29 best varieties of cucumbers for open ground and greenhouses

Cucumber harvest success depends in particular on the choice of seed. A wide range on the shelves confuses thoughts more than it allows you to make the right decision. Beginner gardeners are recommended to first familiarize themselves with the varieties, their names, the characteristics of cultivation and care.

Depending on the climatic conditions, different varieties can be planted in Ukraine, Belarus, the Black Soil Region, Bashkiria and the middle lane - these can be parthenocarpic, early ripening, with a long ripening period or tasty cucumbers for growing in a greenhouse. More information is structured in the article in the form of a peculiar list-rating.


  • varietal diversity cucumbers
  • most popular varieties with names
    • Top self-pollinated for open ground
    • best early-ripening cucumbers
    • Mid-
    • later date
    • ripening What are the most high-yielding for
    • greenhouses for planting in
    • open ground for growing in Siberia

varietal diversity cucumbers

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A large number of varieties allows you to choose the best options with resistant to disease and weather conditions that regionon, where the cultivation Zelentsy planned.

A common mistake is to use certain 2-3 varieties that have been cultivated for several decades.

Domestic and foreign breeders have developed many hybrids with no less affordable agricultural techniques and excellent taste, than the cucumbers that they once loved.

Specialists among the main tips on growing vegetables point to the need for to plant several varieties of at once. This makes it possible to assess the yield of different species under the same conditions of ripening, to get at least some crop during drought or prolonged rains.

Collect the necessary and useful information about the varietal diversity, the characteristics of the characteristics of greens can be found below.

The most popular varieties with the names

For ease of perception and application of the text in practice, the plants are divided into separate groups, united by a common feature.

The best self-pollinating for open ground

Self-pollinating cucumbers have several advantages, among which there is excellent immunity and resistance to abundance of moisture.
  • Balagan - the aging period is only 40 days. In length, green stuff reaches 9 cm. One bush yields up to 3.5 kg. Strong plant immunity resists various diseases( olive spot, mosaic, powdery mildew).
  • The Courage - the harvest of the variety Courage begins at 40-47 days after punching sprouts from the soil. The weight of one cucumber reaches 170-180 g., Up to 10 greens forms on one shoot. The plant practically does not suffer from rot, powdery mildew.
  • Connie - fruit picking starts 50 days after seeding. The culture is universal and according to the method of cultivation and the use of cucumbers. The length of green leaves is 10 cm, the yield from 1 m2 is about 9 kg.
  • Berendey - fruits( 12-15 cm) ripen on day 42 after the sprouts appear. From one bush you can harvest up to 3.5 kg. Zelentsy have excellent characteristics, differ in long shelf life.
  • Gerd - 10 cm long fruits appear 1.5 months after sowing.2.8-3 kg are removed from the bush. The plant rarely affects the disease, especially resistant to fungal infections.

The best early ripe cucumbers

The varieties of early ripening have a feature that every gardener should be familiar with.

The ovaries of male flowers are first formed, they need to be removed, as they hinder the development of the plant.
  • April - from the moment of planting, the April fruits ripen on day 50, reaching a length of 20-22 cm. The plant itself regulates the growth of shoots, so the need for cutting drops. Productivity from 1 m2 on average 22 kg. Cucumbers do not perespeyat if you miss the build period. Culture is resistant to almost all diseases, with the exception of root rot.
  • Hermann - sprouts at 39-41 days after the emergence of sprouts. The length of Herman’s greengrass reaches 10 cm, and a crop of 23–26 kg is removed from 1 m2.The hybrid is characterized by a long fruiting period, self-pollination and immunity to fungi.
  • Orlik - begins to bear fruit at 47-50 days after sowing. The length of the greens reaches 14-16 cm, in diameter 3.5-4 cm. 6-8 kg are removed from the bush. The culture has strong immunity, resists powdery mildew, root rot, olive blotch and TMV.
  • Valdai - the bush begins to bear fruit on the 45th day after the sprout. Flowers are formed mostly female, therefore pollinating by bees is required. The length of the greens is about 10-11 cm, up to 4.5 kg of crop is removed from the bush. The hybrid is designed for preservation, but due to its delicate flavor, it is also used for salad.


Varieties with an average maturation period of start to bear fruit on the 45-55 day after sowing seeds in the soil. All plants of this group differ in the method of cultivation( greenhouse, soil), purpose( fresh or for salting) and type of pollination.

  • Competitor - characterized as a life-saving and disease-resistant plant. The length of the greens reaches 9-12 cm with an average weight of 100 grams. Up to 3.8 kg of crop is removed from each m2.The variety has good immunity, shows resistance to powdery mildew.
  • Nezhinsky is a variety pollinated by bees, characterized by a powerful stem, fruits of medium size( length 10-12 cm, weight 90 g.) And high yield( 8 kg per 1 m2).Nezhinsky tolerates low temperatures, is resistant to many diseases. Cucumbers have high taste qualities.
  • Libella is a versatile hybrid with a long fruiting season. With proper care, you can harvest until the cold. The length of the green leaves Libela reaches 14 cm, weight - 140 grams. From a square meter removed up to 10-12 kg. When salting the flesh is kept crispy and elastic. In agrotechnology there are rare cases of culture damage by common diseases.
  • Table - has an excellent taste without bitterness, ideal for salting. The bush is formed long with a strong lash, the length of the fruit reaches 12 cm and weighs 80-90 grams. Productivity from 1 m2 about 8 kg.

Late Maturity

A feature of late-ripening cucumbers is that the seeds sprout well only in the 3rd year.

Therefore, the acquired material before planting is to check for germination of .Also, when choosing varieties of this group, one should take into account the climate of the region and the ripening period of greengrass in order to have time to harvest most of the crop before the onset of cold weather.

  • Phoenix - the harvest period begins 64 days after seed germination. Cucumbers reach a length of 16 cm, the average weight is 230 grams. Phoenix shrubs form a branchy whip that resists weather vagaries well.
  • Winner - is distinguished by long spreading whips, which easily endure drought, coolness. The plant is resistant to fungi of different types. The length of the fruit reaches 14 cm with an average weight of 110 grams. The yield from 1 m2 is 7-8 kg.
  • Sunny - a variety refers to mid-season, but most gardeners plant it as late. The bush produces many branches, forming a massive whip, which implies planting on a large plot. Peel greens covered with a few tubercles and greenish stripes. The length of a cucumber reaches 12 cm with an average weight of 140 grams.
  • Brownie - the harvest period begins 65 days after germination. The length of the cucumbers is small( 9 cm), but the taste is good. Culture has good immunity, showing resistance to almost all common diseases. Productivity - 6-8 kg per 1 m2.
  • Chinese is a disease resistant variety with a mild flavor and no bitterness. The peculiarity of the Chinese cucumber fruit is a small shelf life after harvest. Original elongated cucumbers( 30-35 cm) look like snakes. The plant tolerates low temperatures and poor light.

What are the highest-yielding for greenhouses

High-yield varieties attract gardeners without exception. In your greenhouse you can try to grow the most popular ones.

  • Parisian Gherkin - fruits ripen 50-60 days after sowing. The length of the green variety of the Paris gherkin reaches 12 cm with an average weight of 85 grams. A large number of ovaries are formed on the rod, which guarantees a high yield - over 30 kg per 1 m2.Low seed germination provides planting beds through seedlings.
  • Spring - a popular cucumber among gardeners of our country. Grown in almost every plot. Dimensions of Greenberry Rodnichka reach 22-24 cm with an average weight of 150 grams. Over 10 kg are removed from the bush. In terms of taste and agrotechnical rules, the variety remains competitive before the best European developments of breeders.
  • Zozulya - the harvest period begins on the 45th day after the sprout. The formation of the scourge is carried out in such a way that the bush does not need pruning. Zelentsy in length reach 24 cm with an average weight of 280-300 grams. Up to 30 kg of Zozul cucumber can be collected from a square meter. The plant is practically not sick with olive blotch and cucumber mosaic.

For planting in open ground

  • Suzanne is a universal crop that can be grown not only in the open field, but in the greenhouse and even on the balcony. The length of the whip reaches 3-4 m, forming a large number of ovaries. Tear off the fruit 3-4 centimeters or wait until they become larger, it does not affect the taste. Suzanne has good resistance to diseases and pests.
  • Sparta - a hybrid is pollinated with stable fruiting. The length of green leaves is 6-12 cm, the taste is pleasant without bitterness. Culture has a strong immune system, especially to powdery mildew and fungi. The yield from the bush is 2.8-3.1 kg.
  • Pickling - fruiting begins on day 55 after the sprout appears. The length of green leaves 9-11 cm with an average weight of 100-110 grams. Over 4 kg are removed from one bush. Pickle has a delicate flavor with a sweetish hint, without bitterness.
  • Buratino is a self-pollinated hybrid that begins to mature on the 48th day after germination. The length of the greens is about 8-9 cm with a weight of 85 g. The yield from the bush is 3.4 kg.
  • Fortress - according to the speed of ripening, the cucumber is considered a sprinter, only 38 days after the emergence of sprouts. Zelentsa is about 9 cm long and weighs 80 grams. The period of fruiting is transient, all the ovaries are amicably formed and mature. Adverse weather on the growing season does not have a negative impact.

For growing in Siberia

Growing cucumbers in harsh climates has its own characteristics. It is better to plant cucumbers in Siberia in polycarbonate greenhouses or to choose fruitful early-growing varieties.

When selecting seeds, preference should be given to stress-resistant varieties.
  • Altai - differs by a short period of ripening, crops begin to collect 36-40 days after seed germination. The length of green leaves 9-12 cm with a weight of 100 grams. The plant is cold-resistant, easily tolerates the vagaries of weather. Fruits after harvesting for a long time retain their presentation and taste.
  • Serpentine is a cornish cucumber, ripens 39-42 days after germination. The period of fruiting is characterized by intensity, already in the first 10 days most of the crop is harvested - over 1.7 kg per 1 m2.Serpentine is known for its taste, in which there is no bitterness.
  • Shrub is a compact plant that needs pollination. The length of the greens reaches 8 cm and weighs 90 grams. Productivity is stable with proper care( 3 kg per bush).The peculiarity of the variety is endurance and strong immunity. Cucumbers have a universal purpose.

Each cucumber variety has a set of impressive advantages. The main thing when choosing to take into account the climatic features of the region and their compliance with the characteristics of the varieties they like. Then the main stage of the bookmark of the future harvest will be executed correctly.

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