Edible and false mushrooms: how not to fall into a dangerous trap

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Wild mushroomsEverywhere attract the special attention of fans of the original food, because they can be cooked, fried, pickled, pickled and dried. Unfortunately, there are edible and false mushrooms in nature, which often fall into the basket to inexperienced mushroom pickers. Before you go out into the forest, it would be wise to get to know the mushrooms growing in the territory where we live.

The main symptoms of poisoning with inedible mushrooms occur several hours after they are eaten. A sharp headache, nausea, dizziness, intestinal spasms signal the problem.

Edible and False Mushrooms: Criteria for Difference

Who doesn’t like to go to the forest to pick mushrooms and in a few hours collect a full basket or bucket? This is the case with honey agarics. After all, they grow in huge families of several dozen pieces, settling in a small area. In order for the campaign to end successfully, it is important for everyone to know how to distinguish the mushrooms from the false mushrooms. Otherwise, joy can be replaced by the bitterness of food poisoning. First, consider edible and safe specimens. And then, we will remove the “mask” from the false agarics, which strive to get into the basket to inexperienced mushroom pickers.

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Experts advise to pay attention to several criteria that help to notice the dangerous difference between edible and false mushrooms:

  1. Aroma. If when collecting forest gifts, there are doubts, you can sniff the cap of the fruit to inhale its scent. The edible mushroom has a pleasant aroma, and the “imitator” has notes of rotten soil.
  2. Leg. Young mushrooms have a leg that adorns the film "skirt."She is next to the cap. Mushrooms, similar to mushrooms, do not have such a "decoration".
  3. Color plates. Edible mushrooms have a yellowish or cream color. False mushrooms can boast a bright yellow, olive or earthy hue.
  4. External texture of the cap. Among young edible mushrooms, the surface of the cap is often scaly. False mushrooms have a smooth surface.
  5. The color of the surface of the fungus. Mushrooms edible have a light brown color hats. Mushrooms "imitators" differ in more elegant shades: the bright color of sulfur or red brick.
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Of course, all these criteria are very important, but if after research there are doubts, use the main principle: “Not sure - don’t take it!”.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers should not go alone. Practical expert advice will help not to fall into the trap of greed, and take only edible mushrooms.

Peculiarities of the favorite autumn mushrooms

In order to learn to distinguish between edible and false mushrooms from each other, it is important to have a good understanding of the growing features of these plants. As you know, in nature there are many different types of mushrooms. But all of them are united by the general indicators of these lovely mushrooms. It turns out that it is not enough to know what the mushrooms look like from the outside. It is important to get to know them.

Edible mushrooms most often grow in large groups near stumps or with tree roots protruding from the soil. When they are just stuck out of the soft forest soil, they are decorated with a semicircular hat. In older specimens, it completely changes shape. Now it looks more like a wide plate, turned upside down.

Looking at the photos of false and edible mushrooms, you can notice the differences in coloring and size of caps. These may include:

  • orange;
  • rusty yellow;
  • brownish;
  • honey yellow.

The diameter of the cap reaches 10 cm. The outer part of it is covered with scales, which partially disappear over time. The back plates of the cap in young mushrooms are usually light. In mature specimens, they are colored brown or yellowish.

Read also: Useful information for beginning mushroom pickers about the rules for collecting

mushrooms If you look closely at the legs of edible specimens you will notice that they are hollow inside. In addition, they are decorated with leathery ring, which was formed from the protective cover of a young mushroom.

Pulp has a light brown color that does not change even when water gets on it.

It's better to know the enemy in the face.

With the onset of autumn, when the sun still pampers people with its warm rays, many go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Particularly attractive are places with fallen trees or low stumps covered with lots of nice mushrooms. But in order not to run into disguised "enemies", it is better to get acquainted with the false agarics. How to distinguish them from edible relatives and not accidentally put in a basket, and then on the table? Consider some of these inedible options.

Inexperienced fans of forest gifts should be aware that false honey mushrooms can grow in the neighborhood with edible specimens by the same friendly little families.

Brick-red honeydews

In late August, among the old stumps and fallen trees on the forest edges, in large groups, autumn false shade grows. The photo helps to see this disguised "enemy" in all its glory. Most often, his bulging hat is from 4 to 8 cm. When mature, it opens a little, thus becoming similar to its relatives. The cardinal difference is the brick-red color of the outer covering of the cap. The pulp of the fungus has a bitter taste and a pale yellow color.


These mock mushrooms are settled by large families near the stumps and roots of ancient deciduous trees. They appear at the end of spring and bear fruit until the beginning of September. A distinctive feature of young mushrooms of this species is the bell-shaped cap. Over time, it opens up, like an umbrella, on top of which stands a bulging knob. The edges of the cap of this masked mushroom are framed by a light fringe, which remained from the protective covering. Its diameter is from 3 to 7 cm. The color is usually yellow-brown, although it is whitish.

Read also: Get acquainted with edible mushrooms: a brief selection of known species

Sulfur-yellow mushroom

This autumn shade is a truly dangerous counterpart. The name and photo of the mushroom tell a lot about it. As a rule, sulfur-yellow fossa grows on trunks, branches, stumps and around deciduous and coniferous trees. Depending on the climatic conditions, it actively fruits until the first October frosts. At the same time it grows in numerous groups.

His hat, resembling a bell, eventually turns into an “open umbrella” and differs in this coloring:

  • is yellow;
  • grayish yellow;
  • is yellow-brown.

In the center of the cap there is a contrasting darkening. If such mushrooms fall on the dinner table of forest-worshipers, the outcome may be irreparable. Therefore, knowing what the false mushrooms are dangerous for is helping to stay away from them.

Royal Mushrooms

This type of mushroom rightly deserves special attention, as it is an exquisite delicacy for fans of forest gifts. Edible specimens have a wide bell-shaped cap of a rusty yellow or olive color. The whole fruit is abundantly covered with brown scales, resembling flakes or graceful tubercles. And the royal flesh is again colored yellow.

It is best to pick mushrooms that have slimy caps that are smooth to the touch. If the fruit has a dark shade, then it is no longer young.

Despite this popularity, there are also disguised false royal mushrooms in nature. Often they grow in places of old ashes or fires, which are already overgrown with grass. And the pulp of such honey again smells unpleasantly, which is one of the distinguishing features of these poisonous mushrooms. Some of them, during the rainy season, acquire a slimy character, and also have a small number of scales. With age, the graceful caps of false mushrooms are modified, which indicates their unsuitability for food.

Learn to distinguish between edible and false mushrooms - video

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