Characteristics and description of tomato varieties Nikola

Tomatoes love everything, fruits are equally in demand in the southern and northern regions. To grow them is made in regions with a milder climate. But with this it is possible to argue, there are varieties that are resistant to the vagaries of weather, enduring coolness according to its characteristics. To such varieties is the tomato Nicola, which is recommended for cultivation even in the West Siberian region, we will give him a description in the article.

  • Table of ContentsNicola and registered him back in 1993.The main characteristics of the variety are:
    • bush grows sprawling, in open ground can reach a height of 70 cm;
    • plant has good branching and a large amount of foliage on them;
    • leaves are green, have a juicy green color;
    • fruits ripen at 94-115 days of after germination;
    • mature tomatoes are red and have the shape of a regular ball;
    • variety belongs to high-yielding , the first inflorescence of the plant is usually above the 8-9 leaf, all subsequent through the leaf;
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    • each fruit has a mass of 80-200 g ;
    • is a universal grade, it is used for fresh consumption, as well as for processing in various ways.
    The average weight of the fruit of the variety is 80-200 grams
    The yield of each plant can reach 4.5 kg with proper care.

    The Nikola variety is often used in industrial cultivation for the Middle Volga and West Siberian regions.

    The advantages and disadvantages of

    Tomato Nicola is very easy to grow, and even a child can master it. Distinctive advantages of gardeners consider:

    • high yield ;
    • relatively short time of fruit ripening;
    • cold resistance;
    • excellent taste;
    • good transportability;
    • universal purpose of the fruit.

    It can also be attributed here that the bush does not need to be formed and stepson .

    Disadvantages are also available:

    • propensity for diseases;
    • multicamera of fruits.
    One of the advantages is the absence of the need to form and stick the

    . But they are not so terrible. If you properly care and carry out preventive measures in a timely manner, then most diseases can be avoided, and the multi-chamber will subsequently help to collect enough seeds for future crops.

    Soil Requirements

    On the basis of the Siberian early ripening variety, a variety of tomatoes was bred from Nicola, who took much from his parent, among other things, the plant was not at all fastidious about the soil.

    Stamb can grow literally everywhere, only the quality of the soil will affect the quality and quantity of the crop.


    The variety of tomatoes for growing Nicola must pass all standard procedures. They are conducted in this order:

    • The first step will be preparing the packaging .In order to grow seedlings it is necessary to have containers in which seeds will be planted. To do this, fit plastic containers that are sold in specialized stores or wooden boxes. Which you can make yourself.
    • Soil can be prepared in advance in the fall, a couple of days before sowing, it is simply brought into the house and warmed up. A purchased universal substrate will also work, which should also be heated.
    • The next stage of the preparatory work is selection and soaking of the seeds .To do this, immediately washed the seeds and leave in water for 15-20 minutes. The bad seeds will float, the good ones will settle to the bottom. After that, it is desirable to soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide. This will slightly improve the immunity of future plants. Soaking can last from 12 hours to 5 days.
    • After passing these steps, you can do directly by sowing .To do this, pour the soil into the container and sow the soaked seeds. The distance between them should be at least 1 cm. After that, the grains are covered with a thin layer of soil mixture, about 1-1.5 cm, watered abundantly and placed in a warm, well-lit place.
    Seeds of a Nikola variety tomato

    When properly performed, seedlings will appear on the 7-10 day after sowing. To accelerate the germination, you need to create the greenhouse effect .This can be done simply by placing the glass on the surface of the container or wrapping it in a film.


    After the appearance of the second pair of true leaves, each plant must pass pick into a separate container, most often use disposable cups or special peat pots.

    As soon as the threat of frost has passed, strengthened plants need to be planted in open ground, where they will continue to grow and begin to bear fruit.

    When carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

    1. Strictly observe inter-rows, between bushes must be not less than 50 × 70 .
    2. Landing conduct transhipment method to preserve the integrity of the rhizomes.
    3. The procedure is best done in the afternoon and preferably in cloudy weather .
    4. After planting, it is advisable to shade the seedlings for a few days and pour plenty of water with heated water a couple of times.

    After that, with proper care, the plants will quickly grow and delight in flowering, and then the fruits of their gardeners.

    Planting seedlings in the ground is made according to the scheme 50x70 cm

    Leaving after planting

    Just planting tomatoes is not enough to get a harvest. To achieve this, tomatoes need care, which consists of:

    • regular loosening soil around;
    • for improved ventilation it is worth tearing off the lower leaves at the bush and freeing the space between the plants from weeds;
    • acceleration of the formation of the ovary in the recommended growing conditions should be carried out by spraying with a sprayer solution of boric acid or extract superphosphate.
    In addition, under different weather conditions, artificial acceleration of fruit ripening is allowed. To do this, simply pull the brush with the tomatoes from under the leaves in the sun.

    Diseases and pests

    Tomato Nicola is quite vulnerable to such diseases:

    • top rot;
    • black bacterial blotch;
    • late blight.
    Soaking seeds in potassium permanganate is a preventive measure against diseases

    To control them, it is necessary to soak the seeds in a solution of manganese or other disinfectants and regularly inspect the plant.

    Regular processing for the purpose of prevention Bordeaux mixture or other means of protection against fungi will help to protect and trunks, and harvest.


    The unripe fruit of tomato Nicola has a whitish-green color, in poor weather conditions in this form they can be removed from the plant.

    That's just what needs to do, together with stalks or even tassels, in this form, tomatoes can ripen faster and better in a warm and dark place.

    The variety can be stored for a sufficiently long time, for this it is worth observing the temperature regime and maintaining the necessary level of humidity in the room. It would be ideal if the thermometer shows +17 , and the humidity is not more than 40% .

    Tomato Nikola is quite simple to maintain, excellent taste and product characteristics make it possible to grow it both for lone gardeners and on an industrial scale.

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