7 best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

Tomatoes( tomatoes) - an indispensable and very widespread vegetable culture in the modern world. It has a pleasant taste and is part of many dishes. This vegetable contains a large amount of useful elements and vitamins. Enough unpretentious and grown even in northern areas. A good way to grow tomatoes in the open field is to plant a tall variety, since they have more advantages over low-growing tomatoes that are more often grown in the greenhouse.


  • advantages of growing tall tomato
  • best varieties with high yield for open ground
    • Tomato De Barao
    • Planting tomato Cardinal
    • Honey Spas
    • Pink Elephant
    • Tarasenko
    • Mikado pink
    • Wild Rose

advantages of growing tall tomato

Tall tomatoes - a herbaceous annualsplants of the Solanaceae family, which are able to grow to four meters in height. Their ancient homeland is South America, where they are still found in the wild.

Gardeners often plant tall tomatoes in open ground because:

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  • With its rather large growth, these vegetables do not take up much of the garden space, as they grow upwards. This makes it possible to save both the earth and the energy spent on caring for plants.
  • Very rich harvest. From 6 to 10 fruit brushes can appear on the stem. In favorable conditions, one plant is able to produce up to 12 kg of fruit.
  • Because of their growth, they get more sunlight, air.
  • Tomato leaves do not touch the ground, which reduces the possibility of late blight.
  • Fruits in July and until frost, while maintaining the benefits and quality of the tomato.
In the northern regions, seeds of these vegetables are planted in small containers in March, in May, seedlings are planted first under shelter and only in June on open ground.
Fruits of different varieties of tall tomatoes

The best varieties with high yields for open ground

There are many different varieties of tall tomatoes that are suitable for growing on open ground. Gardeners and farmers choose a plant according to their criteria:

  • for someone the main thing is a pleasant and rich taste( yellow and green tomatoes);
  • pink and red tomatoes take more for making juice and soups;
  • is also an important priority and time of maturation.

Tall tomatoes are divided into: early

  • ( ripen about 100 days);
  • average( maturation from 112 to 125 days);
  • late( about 130-150 days).

The most adapted varieties for cultivation in the open field according to the experience and feedback of many gardeners are:

  • De Barao
  • Cardinal
  • Honey Saved
  • Pink Elephant
  • Tarasenko-2
  • Mikado Pink
  • Pink
  • Mikado Pink
  • Dd


shrubs Wild rose bushes

For the bushes, shrubs from the bush

Tomato De Barao

Indeterminant type.

Height: 1.5 to 4 meters.

Maturation: medium late( 110-115 days after sowing).

Fruit appearance: oval.

Fruit weight: 40 to 80 grams.

Skin color: red, orange, yellow, pink and black( depending on the type of De Barao).

Taste: soft, sweetish, no excess acid.

Productivity: 5 - 8 kg per 1 sq. M.(depends on conditions and care).

Tomato shrubs De Barao

Tomato cultivation De Barao:

  • High level of protection against various diseases;
  • rich harvest;
  • versatility;
  • beautiful fetus appearance;
  • taste good;
  • vitamins and minerals.

In total there are 7 varieties of tomato De Barao:

  • Black De Barao( interesting color, suitable for preservation, high yield).
  • Red De Barao( resistance to cold, endurance shade, taste).
  • Pink De Barao( beautiful appearance and delicate taste, long stored).
  • Tsarsky De Barao( very high yield - 13 kg from a bush, large fruit, long fruiting, cold resistance).
  • Golden De Barao( appearance, quality, taste, protection from diseases).
  • Yellow De Barao( preserves the presentation and pleasant taste during transportation).
  • Giant( weight of one fruit is about 150 grams).
De Barao tomatoes do not get along well with other varieties of tomatoes, so you need to allocate a separate bed only for them.

Planting a tomato Cardinal

Indeterminant plant.

Height: from 1 to 2 meters in height.

Species: high stem, deciduous mass is growing gradually, about 7-10 fruits appear in the hand.

Maturation: medium late( about 120 days).

Form: in the form of a heart.

Color: soft crimson.

Taste: sweet-sour.

Fruit weight: 250 to 500 grams.

Productivity: about 8 kg per 1 sq. M.

Pros of growing a tomato Cardinal:

  • very high seed germination;
  • cold resistance;
  • size of fruits;
  • bright taste;
  • good for canning.
Fruits Tomatoes Because of the large weight of fruits, Cardinal tomatoes are tied up earlier than others, otherwise the twigs with tomatoes can break off, and so are not ripe.

Honey saved

Indeterminant plant.

Height: 1-2 meters in height.

Maturation: medium late( about 110 days).

Shape: heart-shaped.

Color: yellowish orange.

Taste: Saturated, sweet( this variety is among the leaders in sugar content).

Fruit weight: from 150 to 230 grams.

Productivity: about 6 kg.

Advantages of tomato cultivation “Honey Spas”:

  • long shelf life( they can be stored in the refrigerator until winter);
  • carries transportation as well as possible;
  • sweet taste;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • resistance to poor weather conditions( heat, temperature extremes, drought).
The fruit of the Honey variety was saved by
In the climate of the Middle Band, it is better to form this variety in one stem and be sure to tie it up.

Pink Elephant

Semideterminant variety.

Height: about 1.5 meters in height.

Maturation: medium late( about 115 days).

Shape: flat spherical.

Color: light pink

Taste: sweet.

Fruit weight: from 300 grams to 1 kg.

Productivity: about 4kg per 1 sq.m.

Pros of tomato cultivation Pink elephant:

  • large mass of one fruit;
  • nice color, comfortable shape;
  • resistance to certain diseases;

Pink Elephant Tomato is a delicacy and is grown by those gardeners who love the taste of its fruits. This vegetable requires very careful care.

Fruit Pink Elephant


Indeterminantny grade.

Height: from 1.5 to 2, 5 meters in height.

Maturation: medium late( about 110-115 days).

Shape: round with a sharp “pipochka.”

Color: Scarlet.

Taste: pleasant with sourness.

Tomato weight: 60 to 110 grams.

Productivity: about 4kg per 1 sq.m.

The advantages of cultivation are due to the characteristics of the Tarasenko tomato:

  • is highly transportable( fruit strength contributes to this);
  • excellent salting and pickling;
  • disease resistant;
  • rare;
  • high yielding.
For this variety, they must make a garter to the support and stitchling. Excellent harvests are harvested in the Donetsk region and obtained by forming a tomato in three stalks.
Fruits of a tomato Tarasenko

Mikado pink

Indeterminantny grade.

Height: from 1.7 to 2, 5 meters in height.

Maturation: early( about 90-95 days).

Shape: rounded, slightly flattened.

Color: light crimson.

Taste: soft, sweetish.

Fruit weight: 300 to 600 grams.

Productivity: 6 kg per 1 sq. M.

The advantages of the Mikado pink variety of tomato and the advantages of its cultivation:

  • thick and plastic skin allows you to maintain the appearance and benefits when transporting vegetables;
  • resistant to disease and temperature extremes;
  • improves the taste of dishes.
Fruits of tomato Mikado pink

Fruits "Mikado pink" can crack from a large amount of moisture, so they are best left to ripen indoors.

Wild Rose

Indeterminant variety.

Height: about 2 meters in height.

Maturation: medium late( about 110-115 days).

Shape: rounded flat.

Color: soft, pink.

Taste: sweetish-sour.

Fruit weight: 200 to 400 grams.

Productivity: about 7 kg per 1 sq. M.

Pros of growing the cultivar Wild Rose:

  • resistance to weather conditions;
  • large mass of the fetus;
  • rich harvest;
  • taste good;
  • is suitable for both salads and hot dishes.
Wild Rose Fruits
The lower leaves of this variety are removed, as this improves air exchange. To form a bush for a high harvest costs 1-2 stems.

Tall tomatoes are unpretentious plants that give a rich harvest. If you use the correct planting scheme, they do not take up much space in the garden. The most suitable varieties for cultivation in open ground of these tomatoes, listed above, harmoniously combine taste, immunity to disease, protection from drought and cold, high yield, beautiful appearance, and a high content of vitamins and minerals.

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