Which electric shaver is better: rotary or mesh

The electric shaver has always been out of time and fashion, and often became the only salvation for business people with a tight schedule. Already there are no questions whether to use it, there is only one dilemma - which electric shaver is better? Not everyone can afford to spend half an hour in the bathroom, surrounded by spray cans with shaving foam and care products.

The traditional wet-shaving razor takes a lot of time, increases the risk of skin irritation and is unsuitable for use on the road and other cramped conditions. That is why electric shaver remains relevant for almost a hundred years, and continues to gain popularity around the world.

Progress does not stand still, but there are not so many types of electric shavers even after decades of development and constant upgrades. Electric shavers are divided into two main types - mesh and rotary. Each of these types has its own advantages and its own army of admirers, but the debate about which of these varieties is better does not subside today. It’s quite simple to make your choice - you just have to weigh the pros and cons.

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  • 1 Retractable electric shavers for sensitive skin
  • 2 Rotary shavers for excellent results
  • 3 Let's compare both options: which one is better?
  • 4 General Featuresallows you to achieve excellent results due to the combination of a fixed fixed mesh and a movable knife, cutting off hairs caught in the mesh. The base on which the blade blades are fixed vibrates at a certain rhythm, which makes it possible to better grab the hairs.

    In different models, the system may be slightly different, but in general, the principle remains the same. By the way, the motto “the more the better” works in this area, so you can often find razors with two or even three grids. Which one is better, you can find out only with personal use, but which model you would not choose, a satisfactory result is guaranteed.

    The net shaver consists of the following parts:

    • case;
    • metal mesh cover;
    • compact electric motor;
    • movable blade knife;
    • power cord for recharging( or battery).

    For sensitive skin, a mesh razor fits perfectly. The fine-meshed mesh reliably protects all skin areas from contact with the blades, and eliminates the possibility of cuts.

    Of course, at first a slight discomfort is inevitable, but for the second or third time it will surely disappear.

    Rotary shavers for excellent results.

    Rotary shaver will be the number 1 choice for fans of the old school and traditional solutions. Rotary electric shaver is well known to every native of the former USSR, since there were simply no other options at that time. But do not think that such a system is hopelessly outdated - thanks to constant innovations, the rotary shaver became a real revolution in this market.

    This shaver is made according to another scheme - plate-shaped blade in the form of a disk placed on fixed heads. The fixed part of the head is equipped with holes into which the bristle hairs fall. Rotary shavers are usually equipped with self-sharpening knives, which significantly increase the life of the product.

    The main difference from the grid electric shaver is the perfect cleanliness of shaving. The bristles are shaved at the root, while not every net razor can boast such an effect.

    A modern rotary shaver is usually available with two or three shaver segments, but products with five knives are also common. An additional advantage of this option is a special system of positioning the heads, thanks to which they perfectly emphasize the shape of the face and do not leave a single missing section.

    Compare both options: which one is better?

    Rotary Grid
    Ease of use Independent nozzles allow you to completely repeat the facial contour, making shaving more efficient and fast. Recently, razors have appeared with the ability to adapt to the shape of the face, but there is no sense in comparing the effectiveness with the rotary.
    Clean skin after shaving Some models are endowed with a double blade: the first one lifts the hairs and the second cuts them off. It is impossible to remove all the hairs on the first pass, because it is not always possible to catch the bristles in the mesh holes.
    Process Speed ​​ Rotary nozzles of circular shape move with great speed, which allows removing almost all the bristles in a single pass. The principle of operation of the razor is to move the nozzle with holes. This causes difficulty in removing missed hair.
    Durability and strength Movable nozzles are almost not subject to mechanical damage. Their replacement is necessary only in case of wear of the material. But even this problem is solved by applying a titanium coating. The cutting mesh is rather thin, which makes it vulnerable to even small loads. In the case of dents, shaving becomes uncomfortable, and sometimes impossible.
    Safety The design features of the nozzles help prevent accidental damage to the skin by cutting blades. Careless handling of the net razor can result in cuts.
    Versatility With this device it is unlikely that you will be able to create an unusual or colorful haircut. Special nozzles and the presence of trimmer allows you to create unusual works of art.

    General characteristics of

    Nowadays, both rotary and mesh products can be used for both wet and dry shaving. Now you should not be afraid that the razor will fail due to high humidity in the bathroom or accidental ingress of moisture. You can put yourself in order without leaving your soul, without the slightest threat to your purchase.

    Both of the above types of shavers can operate not only from the network, but also from a removable battery. The battery version will be an ideal solution for long trips, and the battery can be charged in a few hours. You can even buy options with fast recharging for 5-15 minutes, to save more time.

    Many manufacturers produce shavers with a set of additional nozzles and features. Trimmer has long been a necessity for those who like to release the beard or well-groomed bristles. Built-in or removable trimmer - the choice is yours, the market is full of offers. In addition, manufacturers offer other innovations:

    • automatic feeding of moisturizing gel for wet shaving;
    • system Cool - Tech - cooling the skin to reduce irritation;
    • automatic cleaning of a razor - one has only to apply gel to knives or to lower the shaver into a special tank;
    • ability to recharge via USB connector.

    Which model to choose is a personal matter for everyone, but before you make your choice, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the best electric razors on the modern market.

    TOP 5 best electric shavers

    World famous Philips, Braun and Panasonic are considered to be the best global brands. Therefore, it is not surprising that these manufacturers took the TOP 5 leading positions.

    Philips BG 2025

    This electric shaver has become a sales hit for men due to its effectiveness and durability. Despite the long charge period( 8 hours), Philips BG 2025 quickly copes with the task and does not require a long shave.

    Built-in trimmer opens up additional possibilities, and titanium coating will be the best protection for sensitive skin. The best electric shaver for business men who value their time.

    Philips YS534

    Rotary version, which is required to buy every fan of optimal solutions. Three razor segments repeat the shape of the face and allow you to shave the stubble at the root, but this is not a complete list of possibilities. In one motion, you can attach a beard trimmer and body trimmer.

    Water this product is not afraid and is suitable for any type of shaving. The important point - you should pay special attention to disinfecting knives, for this you need a special solution.

    Braun 5040-s Series 5

    This grid model is designed for people with a fast pace of life - you can charge a single-use battery in just 5 minutes, and a full charge takes no more than an hour. If you are a fan of universal things, this razor is for you - it is suitable for both wet and dry shaving. Braun 5040-s is fraught with many pleasant surprises, and will serve you for many years.

    Philips RQ 1150

    This rotary shaver with three floating razor segments charges in just one hour and holds a charge for more than 40 minutes. This option is the best fit for both wet and dry shaving. The battery charge indicator will always tell you when to charge the battery, and the lock feature will avoid accidental activation. Simple, functional and tasteful.

    Panasonic ES 8109

    Compact Japanese toy of net type with support for all types of shaving. Three moving heads ideally repeat the shape of the face and shave the bristles in just one pass. Included are accessories for care, a carrying case and a charger - a complete set for a long trip. This is the most recognizable razor in recent years, which continues to gain popularity in our days.

    The modern market is full of offers - one has only to make a choice. Get acquainted with the characteristics of each model, and then you are doomed to success!

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