Tomatoes take pride of place on our table. Every self-respecting summer resident grows them on his site. Only the choice of variety is sometimes in doubt. Is gaining popularity now tomato tomato Riddle, relating to the ultra-fast. Do not confuse this variety with the Enigma of Nature, these are completely different varieties. It is distinguished by the fact that it provides an excellent opportunity to get a great harvest as soon as possible. The description and characteristics of this variety are presented below.
Table of contents
- Description and characteristics of tomato puzzle
- Advantages and disadvantages of
- Features of soil preparation for planting
- seeds How to choose the right seeds for planting?
- seeding rules
- Transplant tomatoes in open ground
- Care grade after transplantation
- Disease Control and Prevention
- Conclusion
description and characterization of tomato Tomato
riddle Riddle has a very strong trunk, which makes it possible not to tie it at all. The height of the bush is small( up to half a meter), the size is compact. It differs from similar varieties in early maturity.
First fruits can be harvested 85 days after planting.
The variety is very resistant to various kinds of diseases, gives very few stepsons, grows well in the shade. Fruits have a rounded shape with a slight ribbing near the stem. Their color is bright red, the mass reaches 100 grams. In terms of yield, the variety gives average results. With one square meter bed you can get about 20 kilograms of crop.
Advantages and disadvantages
Tomato Riddle has many more advantages than disadvantages. Among the advantages can be identified:
- very early ripening of fruits;
- excellent taste ;
- small bush ;
- gives little stepchildren ;
- good grows in partial shade ;
- perfectly preserves the presentation of the and quality during transportation;
- unpretentious in care;
- fruits the same size.

Of the shortcomings practicing gardeners say only not very high yields. The rest of the early variety fully satisfies the needs of summer residents.
Features of soil preparation for planting
seeds Planting tomato seeds Riddle is performed in a standard way. Soil can be used as a purchase, and cook yourself. Seeds start sowing from late March to mid-April. These terms depend on the climatic conditions of a particular region.
Since the Riddle belongs to superearly varieties and the bush has a small size, they begin to prepare the soil for its planting since autumn. During this period, organic fertilizers are applied to the garden, where it is planned to plant tomatoes in the future. It is best to use manure. In the spring mineral fertilizers are added here in the following composition:
- potassium sulphate;
- superphosphate;
- saltpeter.
Everything mixes up in equal amounts, and then the resulting mixture is treated with soil.
How to choose the right seeds for planting?

When choosing a planting material of tomatoes Mystery, first of all you need to pay attention to the shelf life. If it comes to an end, then there is a high probability that germination will not be very good, it will be necessary to sow thicker.
Seeds can be collected independently. To do this, choose high-quality fruit without flaws and deformation. They are left to sing until they are soft. After this, the seeds are cut and squeezed. Then they are dried and selected the largest, mature.
Planting Rules
Seeds start sowing in the last decade of March and end in mid-April. Sowing is carried out in a previously prepared and decontaminated soil. They are filled with containers for growing seedlings. In the ground make small grooves with a depth of about 1 centimeter. The distance between them should be 2-3 centimeters.

After all this, sowing is covered with polyethylene or glass and put in a well-lit place until shoots appear.
Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground
To the open ground, seedlings of tomato Riddle varieties are sent only after the threat of night frost has passed. If the night temperature is rather low, the plants may stall in growth. That is why planting is carried out in the period when the soil is already well warmed.
Transfer is best done in the morning or evening. On one square have on 7-9 plants. The seedling should be 55 days old at the time of the picking. Tomatoes are covered with earth to the first leaf, and then they squeeze the earth around and water well.
Care of the variety after transplanting

After transplanting tomatoes into open ground, take care of them as follows. Watering is carried out as the topsoil dries.
Weeding and loosening the soil, as well as its mulching, is a mandatory part of tomato care. Periodically, plants should be fed with mineral fertilizers. As a rule, two supplements are made per season. The first - a couple of weeks after planting, and the second after the appearance of the first ripened brushes.
Diseases and their prevention
In view of the fact that the Riddle belongs to superearly varieties, it has time to give a harvest even before the main diseases of the tomatoes begin to progress. That is why the fight against diseases and pests is reduced to a minimum. The variety has a fairly high resistance to damage by the main causative agents of diseases, but still some security measures should be made.

Tomato Riddle is attracting more and more attention every year. Compared to its competitors, its fruits ripen very early and allow harvesting long before the rest of the tomatoes ripen on the plot. In addition, grade is unpretentious in care, requires a minimum amount of treatments from pests and diseases. Seedlings grow is also not difficult. The fruits are suitable both for fresh consumption, and for any kind of conservation, as well as tolerate transportation and do not lose their commercial quality. All these advantages make Riddle a leader among other early maturing varieties.