Methods and connect radiators scheme: how to instal

You want to change the heating appliances in your own home? For this useful knowledge about the kinds of wiring batteries, methods of their joining and posting. Agree, because of the connection to choose the right radiator circuit in a particular house or room directly affects its efficiency.

The correct connection of the battery - a very important task, because it is able to provide in all rooms at a comfortable temperature all year round. Well, when the fuel consumption is minimal and a home warm in the coldest days.

We will help you to understand what is required to achieve optimal performance radiators. In this article you will find a lot of useful information on how to connect the batteries and implement them without the involvement of specialists. The schemes, as well as videos to help clearly understand the subject matter.

The content of the article:

  • What is needed for effective battery life?
  • Features wiring diagrams
    • Features a one-pipe system
    • Two pipe layout: the main differences
    • Lateral connection of batteries
    • Specificity of the lower connection
    • Diagonal wiring diagram
  • instagram viewer
  • Natural or forced movement of water?
  • Rules of connection to radiators
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

What is needed for effective battery life?

Efficient heating system is able to save money on fuel costs. Therefore, by its design, should be carefully make decisions. Indeed, sometimes the neighbor on giving advice or friend recommending a system like it does not fit.

Sometimes, there is no time to deal with these issues. In this case it is better to turn to professionals working in this field of 5 years and have grateful responses.

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Partitioning walls and installation brackets

Step 1: Regardless of type of heating device, its installation includes several similar steps. First the layout and installation of the wall brackets for radiator

before mounting location Control

Step 2: Before mounting the radiator must be checked for correct installation of building level. If necessary, better to move the bracket to connect

Connecting to the radiator feed pipe

Step 3: If there are no claims to the arrangement of the heating device, it is made to connect the nozzle to the tube feeding

Connecting the radiator to the return pipe

Step 4: Then, a connection to a pipe, tapping the cooled coolant from the radiator to the heating boiler

Partitioning walls and installation brackets

Partitioning walls and installation brackets

before mounting location Control

before mounting location Control

Connecting to the radiator feed pipe

Connecting to the radiator feed pipe

Connecting the radiator to the return pipe

Connecting the radiator to the return pipe

Deciding to engage in self installing new batteries or replacement of radiators, Keep in mind that these indicators have on their performance direct effect:

  • the size and heat output of heating appliances;
  • their location in the room;
  • connection method.

The choice of radiators is striking unsophisticated consumer. Among the proposals wall batteries of different materials, floor and baseboard heaters. They all have a different shape, size, heat transfer rate, connection type. These characteristics must be considered when the heater is installed in the system.

battery options

Among the models of heaters on the market, it is better to choose focusing on the material and the thermal output specified by the manufacturer

For each room number of radiators and their size will be different. Everything depends on the area of ​​the room, the level of thermal insulation of external walls of a building, wiring diagrams, thermal power indicated by the manufacturer in the data sheet.

Battery location - under the window, between windows, located at quite a long distance from each other, along a blank wall or in a corner of the room, in the hallway, pantry, bathroom, in the entrances of apartment houses.

Heat loss depending on the setting

Depending on the location and method of installation of the heater, the heat loss will be different. The worst option - fully enclosed radiator screen

Between the wall and the heater it is recommended to install heat reflective screen. It can be made with your own hands, using his one of the materials that reflect heat - penofol, IZOSPAN foil or another analog.

You should also stick to the basic rules of battery installation below the window:

  • all the radiators in the same room are located on the same level;
  • convector ribs in vertical position;
  • Heating equipment center coincides with the center of the window and is 2 cm to the right (left);
  • Battery length is not less than 75% of the length of the window;
  • distance to the sill of at least 5 cm, to a floor - is not less than 6 cm. Optimal distance - 10-12 cm.

From correct connection of radiators to the heating system in the house depends on the level of heat transfer equipment and heat loss.

Proper location of the battery

After enduring the basic norms for the placement of radiators, can be as much as possible to prevent the penetration of cold into the room through the window

It happens that the owner of the dwelling is guided by fellow councils, but the result is not the same as expected. Everything is done like it, but just do not want the battery to heat.

This means that the selected connection method is not specifically went to the house, were left out of the premises, thermal power heaters or were admitted embarrassing mistakes during installation.

Features wiring diagrams

There is a fundamental difference in the connection diagrams of heaters depending on type wiring tubes. It is one-pipe and two-pipe. Each of these types is subdivided into a system with horizontal lines or vertical risers.

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An example of a one-pipe heating system

The one-pipe heating system supply and drainage of water produced by a single tube. Yield and coolant inlet is located in, or top, or bottom, or diagonally

Apparatus double pipe heating system

The two-pipe heating system, one of which supplies hot water (red), the second removes chilled (blue). In most cases, the supply is connected from the top, is removed from the bottom of the radiator return line

The vertical layout of the heating circuit

If the pipe connecting devices in a single heating circuit, is arranged vertically, it relates to a vertical wiring

The horizontal layout of the heating system

When one or two heating pipes are connected to the device from below, it relates to circuits with a lower wiring

Leningradka - advanced single-tube system

Modernization simple pipe system by incorporating the bypass circuit allows to selectively disconnect devices if necessary. Usually Leningradka radiators bottom connection

Scheme with movement of deadlock coolant

According to the direction of coolant flow and return in two-pipe systems, they are divided into the dead-end and drive. In the photo dead end: the supply and return flows in different directions

Tee assembly diagram of the heating circuit

If the pipes in the heating system are connected by means of tees, the system is called tee. It is used in single and two-pipe scheme

Manifold or radiation circuit wirings

When the beam pattern or the collector wiring supply pipe and return pipe are supplied to each unit in parallel. It is typical for two-pipe systems

An example of a one-pipe heating system

An example of a one-pipe heating system

Apparatus double pipe heating system

Apparatus double pipe heating system

The vertical layout of the heating circuit

The vertical layout of the heating circuit

The horizontal layout of the heating system

The horizontal layout of the heating system

Leningradka - advanced single-tube system

Leningradka - advanced single-tube system

Scheme with movement of deadlock coolant

Scheme with movement of deadlock coolant

Tee assembly diagram of the heating circuit

Tee assembly diagram of the heating circuit

Manifold or radiation circuit wirings

Manifold or radiation circuit wirings

Depending on the type of wiring is different option to connect battery. For one-pipe and two-pipe systems can be used side, bottom, diagonal connection of heating appliances.

The main task - to choose the best option that will satisfy the needs of a particular home in the required amount of heat.

These two types of wiring system, refer to the tee connection pipes. Furthermore it is isolated collector circuit. They are also called radiotherapy wiring. Its main feature is the laying of the pipeline individually with every heater.

Disadvantage - pipes pass directly over the entire floor space and will need quite a lot. This will affect the cost of the system. A significant advantage - they are often mounted to the floor without affecting the design of the room.

radiation wiring

Collector or beam pattern radiator connection does not disturb the overall concept of the design space, as well as used to "warm floor" system device

Such an embodiment substantially increases the flow tubes, it has been actively used in the design of the heating circuits. The collector connection of heating devices used in the system "warm floors". Depending on the type of project it can serve as an additional source of heating or basic.

Features a one-pipe system

Heating, in which all of the batteries are connected in one line, called monotube. Heated and cooled coolant moves through one pipe, alternately doing all devices. It is important for her to choose the correct diameter, otherwise the pipe can not cope with their responsibilities and the effect of such heating will not.

In pipe system It has its advantages and disadvantages. Many novice masters believe that choosing this type of wiring, you can save cool in the installation of heating appliances and pipes. But this is misleading. After all, for the quality of the system is required to properly connect all given a lot of nuances. Otherwise, the room will be cold.

Single-pipe system is really able to save money by using the feed riser. This is true for 5-etazhek where advantageous to mount a tube to reduce the material consumption.

In such an embodiment the heated water flows through the main duct up, being distributed more on the remaining struts. Alternately coolant enters the heaters on each floor, starting from the top.

Connecting radiators

When one pipe coolant circulation system, the warm water enters the heat sink and is returned back into the same tube. Therefore, the last area of ​​the instrument should be more

The lower the water drops, following the riser, the smaller becomes its temperature. This problem is solved by increasing the area of ​​the radiators on the lower floors. Radiators pipe system bypasses desirable to equip.

This will allow no problem to dismantle the heater, for example, for repair, without disturbing the operation of the entire system.

In one pipe horizontal cabling system can use the climb or movement of deadlock coolant. It works well for pipelines with a total length up to 30 m The optimal number of connected heaters in this case -. 4-5 pcs.

Two pipe layout: the main differences

Two pipe arrangement involves the use of two conduits, one for the passage of heated coolant (feed), the second - to the cooled, sent back to the heating tank (return). As a result, each battery takes approximately the same water temperature that allows all uniformly heat the room.

Using two pipe routing It is considered the most desirable. With such a joining heaters occur lowest heat losses. Water circulation may be concurrent and stall.

This system is characterized by a radiator service convenient adjustment of their thermal performance.

Two-pipe heating system

Choosing a double-tube wiring diagram battery with forced circulation, it is necessary to install a valve to release the air

Many masters will automatically mount the heating system of the house, speak of dvuhtrubke disapprovingly. The main argument - high consumption of pipes, which greatly increases the cost of the project.

When we look at this statement it appears that the unit is correctly connected devices and optimal use of pipe diameters in a private home system will cost not much more expensive one pipe.

After all, for the last device needs a larger diameter pipes and large area devices. It affects the final cost price of smaller diameter pipes, the best coolant circulation and minimal heat loss.

Connecting heating devices in a two-pipe system can be done diagonally from the side, from below. Permissible use of horizontal and vertical risers. The most effective option - diagonal connection. It allows you to make the most of the heat, evenly distributing it to all the radiators.

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Example of connection of the radiator to the two-pipe system

Consider the option to connect to a bimetallic radiator two-pipe heating circuit. Feed is introduced from the top, bottom tank line reserved

Specificity hidden wiring pads

Liner flow and return in the wall chosen Stroebe. Scheduled camouflage pipe screens

Grooves for laying supply pipe to a radiator

Grooves formed by the pipe bend. The distance between the flow and return risers must be at least 10 cm

Grooves for laying pipes otbratki

Grooves wall so that supplied to the heating pipes devices laid along the shortest route. The valves have a future outside of screens to them was free access

Install the heat sink on the opposite side of the risers

Mounting and connection of the radiators on the other side of the downcomer flow and return is executed in a similar manner

Solution for thermoregulation with hidden gasket

In order to ensure control of the radiator thermostats work to connect the sensors. Pipes turn Energoflex

Arrangement of a pipe for the cooled heat-carrier

The return pipe also turn Energoflex to reduce cooling and, accordingly, the cost of secondary heating

Features trim with concealed wiring

Closed boxes system, screens and false walls to be able to repair and replace equipment and pipes. Temperature controllers are connected to the wall mounted on the regulating device type system "warm floors"

Example of connection of the radiator to the two-pipe system

Example of connection of the radiator to the two-pipe system

Specificity hidden wiring pads

Specificity hidden wiring pads

Grooves for laying supply pipe to a radiator

Grooves for laying supply pipe to a radiator

Grooves for laying pipes otbratki

Grooves for laying pipes otbratki

Install the heat sink on the opposite side of the risers

Install the heat sink on the opposite side of the risers

Solution for thermoregulation with hidden gasket

Solution for thermoregulation with hidden gasket

Arrangement of a pipe for the cooled heat-carrier

Arrangement of a pipe for the cooled heat-carrier

Features trim with concealed wiring

Features trim with concealed wiring

Lateral connection of batteries

Lateral connection is used in two-pipe and wiring. It is also called one-sided. The main feature - the flow and return pipe is mounted on one side of the battery.

Such a system is used in multi-storey buildings in the vertical supply of coolant. The main condition - to set the jumpers before connecting to the pipeline, called bypassAnd cranes, to be able to remove the radiator, without breaking the whole system.

side connection

Installation of valves on the pipe connecting the radiator to the main conduit facilitate future maintenance. If you want to paint or clean the radiator, it is removed without problems, without compromising the overall system

Unilateral connection works most effectively with a slight length of the heater - 5-6 sections. Joining radiators great length in this way will have a greater heat loss.

Specificity of the lower connection

Scheme, which uses lower connection, is most often used to solve design problems. When you want to hide the pipe mounted in their wall or floor.

heating equipment manufacturers offer different models and variations of radiators with lower connection. The passport specified products, how to connect a specific model radiators.

Inside the radiator unit has built-in connectivity manufacturer of ball valves, allowing him to dismantle if necessary. This information allows your hands to install devices in the system.

Lower battery connection

In many modern models of battery wiring diagram below suggests how water circulates in the diagonal accession. To do this, inside the radiator is installed a special obstacle, ensuring the movement of water completely around the device. Only then coolant enters the return line

Bottom connection is not suitable for use with natural circulation of water. High heat losses from the lower joining compensated by higher power radiators.

Diagonal wiring diagram

Connecting diagonally has a minimum heat loss. Its feature - the heat is applied from one side of the device, passes through all sections, and exits through the other hole. It is used for single and two-pipe systems.

This version of the battery connection can be realized in two ways:

  • heat transfer agent enters the upper opening device and circulates through it flows from a lower side opening on the other side.
  • Water enters the lower opening on the one hand, and passing around the radiator out of its upper opposite holes.

Diagonal scheme works effectively when connecting long battery sections with a total of 12 pieces or more.

Connecting diagonally

Using diagonal connection scheme allows efficient use of appliances rather long. They are equally well warmed, providing good heating facilities

Natural or forced movement of water?

Battery connections option depends on the type of movement of water or antifreeze is to be used for the operation of the system. There are only 2 options: natural circulation and compulsory.

The first option involves the use of physical laws without the purchase and installation of additional devices. Suitable when a coolant water. Any nezamerzayku be worse to circulate through the system.

The system consists of a boiler to heat water, the surge tank, the flow and return pipes batteries. Water, heated, expands and begins its movement through the riser, visiting in turn mounted radiators. Chilled water from the system by gravity goes back to the boiler.

With this embodiment, circulation of the horizontal line is set with a slight slope in the direction of coolant movement. This system is self-regulating, because depending on the water temperature changes and its amount. Circulation pressure increases, allowing Vodice uniformly heat the room.

When natural circulation apply two-pipe-pipe and the upper circuit wiring, a two-pipe bottom. Such methods radiator connection to the heating system is advantageous to use for small spaces.

It is important to be equipped with a battery of air purger valve to remove excess air or installed on risers automatic air vent. The boiler is best placed in the basement, so that it is lower than the heated area.

The heating system with natural circulation

Wiring radiators with natural circulation of the coolant should provide a slight slope in the direction of water flow

For the area which houses 100 m2 and more will change the coolant circulation system. In this case, you will need a special device that stimulates the movement of water or antifreeze through the pipes. We are talking about Installation circulating pump. Its capacity depends on the area of ​​heated space.

The pump is installed on the supply or return pipe. To remove excess air from the system to be at the uppermost point of the pipeline automatic purger valve mount the battery or use with bleed screw for manual bleed.

forced circulation

Use of a pump for forced circulation can be used as an antifreeze coolant. In this case, you need to install an expansion tank gated to evaporation did not harm the health of residents of the house

The circulation pump is used in a double-pipe and circuits with horizontal and vertical connection system heaters.

Rules of connection to radiators

Regardless selected type radiators and suitable for them to connect the circuit, it is important to correctly calculate all and to mount.

In each case, will have its own optimal system. For expensive houses a large area it is advisable to refer to specialists, who can offer the best project. This is not an issue on which you want to save.

Radiator installation specialist

In order to correct installation and connection of heating appliances in the project with a complex scheme is better to use the services of professionals

For small residential home, you can choose the right scheme and mount space heaters. Be sure to take into account the characteristics of the dwelling, the rules of the batteries are installed and the usefulness of a particular scheme.

When mounting the radiator must not be forgotten that the type of material in the battery itself and pipes must be the same. Plastic pipes are connected to the cast iron radiators will bring a lot of problems, damaging the heating system.

Installation with their own hands

Pursuing an independent installation of heating batteries, should not be forgotten by the installation of ball valves for fighting air and a regulator at the entrance

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The roller of the difference between natural and forced circulation of the coolant in the heating system:

Video demonstrates the differences between various heating circuits:

Scheme effective connection of radiators with a double pipe system:

On the choice of battery wiring diagram for your home directly depends on the efficiency of the heating. When properly embodiment, heat losses are minimized. This allows you to get the maximum effect with the minimum use of fuel. Battery mounting can be performed by hand. It is important to take into account the features of buildings to cool the batteries have not prevented a comfortable life in a comfortable house.

If you are interested in our proposed consideration of the material, a question and an occasion for discussion, invite comments placement.

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