The benefits and harms of radishes for human health

Radish is known to all, most of these early spring vegetables simply adore. Its taste is sweet and spicy to both adults and children, but can everyone eat it? Is it safe and under what diseases is its use extremely undesirable? Use or harm to health is the use of this culture, we will discuss in this article.

A list of items in the sun.

  • Effects for men and women on the sunThis is one of the few representatives of the flora grown on the ISS in complete weightlessness. The plant is suitable for food and tops and roots. Both options will perfectly complement each other in spring salad.
    The salad uses only the youngest leaves of the heart. It is important to choose those who are not prickly.

    Ripe vegetable rootstocks can boast a high content:

    • vitamins of group B, PP, C;
    • with potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron;
    • phytoncides;
    • fiber;
    • protein;
    • essential oils.

    Mildly bitter and pungent taste of radish is given by mustard oil, which is the causative agent of appetite.

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    Young leaves are rich in folic acid, it is especially useful for pregnant , without it the baby cannot develop normally in utero.

    Ingredients of radish

    It is easy to recognize a radish, the mature fruit is round or oval-oblong. Color may vary, red and pink are considered standard, white tails are allowed. Breeders were able to create a vegetable of different colors, many gardeners grow on the backyards shtamy yellow, green and even purple color.

    Useful properties for the body

    Radishes, like other vegetables, have a lot of useful properties for the human body, its regular use:

    • normalizes peristalsis;
    • improves skin color;
    • reduces cholesterol;
    • normalizes metabolic processes;
    • improves blood flow;
    • has a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels;
    • helps fight edema;
    • has a choleretic effect;
    • improves vascular elasticity.

    In addition, it helps in the fight against obesity, has a positive effect on the body of diabetics, improves the condition of patients with gout.

    Radish from

    radish Harm to health

    Despite such a long list of positive qualities, radishes are not allowed to be eaten by everyone. In certain diseases, an early ripe root crop can be harmful to health:

    1. It should be used with extreme caution for people who have peptic ulcers. Even a small amount of the first spring vegetable can cause an exacerbation.
    2. People with diseases of the thyroid gland are also at risk, they need to eat radish in the smallest quantities. Abuse can provoke the development of tumors, goiter can develop, the so-called glycosides are to blame.
    3. Fully worth refusing the use of radish for those who have problems with the gall bladder, duodenum and liver. During the period of exacerbation, the root crop due to mustard oil can cause a significant deterioration in general well-being.
    Use radishes should be in small quantities and children under 6 years, so as not to cause irritation to the mucous membranes of the child's body.
    Radish can be harmful

    How to use in traditional medicine

    Radish has long been known to our people, it is used not only for food, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes:

    • A salad of root crops and young tops of the crop perfectly fights with spring avitaminosis, the main condition being the use of good vegetable oil for filling. Only 200 g of food will bring the daily rate of ascorbic acid into the body.
    • Due to the content of vitamin C, radish successfully fights viruses and bacteria that cause colds. To do this, apply fresh juice, mixed with carrot in equal proportions.
    • Iron helps to increase hemoglobin. To do this, make salads from young tops and root vegetables, traditional healers recommend adding young dandelion shoots and nettle leaves.
    • Good radishes and if there are problems with the intestines, due to the high fiber content, it will improve the work of the organ, and pectin will bind and remove naturally all the "harmfulness" from the body.
    • In the absence of contraindications with the help of a vegetable, it is possible to normalize the metabolic processes in the body, by organizing the work of all the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

    After recent studies, official medicine has confirmed that the annual moderate use of early radish root crops prevents the formation and development of cancer cells throughout the body. This process is controlled by the content of natural anthocyanin in the fruit.

    Radish juice used in folk medicineFiber fibers excrete cholesterol from the body, and also successfully fights swelling in both men and women.

    The use of the radish by the weaker sex will save the mammary glands and ovaries from tumors. Women's health and beauty will be top notch if you eat 200 grams of vegetable salad with greens and vegetable oil every day.

    Men will save this fetus from colon and prostate cancer. Salad from fresh root crops and young tops will prolong longevity and add masculine strength.
    Radish is useful for pregnant

    Radish for pregnant

    For normal intrauterine development, the baby needs folic acid, its sources are not so much. One of them recognized young tops of radish, in the smallest, with a gun instead of prickles, leaves a whole storehouse of this indispensable for pregnant microelement hidden.

    Radishes can be used by expectant mothers during the period of spring avitaminosis, may be contraindicated later in pregnancy, and mustard oil can cause colic and associated discomfort.

    The usefulness of this culture is difficult to overestimate. However, do not overdo it with its use to avoid exacerbation of various diseases of the digestive tract, which you may not have suspected.

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