Characteristics and description of tomato variety Bobkat F1
When choosing among varieties of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, most gardeners have to sacrifice something. It is difficult to find a tomato that successfully combines such characteristics as yield, excellent taste and resistance to diseases according to the description. Tomato Bobkat F1 by this criterion surpasses most of its neighbors in the garden. In addition, this hybrid will satisfy not only gardeners of amateurs who grow vegetables only for themselves, but also those who produce for sale.
Table of Contents
Description and Characteristics of Tomato Bobkat F1
Findings on How to Build a Cross-Border Crusher in the Draft
Planting Requirements
Planting Rules
Terms and Features of Planting in Open Ground
Care after Transplanting
Diseases and Prevention
Diseases and Prevention
Dutch breeders, and since 2008 received official registration in Russia. Since then, gardeners willingly planted it on the backyards.
The hybrid origin does not allow you to collect your seeds, but the positive qualities of the variety compel those who have already tested it on their plot to buy quality seeds from year to year and grow it on their own plot.
is typical for a hybrid. is a medium term ripening period, can harvest the first fruits 65 days after planting the seedlings in open ground, or 120-130 days after the emergence of seedlings. Moreover, a decent crop can be obtained both in the greenhouse and in open ground conditions.
Shrubs of determinant stemming growth type, i.e.on the top, after the formation of 5-6 flower brushes, a brush is also formed and growth stops. Increase yields can be due to stepsons, which are recommended to be removed only before the first flower brush.
The fruit weight of the variety is about 180-240 grams
In open ground, the plant height is 50-60 cm, in the greenhouse it is 70-80 cm, but according to some data it can reach 120 cm.
Bushes are powerful, well leafy, which allows for good protection of fruits fromsunburn, which is especially important for hot regions. In fact, the Bobcat F1 was bred exactly for the arid hot conditions .
Powerful root system makes it easy to do with a moderate amount of moisture or no watering at all. In addition, at higher temperatures, the first harvest can be obtained much earlier.
The fruits are quite large, they can reach 300 g, but most have a mass of 180-240 g .With good farming, you can get 4-6 kg per 1 square.m. Fruits are one-dimensional, red, excellent taste, with sugary pulp. The shape is round, slightly oblate.
Maturation relatively friendly. Bobcat F1 is suitable for for fresh consumption and is ideal for processing .The size and shape make it suitable for whole-canning, and the dense fleshy pulp is good in the form of juices.
The attractive appearance of smooth fruits with a glossy surface make this hybrid one of the best varieties to trade. In addition, the dense skin does not crack, and tomatoes perfectly withstand transportation and storage.
Due to its dense peel, the variety perfectly withstands transportation and storage of
. We should also mention the resistance of the variety to common diseases of tomatoes: Fusarium, tobacco mosaic virus, verticillus wilt.
Advantages and disadvantages of the
variety It is thanks to the complex of positive qualities that this tomato has won recognition from gardeners and gardeners. Among the advantages of the variety should be highlighted:
Excellent Taste ;
Large Fruits;
High yield ;
Resistance to diseases and pests;
Fruit uniformity on all tastes and attractive appearance;
Resistance to adverse factors, such as heat and high humidity;
Transportability and suitability for long-term storage .
Deficiencies of the variety are not significant and boil down mainly to pronounced thermophilicity and high requirements for soil moisture.
Soil Requirements for Planting
Growing this hybrid and soil requirements are not distinguished by special requirements. However, with optimal moisture and fertilizer yields are significantly increased. Nevertheless, over-wetting the soil is undesirable , even considering the low probability of getting fusarium.
Sowing rules
Seeds of tomato Bobcat F1
In some sources, this hybrid is attributed to late-ripening tomatoes, noting that the first fruits ripen no earlier than 120-130 days after germination. This moment must be considered when calculating the time for sowing seeds. It is considered optimal to plant in early or mid-March for cultivation in open ground.
In the rest, the technology of sowing seeds and growing seedlings of Bobcat F1 is no different from other varieties. Before sowing, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of seeds with fungicides.
Terms and features of the landing in open ground
It is recommended to disembark in open ground after the onset of stable heat, taking into account the thermophilicity of this variety.
On 1 sq.m. have 4-6 plants of .Before planting it is recommended to harden the plants.
Leaving after transplanting
Leaving after planting in a greenhouse or in the open ground consists of timely watering and regular fertilizing, which affect the yield.
Hybrid is extremely review for fertilizers, and their regular introduction can increase the yield in 1 square.m to 8 kg.
With regular fertilizer, you can increase the yield up to 8kg / m2
In addition, the yield and ripening of fruits depend on the shape of the plants. Removing all the stepsons and forming one stalk allows you to get the first fruits in 7 days earlier, but forming several stalks gives you a greater yield from one plant.
Despite the short stature and shtambovy type of growth of the bush he still need garter , becausethe stem is not able to withstand the load of a large number of large fruits. Periodic removal of leaves and unnecessary stepsons will also be necessary in order to accelerate the ripening of already formed fruits.
Watering is best done no more than 2 times a week, but plentiful. And at high temperatures apply mulching to preserve moisture in the soil.
Diseases and Prevention
High disease resistance has already been mentioned as one of the main benefits of tomato Bobcat. As a rule, plants do not require treatment from diseases and pests when grown under optimal conditions.
Even in conditions of high humidity, diseases occur extremely rarely, but when grown in a greenhouse, requires regular ventilation and sometimes preventive treatment of .
Tomato Bobcat today is one of the most optimal in terms of the ratio of the most important characteristics: yield, stability, taste and marketability. Therefore, it is worth to provide this variety with at least a few meters of a greenhouse or plot to see firsthand its positive qualities.
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