How to make a trellis for tomatoes with their own hands

This is the name of a specially made support of a vertical type, intended for plants in the garden or in the garden. Structurally, it may consist of poles dug into the beds of wood or metal, between which a plastic or metal mesh is stretched. It is allowed to replace the netting with packed wooden planks. Today, such props can be purchased in stores or made independently using handy material. In this review we will talk about making tapestries for tomatoes with our own hands and their design features.

Table of contents

  • Purpose and advantage of trellis for tomatoes
  • Design options for use as a pro
  • How to make a trellis with your own hands
    • Preparation of materials
    • Production instructions for
  • How to tie up tomatoes

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  • are illuminated by sunlight, which is necessary for the formation of the ovary and the ripening of the crop. At the same time, the contact of leaves with moist soil is completely excluded, which helps prevent many diseases. During the formation period, the stalk is tied up, then it is the turn of branches with vegetables. Thus, the load on the main trunk of the bush is reduced.
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    Tomatoes for tomato can be made from different materials: metal, wood, fabric

    Tomato plants on a trellis grown in an open garden feel better, increase yields, can withstand adverse climatic conditions. Their fruiting season becomes longer.

    In addition, the use of trellis gives its advantages in the care of tomato cultures:

    • can freely move between rows ;
    • plants are well ventilated , they are easier to pinch;
    • easier harvest , the fruits are not injured.

    Construction Options

    Tapestry is a support for tomato plants that supports stems and heavy tomatoes. It can be constructed from ropes, wire or mesh with large cells stretched along the posts.

    The easiest way to make a trellis from a rope or wire, mounted on an

    frame. Hardware stores present to the gardeners ready-made trellis constructions designed for installation in polycarbonate greenhouses. There are options for unprotected soil with the possibility of sheltering plants in cold weather.

    Most gardeners prefer to make tapestries on their own, while displaying tremendous imagination.

    How to make a DIY trellis

    Construction of a trellis for tomatoes

    Taking into account the simplicity of the design and the fact that the available materials for its production can always be found in any economy, a home-made trellis is not devoid of meaning. At the same time, it is possible to save money, space in the beds, and install supports not only for tomatoes, but also for other plants.

    Preparation of materials

    The simplest version of the trellis, suitable for the cultivation of not very high and strongly branching tomato varieties - stretched in several tiers between the columns with ropes or wire. The construction should rise above the bed up to one and a half meters in order to be able to tie up the plants as they grow. To install this support you will need:

    • metal or wood supports;
    • wire or twine.
    Mesh trellis

    In addition, for more serious designs, you may need:

    • rags;
    • polyethylene;
    • polymer mesh;
    • fixing material.

    Production Manual

    If you decide to grow tall tomato varieties, the trellis must be two meters high so that the bushes can be formed correctly. In this case, a thick wire is pulled through the posts, from which ropes intended for garters are pulled down to each plant. They can be made of soft cloth or plastic film, so as not to damage the branches of plants.

    Polypropylene mesh grid for tomatoes

    An excellent solution is to use a large mesh polymeric mesh. To install such a tapestry, you must:

    • install support posts ;
    • secure the network between them so that it does not touch the ground.
    The advantage of such a trellis is that it can be tied up with tomatoes of any variety - high and low.

    It should be added that such a grid can be successfully used as a bed for plants in a polycarbonate greenhouse. It should only fasten it to the top of the greenhouse and hang freely. Now you can tie up branches and brushes with fruits at any height.

    Another practical option is a construction in the shape of the letter “X”. Wooden poles are stuck in the beds at a certain angle, cross, tied together with twine or wire at the points of contact. On top of this hut is placed and fixed a long crossbar. The ropes are hung on it to hold the plants.

    X-shaped trellis for tomatoes

    Vertical support columns dig in two to three meters to a depth of fifty to sixty centimeters. If a significant load is expected, the soil around the pillars should be strengthened with broken bricks, crushed stone or concrete. Wooden poles are treated with an antiseptic composition, painted or covered with stain. This measure allows you to save them from dampness and exposure to insects. Supports made of metallic material must be primed.

    Wooden elements are fastened with nails or screws. Metal parts are connected with wire or welded. From above you can stretch the twine to protect the plants with a covering material in bad weather.

    There are craftsmen who make volumetric designs from a thin metal rod. This is great for small areas. Such a tapestry will perfectly help save space, last a long time.

    Tomato tapestry made of metal rod
    Do not forget to observe the requirements of crop rotation, change vegetables under the trellis designs or move supports to other places.

    Tomato tying methods

    For tying tomato bushes it is necessary to use a thick and soft material. It is best to prepare it from rags. Hard twine and wire is not recommended.

    Tying can be performed in several ways:

    • fix branches on transverse supports as they grow;
    • from the top rope of the pull the garters down to “catch” the plants.
    Branches of bushes should not be tied together - the plant should grow freely.

    As you can see, everything is quite simple. Having shown a little ingenuity, from scrap materials you can always organize support structures , so that your plants are well formed and have excellent fruit.

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