Tomato Bull's Heart: outdoor cultivation

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Summer - a period of enjoying an abundance of fresh vegetables. Tomato Bull's heart, the cultivation of which is very simple and easy, is in particular demand among summer residents. These are big, beautiful and very juicy tomatoes. They are able to attract the attention of every gourmet.

Tomato Description Bullish Heart

Variety belongs to the group of large-fruited plants. This is a late-ripening species, which is often grown in a greenhouse. But due to its high characteristics, the tomato Bull heart develops well in open ground. With proper care, the plant gives a bountiful and high-quality crop. A distinctive feature of the species is not only the size of the fruit, but the stems themselves.

The height of the tomato plant Bullish heart is capable of reaching 2 m. The leafy plates have an average size. Their upper part is slightly covered with small villi. When deformed, they are able to secrete a peculiar smell belonging only to tomatoes.

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When growing tomatoes, Bullish heart in the open field, the first inflorescences are laid every 9 leaves, then the formation of fruits occurs in two.

A characteristic feature of these tomatoes are fruits that may have not only different weight, but also shape. Tomatoes of this variety are able to grow up to 15 cm in diameter. Their average weight reaches 500 grams, but there are cases when tomatoes grow about a kilogram. Because of this, they are rarely used for canning in general. Often, Bull's heart is used to make ketchup and various sauces. It is also good to use such tomatoes for juice.

The fruits of the bull heart are distinguished by their excellent nutritional and aesthetic qualities. They are very useful for the human body.

Ripe tomatoes are rich in essential microelements, such as:

  • vitamin C, B, K;
  • pectin;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

Sugar, folic acid is also in their pulp. After many studies, it was proved that in addition to the above microelements, tomatoes are rich in iron, iodine, silicon, nicotinic acid. Also, Bull's heart is famous for its high content of fiber.

Too much nitrogen fertilizer can cause foliage drops.

With the proper cultivation of bushes, you can collect up to 3.5 kg of ripe fruits. Under greenhouse conditions, up to 12 kilograms of tomatoes are formed on a single plant. In order for the plant to bear fruit well, it is necessary not only to adhere to proper watering, but also to tie up the bushes in time. This is due to the large weight of fruits that are able to break branches, thus suspending the proper development of plants.

Tomato varieties for giving

The main tomato varieties Bullish heart:

  1. Honey Spas. This type differs in color of fruits. Tomatoes have a rich orange hue. Their form is often correct. Compared with other varieties, Honey Spas differs in the same size of all the berries on the bush. On one branch can be formed from 5 to 6 vegetables. Their weight ranges from 300 to 500 g. Tomatoes are distinguished by good fleshiness and sweetish taste.
  2. Lemon heart. Unripe fruits have a bright yellow shade, but over time they become pink in color. This is one of the largest varieties. Tomatoes can grow to 800 grams. A distinctive feature is their shape, which resembles a triangle. The flesh is very juicy and sweet. Ripe fruits have a slightly fruity flavor. This variety is in special demand because of its high yield. Growing tomatoes bull heart in the open field is very simple and does not require special skills.
  3. Morning Dew. This is the earliest variety compared to other species. Fruits are bright crimson, resembling a heart shape. They grow medium size and weigh about 250 g. A distinctive feature of the Morning Dew tomatoes is their rich taste, which can last for a long time. With proper planting and care, the bushes produce a crop during the whole season. Ripe tomatoes can be observed even before the frost.
  4. Budenovka. It is a grade, fruits of a round form with the pointed nose. They are very meaty and fragrant. Their weight is within 300 grams. White ripened tomatoes with a slightly milky hue. But after removal from the twigs, the fruits reach for themselves and acquire a rich red tone. These tomatoes remain at home for a very long time, without changing their appearance and taste.
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Thanks to the work of world breeders, there are also varieties that produce fruits of yellow, black and white shade. In addition to its color, they differ in taste and ripening period.

Cultivation of tomatoes Bull's heart in open ground

This is a unique plant that, if properly cared for, can produce a dizzying crop. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to grow Bull's heart in the open field, so that it pleased with its fruits. If you follow a number of rules, then on your table throughout the summer season, delicious and incredibly healthy tomatoes will flaunt.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

A lot depends on when the planting of a bullish heart is planted on seedlings, namely yield. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2 months before disembarking in open ground. In order for the grains to grow well, it is necessary to pickle well before putting them into the soil. This will prevent the development of late blight and other diseases. You can process the seeds using a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, dilute 10 g of the drug in one liter of cold water. When stirring the mixture will acquire a rich pink color. Put bullish heart seeds into the prepared liquid and wait about half an hour.

After this time has passed, take the seed out of the water and put it on cotton fabric so that it dries well. Then wet the towel and wrap the seeds in it. In this state, keep them until the first shoots. Prepared grain should first be sown in a box. They should be put to a depth of 2 to 2.5 cm. To make the tomatoes grow faster, it is recommended to cover the container with polyethylene on top or put glass. Put the box in a warm place, occasionally opening a mini-greenhouse for watering. As soon as the first shoots will be visible, you can feed them fertilizer. After the appearance of three full leaves, seedlings swoop.

Pick helps correct root development. If everything is done correctly, the plants will fully develop and give a good harvest.

Planting time in open ground

For young plants to take root well, they should be planted in late May or early June. If the landing will be carried out in a greenhouse, you can do it before. Young plants are very sensitive to excess moisture, so during planting, weather conditions should be taken into account. If it rains for a long time, the procedure is recommended to be postponed for several days. So that the root system does not start to rot, the soil should dry well.

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Since adult shrubs are bulky, the distance between seedlings should be kept. Planting seedlings need to be carried out according to the scheme. On one square meter 4 plants are placed at a distance of about 50 centimeters.

Deepen the seedlings need to the first leaves. This is done so that new roots appear on the stem. Such planting will allow the plant to grow faster and give a good harvest.

Place for tomatoes should be chosen well warmed by the sun. The best option will be the site, which is located in the southern part of the courtyard.

Soil Preparation

Cultivation and care of tomatoes bullish heart includes not only the correct fit, but also the choice of soil. Plants grow well in soil with a neutral or slightly acid reaction. Indicators should not exceed 6.5 pH.

When planting tomatoes should be aware of the fact that they love the soil rich in organic matter. Before placing young plants in open ground, it is necessary to fertilize the earth with humus or compost. To do this, one square meter needs up to 10 kg of organic fertilizer and up to 10 grams of a product rich in nitrogen. Also, do not forget about fertilizers, which are put in the hole. The best option would be a drug called "Urgan".In each depression should be put on half a teaspoon of the mixture. In areas that have been fertilized in the fall, the amount applied by the drug can be reduced.

Watering Plants

Like pink tomatoes, the heart of a bull and other varieties need proper irrigation. Abundant watering should be carried out only during the active formation of the fruit. It is necessary to carry out the procedure very carefully, as the ingress of water on the leafy plates can cause a burn. In areas affected by moisture, fungal diseases develop faster.

Water for the procedure should only be warm. This is an important condition in the care of tomatoes. Cold liquid can lead to rotting of the root system and the fall of the fruit.

Often it is not necessary to water young bushes. With excess moisture, the trunk will stretch and begin to deform. These bushes do not have sufficient density and often break under their own weight. Determine the wrong watering can be on leafy plates. With a lack of liquid, their surface becomes fluffy, rich green in color, with an excess - the plates get a pale green tint.

Read also: How to grow good tomato seedlings at home?

Top dressing

In order for the tomatoes to produce a good crop, you need to fertilize them twice a season. The first procedure should be planned 20 days after transplanting to the open ground. The second feeding should be carried out a month after the first. At this time, fruit formation falls. Fertilize bushes should only be liquid mixtures. To do this, put 15 grams of potash fertilizer, 25 grams of nitrogen mixture and about 40 grams of preparations with a maximum percentage of phosphorus in a bucket of water. The resulting mixture should be evenly distributed on 15 bushes. The second feeding should be carried out at a ratio of 10 liters for every 7 bushes. In order to prevent vertex rot, calcium nitrate plants should be sprayed once every 7 days. To begin to carry out such a procedure is necessary during the growth of the fruit. It is also recommended to periodically fertilize the tomatoes between the rows. To do this, use a mixture of phosphorus and nitrogen drugs.


This is an important procedure by which you can maintain the desired percentage of moisture inside the soil, get rid of various types of weeds and prevent overheating or over-moisture of the root system. Cardboard, film, sawdust, straw or peat can be used as mulch. Lay the material should be after the seedlings are planted in open ground. Mulch should be in good contact with the stem. This is an important condition that will give the desired result. Before mulching the bushes should be watered and slightly loosened the soil.

Collection of seeds

In order to grow healthy seedlings, you can use both purchased grains and independently collect them. Harvesting planting material should be only with ripe tomatoes. It is best if the fruits dope themselves on the branch and detach from the stalk. This will allow the grain not to lose its maternal qualities. Ripe tomatoes cut into several pieces. Put the selected grains in a bowl and rinse thoroughly under running water. Then move the seeds to a paper towel and put in a dark place so that they dry. Store such grains until next year in a glass container that will be well closed.

Before you grow a bullish heart tomato on your site, you must carefully study the characteristics of this plant. Observing the conditions of planting and care, you can get a crop that will surprise not only you, but also all the neighbors.

Tomatoes Bull Heart are a unique plant. Proper fit and care which gives a plentiful result throughout the season. Follow a series of simple rules and you will certainly get what you want.

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