Frontal Dishwasher Overview

All dishwashers, regardless of their purpose — domestic or professional, are divided into groups according to size, types of loading and other technical issues. If the frontal dishwasher will soon become your choice, it will probably be useful for you to learn the basic facts about it, their features, pros and cons, to study reviews of popular models and reviews. All this you will find further in our article.


  • 1 321
  • 3.6 Meiko FV 40.2
  • 3.7 Electrolux EUCAICL 502038

Features front-loading dishwashers

Professional dishwashing machine is similar to domestic, but its technical characteristics are more advantageous. Due to the design features of such a machine can provide a stable and continuous washing for 5 hours, processing up to 5 hundred plates.

The duration of the washing cycle depends on the model of the machine itself and the power of its heating element. But, as a rule, the differences are insignificant. Usually front loading dishwasher finds its application in small restaurants, cafes, canteens and other catering.

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In such a machine, the dishes are loaded into a specially adapted basket. Another distinctive and important nuance is to connect it does not need voltage 220, but at least 380 V. Speaking of water, then a dishwasher with front-type loading requires the connection of hot water to disinfect dishes, otherwise you should add a special “rinse”chemistry. "

Important! On the market you can find boiler models that can heat the water themselves by rinsing dishes.

Another fact: often these machines come with a table and a sink - for cleaning the plates before loading and for drying them after washing.

Advantages and disadvantages of the front-end PMM

Like any household appliances, the front-end has earned the recognition of some customers thanks to its pluses, and the non-recognition of others due to its minuses. Let's start with the good:

  • compact dimensions - suitable for use by the establishment with a small stream of customers;
  • reliability and durability of compared to appliances for home and life;
  • high performance class - the machine can hold up to 35 cassettes in 1 hour;
  • continuous operation of the for several hours, taking into account that 2 to 6 minutes are spent for one washing cycle.

Big minus PMM of this type - connection features. As we have said, it requires a network with a voltage of 380 V. Another feature is that you can load dishes of a certain size into the bunker.

Review of popular models

If you need a good business machine or you decide to install a reliable washing machine at home, you will be helped to make a choice review of various models, which are united by one main parameter - front loading. Under some models you are waiting for user reviews.

Elettrobar Fast 160-2 S

This Italian works with a power of 3.5 kW.In 60 minutes can wash about 40 baskets of dishes. It can be connected to a standard 220V power supply. Allows you to wash not only the plates, but also other kitchen utensils. During the rinse there is the possibility of loading the detergent into the compartment reserved for this. The cost ranges from 100 000 rubles.

Denis Sokolovsky

Recently opened a small youth, and most importantly - a profitable cafe, so after several months of work, the question arose of buying a dishwasher. In the modern rhythm of the city all processes need to be automated. I, of course, did not take away the “bread” from my employee, I just transferred it to another position. He spent more than 100 000 rubles on a typewriter, but was satisfied, because with the stated characteristics, it takes up a minimum of space, and at the same time washes fine.

Silanos E50

If you decide to choose the Italian model, but cheaper, pay attention to this brand. The 4.9 kW machine can be connected to a cold water pipe. But she does not have a detergent dispenser and pump to drain the water. The cost is somewhat lower: in the region of 70,000 rubles.

Silanos N800

Another “guest” from Italy, who is praised for high performance thanks to a power of 6.75 kW.This model requires a connection to a network of 380 V. The machine is quite bulky, but it can load plates up to 42 cm in diameter. Very convenient for pizzerias and bakeries - in this PMM you can wash trays and other dimensional utensils. It should be within 180,000 rubles.

Vortmax FDM 500K

Low power dishwasher - 3.52 kW - with a capacity of 30 baskets in 60 minutes. Not suitable for washing bulky baking sheets - only for small and medium sized plates, glasses and cups. Convenient front user panel facilitates operation. Quality is ensured by a durable stainless steel tank. Cost - up to 90,000 rubles.

Comenda LF 321

Italians, perhaps, are leading in the ranking of frontal PMM.This model, made of high quality stainless steel, is mounted on the legs with the possibility of their regulation. The control is mechanical, and the panel is equipped with moisture protection. Depending on the selected mode, the performance - 20-30 baskets of dishes in 60 minutes. Price at the level of 90 000 rubles.

We offer you to watch a video about this model - it will show you better than words what this “beauty” looks like:

Meiko FV 40.2

A car from Germany with a stylish design. In it you can wash not only the usual dishes, but also trays, small utensils. Comes with electronic user panel. Among the advantages we will highlight the following:

  • is an automatic camera cleaning system;
  • provides smooth start washing;
  • Aqua Stop, which controls leaks;
  • filters "Aqua Plus";
  • stainless steel sprinklers;
  • IP protection X5.

Productivity - up to 40 baskets( this is at least 1,400 glasses per hour).For one cycle only 11 liters of water are needed. With all the merits, one major drawback is the price - more than 230,000 rubles.

Albina M.

I have a small Japanese restaurant - the work of my life, so I work with the soul. I always approach the choice of technology thoroughly, and I am not used to saving on important details. When the dishwasher was needed to replace heavy manual labor, I chose between the model at 220 and 380 V, stopped for a second, because it is more productive. Functional pleasantly pleased - all that a modern user can wish for. To me, in principle, all the same, but the staff from the kitchen are happy. And most importantly - the dishes are crystal clear, and customers appreciate it, write about it in the book of comments and suggestions.

Electrolux EUCAICL 502038

Not less popular model made in Italy. Users note a convenient electronic control panel and an intelligent display. Automatic diagnostics and self-cleaning of the bunker are provided. Rocker arm sprinklers are both above and below. The model spends 12 liters of water for one wash cycle, and 4 times less is needed for rinsing - just 3 liters. There is a pump for forced discharge of water.

This is a very powerful 9.85 kW model. It is worth more than 230 000 rubles.

To summarize: front-loading dishwashers are compact and productive, and their prices fluctuate significantly. For all the pros and cons, they still find their loyal and loving buyer.

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