Characteristics and description of tomato variety Azhur

Among the variety of tomato varieties, Openwork deserves special attention due to a wide range of technical characteristics. A healthy vegetable grown in its own garden will be a favorite ingredient for creating delicious nutritious dishes and home-made preparations for the winter, in the article we will give a description of the variety of this tomato.

ContentsVarieties Azhur

Variety Azhur belongs to varieties of early ripening. A period of technical ripeness comes after 105-110 days after the formation of the first shoots.

The plant has a compact stem bush, densely covered with green carved foliage. It reaches a height of 80-90 cm, which makes it possible to grow it without additional support. The inflorescence is simple. Stem with articulation.

Tomato fruits have a regular flat-rounded shape, and are colored red in the stage of technical ripeness. Each of the tomatoes in this class weighs 250-350 g .Fruits with thin, but dense peel and sweet fragrant pulp, which is characterized by density and fleshy.

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The average fruit weight is 250-350 grams.
The chemical composition of the pulp of tomatoes is famous for the presence in them of a large amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, sugars and organic acids.

The history of breeding and the region of growth

An unpretentious openwork hybrid with good taste is the result of the work of domestic breeders in Russia. The originator and patent owner is Cedek.

The purpose of creating a hybrid is to build an culture in greenhouse conditions in regions with a cold climate, .The variety was registered in 2007 as a vegetable, after which it immediately gained popularity among gardeners.

In the open field suitable for cultivation in areas such as: Astrakhan, Krasnodar Territory and central regions of Russia. In the northern territories, cultivation is possible only under greenhouse conditions.

In the North and in Siberia, cultivating a variety is possible only in the greenhouse.

. The advantages of the variety and its disadvantages.

The positive characteristics for which the variety is valued include:

  • high yields, and from 1 m2 of area you can collect 7-8 kg , and withone bush - from 5 to 8 kg tomato;
  • incomparable taste and external characteristics, thanks to large fruits and their attractive shape;
  • intensive growth of tomatoes and the friendliness of their ripening in all weather conditions;
  • cracking is not observed;
  • good resistance to diseases and attacks of pests, subject to the observance of all agricultural practices;
  • preservation of the appearance and taste of fruits during transportation over long distances;
  • keeping quality, which allows you to keep ripe vegetables for about three months when placed in a cold place;
  • is versatile in use, as vegetables are good both in fresh form and in home-made preparations for the winter.

According to the reviews of experienced gardeners, this variety does not have any obvious drawbacks, one can only note an increased need for irrigation and complex top dressing, which makes it a little difficult to care for tomatoes and the dependence of taste properties on the availability of nutrients in the soil.

Agrotechnical methods for growing

The cultivation technique of the Azhur variety in greenhouse conditions, open ground is a simple task that does not require the creation of difficult conditions, and the maintenance is interesting and affordable.

Planting Seeds

Seeds Tomato Openwork
A more productive method of obtaining a rich harvest is planting tomatoes seedlings.

Therefore, the main reception of agrotechnics before planting seedlings is seed treatment , which will increase germination and reduce the time of germination of seedlings.

Preparatory procedures for seeds require a lot of time and attention. The main stages include seed sorting, heating, treatment in a solution of a biostimulator, which has protective and activating properties, soaking, germination and hardening.

The soil substrate for planting must meet culture standards, be aerated, not caked, have an optimal salt and acid balance, and do not have chemicals that are harmful to culture.

In mid-March, 55-60 days before planting seedlings, start sowing seeds, which includes the following operations:

  1. Sprinkle the soil in containers and moisten before planting.
  2. Place two or three seeds, then leave a well-developed seedling. If a box is used, the seeds should be deepened by 1 cm, observing a minimum intermediate distance of 5 cm.
  3. Water, cover with film material or glass and place 23–25 degrees above zero in a room with an temperature. It should be borne in mind that the Azhur seedlings of the variety like good light, dry air, moist soil and do not withstand drafts, therefore creating optimal conditions to adhere to the preferences of the culture.
  4. After 5-7 days, the first shoots will appear. At this point, the film should be removed and watered as the soil dries.
  5. After the formation of 3-5 leaves, the seedlings are subject to dive into separate pots, and you need to use new soil equipped with fertilizers. The pick involves increasing the extra mass of the roots in a natural way.
  6. Two months later, young plants to plant in a greenhouse or open ground.
Seedlings are dived after the appearance of 3-5 true

sheets. Planting seedlings in open ground

When planting tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground, you need to focus on the climatic conditions and the method of cultivation. Better when the soil temperature has risen to 15-17̊ degrees .

Landing should be carried out in the evening. This will allow the seedlings to adapt to the new place.

The main stages of planting in open ground:

  1. Before planting, select in advance the area with air-permeable and well-heated soil. It is better to grow this vegetable on a raised place or a raised bed. Good predecessors - cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini. The selected bed to dig, level and maintain fertilizer complex, using compost, wood ash and superphosphate.
  2. Make landing beams, keeping the distance in 40 cm , and between rows - 50-60 cm for good care and ease of harvesting.
  3. Wash each well of and add the organic .
  4. Plant seedlings in the wells and gently sprinkle with fertile soil.
  5. After planting, water the plants again, using warm water.
Proper watering of tomatoes is carried out exclusively under the root.

. Care

In order for the plant to be healthy and strong, you need to organize proper further care, which includes:

  • for irrigation, the frequency of which depends on the region's climate and soil moisture;
  • regular weeding and loosening between the beds;
  • hilling of during the formation of roots and their growth;
  • the formation of the bush and the timely removal of the leaflets of the sprouts in the axils in order to avoid reducing the yield and reducing the size of the fruit;
  • implementation of preventive measures to protect the culture against diseases and pests;
  • tying up and attaching large bushes of culture to a support using long strips of soft fabric.

Peculiarities of Fruiting

To get a high-quality crop of tomatoes, you should follow all the valuable tips on growing these tasty vegetables:

  1. Seedlings do not plant close to each other in order to avoid slowing their growth and further development.
  2. Provide plants with high-quality lighting, especially in winter, by organizing artificial light.
  3. When planting seedlings, their shoots should be dug as deep as possible into the ground up to the top leaves.
  4. In order for the tomatoes to have large sizes, it is necessary to leave not all inflorescences on the bush, but about three well-formed clusters.
  5. Regulate plant growth, by plucking the tops, and by the beginning of the preparation of home preparations for the winter, most of the fruits will ripen and be ready for processing.
  6. For a good state of preservation of tomatoes, harvesting should be carried out in dry weather at noontime, removing fruit rearing. The final crop removal is carried out before the temperature drops at night to 5̊ degrees above zero.
Harvesting the Azhura harvest must be completed before the

cooling drops. Here are some valuable tips to help maximize your harvest.

Diseases and their prevention

Variety Azhur demonstrates high resistance to diseases characteristic of tomatoes.

This phenomenon does not exclude the risk of late blight infection, tobacco mosaic, brown spot. The most dangerous pests for culture are tick, snail, caterpillar, mole.

In order to prevent the appearance of diseases and the accumulation of pests, several conditions must be observed:

  • use quality seeds purchased from specialty stores when planting , trusting only trusted manufacturers;
  • observe the rules of crop rotation and do not plant tomatoes near potato beds;
  • annually change the landing site of the , and in the absence of such an opportunity, it is necessary to process and restore the soil;
  • as a preventive measure spray bushes with appropriate protective equipment;
  • in time to isolate and remove diseased or pest plants.

Many gardeners fell in love with the Openwork variety and made it a permanent resident of their beds for its large fruits, distinguished by their unique taste and pleasant aroma. A generous harvest will be provided even in adverse weather conditions.

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