How to plant overgrown cucumber seedlings in open ground

Sprouted seedlings are a fairly frequent occurrence when growing cucumbers. Overgrown shoots are obtained if the light or temperature conditions are disturbed. To plant did not die before planting it, you must follow some recommendations.

What to do with the overgrowth of seedlings and why it became long you need to know even before planting seeds. The reason may be in the remoteness of the pot with seedlings from the window, and in the wrong temperature in the greenhouse.

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    Overgrown seedlings are manifested in the stretching of sprouts as before the appearance of the true leaflets. For a number of reasons, pulling up of the semi-periolar stem occurs.

    It happens that the shoots can be stretched very strongly, up to 10 cm in height. The seedling turns out to be weak, if it is not properly transplanted, the thin shoots of cucumbers can die.

    Observing the recommendations of experienced gardeners, the situation is quite realistic to correct. Until planting on the beds, thin sprouts can be

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    rolled along the cup in the form of a spiral and sprinkled with soil to the cotyledon leaves. The stem will take root after 5-7 days. During this period, seedlings need to ensure regular watering and it will cease to stretch.

    Proper preparation for transplanting to open ground

    If you do not carry out the above-mentioned variant of burial in cups, you need to overgrown sprouts to plant on a bed or transplant in open ground. It is worth noting the fact that, contrary to the rules of the seedlings "overgrown" perfectly take root and gives good yields .

    Transplanting cucumbers to a permanent place consists in the following rules:

    1. You need to carefully remove the cups, you can leave the paper bottom. It is impossible to put a cup inside the hole completely, since the paper will be soaked for a long time.
    2. should be handled with leaves carefully , weak seedlings can be easily damaged. If done correctly, sprouts stored on the surface will quickly root due to the fresh ground.
    3. The soil must be prepared in advance, enriched with fertilizers and ash. The temperature should be warm and stable, and the soil is well heated. To sprouts survived less stress, the soil can be pre-watered with warm water.
    4. Plant better in the morning or evening .Water only with heated water. From the tap cold water will negatively affect the growth of cucumbers.
    Weak seedlings can easily be damaged during transplantation.
    If you put water in metal buckets in advance in the sun, it will warm up very quickly.

    Is it possible to bury

    ? The method of deepening is considered effective if you put and plant a sprout sideways or twist it in a spiral along the width of the hole. Too deeply deepen and place the root is not worth it.

    Disembarkation to produce to a depth of 5-7 cm. .The roots that appear on the stem if it is deepened, will begin to grow rapidly. Gradually, the size of the bushes will begin to recover, lush foliage will appear.

    Planting cucumbers in the holes

    The holes must be prepared in advance, the soil must be loose and fertile .Inside you can put a remedy for the bear, sawdust and ash. Wash the hole with warm water, put cucumber bushes there by the method of burial. Sprinkle with soil in such a way as to get a dimple in the form of holes.

    If you do not leave the groove, it will be difficult to water and feed. So that the moisture does not evaporate quickly, it is necessary to cover the hole on top with grass or straw. Some use coverings with holes for this purpose. Lay it on top of the soil until the seedlings are planted.

    . After transplantation, a small depression should be left for irrigation and

    fertilizing. Post-plant care for the stretched

    1. seedlings. Moisture will promote the growth of new roots, drought is unacceptable.
    2. Weak elongated shoots, so that the wind does not rock them, you can tie up or put on the net.
    3. To loosen and feed up not earlier than 6-7 days .Loosening the bushes to produce very carefully - this will saturate the soil with oxygen.

    Why seedlings are stretched

    The overgrowth of cucumbers is more often observed due to the lack of experience of novice gardeners.

    Gardeners who have gained experience on their own mistakes share their secrets with others. They identify three main reasons:

    • violation of the timing of planting cucumbers for seedlings;
    • wrong light mode;
    • non-compliance with the temperature regime.
    Seedlings can be pulled out when light or temperature is disturbed.

    If you sow cucumbers too early, the bushes will overgrow in anticipation of stable heat. Depending on the climatic features, sow cucumbers after April 20th .

    The lack of light has a detrimental effect on the sprouts and the condition of the leaves, they acquire a pale green tint. Too low temperature slows plant growth, high - promotes abundant growth. Unsuitable temperature regime drives the sprout up.

    If the ovary appears in the overgrown cucumbers, it is better to remove the flowers after transplantation. Thus, the bushes will be easier to adapt to a new place.

    What to do if the seedlings managed to stretch out

    By examining the causal relationships of stretching the seedlings, you can prevent this process. If the sprouts of cucumbers are stretched out, they can be saved before transplanting to the main place.

    Special fertilizer for growth will help to avoid pulling seedlings

    The main measures to solve the problem:

    1. Add additional lighting , if necessary, use artificial light.
    2. If cups are too tight to each other, or the planting is thick, they need to be damaged.
    3. Helps avoid pulling sprouts potash fertilizers, ash and special products that affect plant growth if applied correctly.
    4. You can use the transplant method for larger cups. In order not to injure the root, you can increase the existing cups with strips of cardboard. Nether fill the soil to the level of the first leaves.
    5. Overgrown cucumbers are carefully transported to the land plot and transplanted using the burial method.
    6. Damaged bushes with a broken stem cannot be saved, other plants have a chance for a successful transplant.

    cannot be used as a feed as as it triggers the growth of the green part of the plant.

    Overgrowth of cucumber seedlings is not a reason for abandoning its planting on the beds. Correct this situation will allow proper care. Subsequently, in order to avoid stretching upwards, it is necessary to carefully treat the plants at all times of cultivation.

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