities. Therefore, the need for fertilizer and their number will be different. This is what will be discussed further.

Superphosphate contains not only phosphorus, but also a small amount of magnesium and sulfur. This raw material is better to use in a diluted form , then the digestibility of substances will be more effective.
This feed can be used for a huge number of crops. Moreover, there are no restrictions on the composition of the soil either, phosphorus-containing complexes can be used in any case.
Superphosphate can be used not only in pure form, but also together with other fertilizers .It will significantly increase the resistance of vegetation to lower temperatures, improve immunity and ensure a high yield of all crops. And cereals, and vegetables, and fruit.
This tuk is diluted in water with the calculation of 100 g per bucket .
Ammonium Hydrophosphate( Diammophos)
This agrochemical allows to increase the basicity and significantly reduce the acid level of the soil. As directly phosphoric complexes, diammophos can be used simultaneously with organic , for example, with bird droppings or manure. But it is important to dilute everything with water and leave some time for the composition to infuse.
Most often, ammonium hydrogen phosphate is used in the spring in the process of planting crops by depositing a small amount( about 20 g ) into each well.

This substance is used to neutralize a glut of phosphoric acid. Nitrogen will appear during the reaction, but its concentration will be substantially less than the phosphorus itself. Although both micronutrients will saturate the soil in sufficient volume, as they are well absorbed.
But the concentration of ammophos will differ somewhat:
- for fruit trees and bushes need about 30 g agrotoka per square meter of land;
- for crops - 20 g ;
- Ornamental Plants and Lawns - 15 g .
Phosphoric flour
Most often, phosphate rock is used to fertilize the soil in the fall. It is perfect for black soil, gray forest, marsh and podzolic soil.
This fertilizer contains about 30% of phosphorus in its composition and due to its properties, it is recommended to use simultaneously with manure to create compost.

Bone Meal
Bone Meal is a prime example of organic fertilizer containing phosphorus in large quantities. For those gardeners who do not dare to use tuki because of their chemical method of production, flour is an excellent opportunity to fertilize the soil with organic matter.
Bone meal will make a great compost without the use of chemistry.
This fertilizer is presented in the form of a powder with a phosphorus concentration in 30% .It is recommended to use it for any soil and all cultivated plants, both as an additional feed and for the nutrition of the entire land plot.
In terms of its effectiveness, precipitate is not inferior to anything even superphosphate. Moreover, it is able to reduce the acidity level of the soil , having a positive effect on particularly acidic areas.
The level of phosphorus in thermophosphate varies in the region of 15-30 %.It all depends on the type of fertilizer.

Distinguish open-hearth slag, defluorinated phosphate and toxic slag. Moreover, the second option is considered the most concentrated and shows excellent results on black soil.
The need for phosphorus-potassium fertilizers
Phosphorus-potassium complexes are widely used in view of their versatility .They can be made in the fall and spring, in any period of vegetative growth of vegetation. With the only difference that the amount will vary.
The most popular fertilizers from this range are nitrophosphate and nitroammophoska .It is also worth considering the already finished store composition of the phosphorus-potash direction as Autumn, they can replace the previous two. It includes potassium, phosphate, boron, calcium and magnesium. And potassium most of all, almost 20%.
Types of
The most popular phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are:
- nitrophoska;
- nitroammophoska;
- nitrophos.

These power complexes are recommended to use in the spring .And for each square meter of land need about 50 g composition. Phosphorus potash fertilizers can be used to feed not only cultivated plants, but also fruit trees.
Since the absence of at least one substance can cause the complete depletion of plants and their subsequent death, it is important to monitor the crops. The most important trace elements are phosphorus and potassium. That is why the use of these tukov deserves special attention. We hope this article will allow you to grow a good harvest.