In spring, every gardener gets excited. Waiting for the new planting season stirs. It is very difficult to refuse to buy another bag of seeds. Pepper seedlings first in line. Already in February, it can be planted.
- Convenientlythat growing pepper seeds for seedlings is difficult. Another thing, what seedlings work out. One of them, before transplanting into the ground, has vigorous strong plants with the first flowers and even peppercorns, the other has sickly sprouts, which it is even scary to look at.
Guessing with the landing dates is also important. When calculating take into account the variety of pepper, which are going to sow. On the bag indicate the growing season of the plant. Varieties with a long ripening period must be sown earlier. It is easier to get a good harvest from early ripening varieties.

The quality of seeds also plays a role. You can find products of poor quality: low germination, the plant does not match the varietal description. Moments that will help in the selection of seeds:
- . Choose not hybrids, but hybrids( F1), they have yields and vitality higher than .
- The presence on the bag of all data on the seed producer, including the trademark, address, telephone.
- On the bag is the year of receipt of seeds.
- The is the number of seeds in pieces, not weight in grams.
- A detailed description of the agricultural care and how to grow.
How to distinguish seedlings of bitter pepper from sweet or Bulgarian
Planted the seeds of bitter and sweet pepper. The cups are not signed. How when planting to distinguish between acute and Bulgarian seedlings? Is it possible in principle?
An experienced gardener sees differences during growth. The bitter leaves are already longer. If you chew on a leaf of an adult seedling, the in your mouth will be the bitterness of , this will help to distinguish them.

Do not plant sweet and bitter nearby - the main advice to a novice gardener. Because of the pollination instead of sweet can get a bitter fruit.
Planting at home
Consider several methods of presowing seed treatment at home. The goals that are pursued are:
- to accelerate germination;
- improve immunity;
- exclude infections.
Avoid infections by soaking seeds in a solution of manganese.15 minutes is enough for disinfection.

infections. Improve immunity. will harden .It is carried out within 7 days. Seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth. During the day they lie near the battery, at night in the refrigerator.
Accelerate the germination of bubbling - saturation of seeds with oxygen. You need an inexpensive aquarium compressor. Seeds are dipped in a container with water and include a compressor. Seeds bubbled for 24 hours. They are dried before planting.
Selection of the container and substrate
Peppers grow well in 350-400 ml transparent cups. In them, the roots develop well. Below it is possible to make a drainage hole with a hot nail or a spoke. Excess water will not linger in the glass.

. Preparation of the substrate.
. You can use a purchased substrate for planting, which contains the entire required set of trace elements. Soil mixture, cooked with his own hands, safer.
Prepare it to fall. Garden land to take from the ridge, where they grew cucumbers, onions or carrots .On 1 part of the land, taken in the garden, add 1 part of peat and 1 part of humus. In a well-mixed mixture of 10 l, pour 2 tbsp.superphosphate and 2 glasses of ash. Mix everything again.
A week before planting a soil mixture prepared with your own hands, shed phytosporin solution( 10 l - 5 g).The biological product will save all beneficial microorganisms and kill fungal spores and harmful bacteria.
Sowing seeds
Cups filled with earth. It is wet, loose and ready for planting. If there are a lot of seeds, you can sow two seeds in one cup. Of the germinated sprouts, leave the strongest .Weak pepper nibble. Seeding depth - 1 cm .

The soil is wet, therefore, after planting it, does not need to be watered with .Put cups on a pallet and close with PVC film on top. Mini-greenhouse ready. For 2-3 weeks( this is the time of seed germination) put the greenhouse in a warm place. For germination need a temperature of 25-28 degrees.
Before the appearance of sprouts, sometimes remove the film for ventilation. If the ground dries, moisten with a sprayer. When sprouts will hatch, rearrange the pan with glasses on the window sill.
To get a strong seedling you need to organize artificial lighting .Include it in the mornings and evenings when there is no sun.
For lighting, the following are commonly used:
- fitolamps;
- LED;
- sodium;
- metal halide.

You need to water the seedlings quite often. Peppers love the soil moderately moist. Excessive watering is bad for the health of seedlings. She can stop growing, get sick.
Before transplanting to the open ground( greenhouse) seedlings, feed 2 times with Kemira Lux fertilizer. For the first feeding take 1 g per liter, for the second - 2 g per liter. In glasses, if necessary, fill the ground. Roots should not be exposed.
In order for a transplant not to become severely stressed, the peppers need preparation - hardening. You can spend it at night. Open the window so that the temperature in the room drops below 15 degrees.
Signs of quality seedlings , ready to transplant:
- Leaves saturated green color in the amount of 10-12 pieces.
- The presence of buds 1-2.
- The height of the stem is not less than 20 cm.
Growing pepper seedlings is an exciting activity. It can not be called difficult, since it is interesting to care for young plants. Seedlings grown with love, thanks a good harvest.