Electric fireplace for the home: how to choose

A real wood-burning fireplace, expensive and difficult to install, can be successfully replaced with an electric one. If you know how to choose an electric fireplace, you can not only save your money, but also avoid the many problems associated with installing a conventional wood fireplace at home.
For the construction of a normal fireplace house, it is necessary to observe a lot of requirements, obtain approvals in the instances, find a competent master, and then bother with the periodic cleaning of the chimney and always be afraid of carbon monoxide poisoning. Statistics doctors says that it is carbon monoxide from fireplaces and stoves is the most common cause of household poisoning.
Electric carbon monoxide fireplaces do not produce, and for one this quality is to be preferred for the apartment. Although electric fire has other advantages.
- 1 Features of electric fireplaces
- 2 Design features
- 3 What to look for when choosing
- 4 Production companies and prices
- 4.1 Video: choose an electric fireplaceunderstand that the heating function of the room in this device is secondary. For practical heating, it is cheaper to choose an oil cooler or convector of the same power. The function of electric heater for home is more decorative than purely practical. Although the electrofireplace can cope with the heating of a house, it is not worse than an oil radiator: its power allows to heat up to 25 m² of space at a ceiling height of about 3 m. The power of an electric fireplace is usually 2 kW.
However, people usually buy electric fireplaces to create a more or less accurate illusion of living fire.
The type of installation of electric fireplaces are the same as usual:
- corner;
- embedded in the wall;
- floor and wall;
- freestanding.
Small models are called electric furnaces. They can be equipped with carrying handles and wheels to facilitate transport. No framing is required. This is the most affordable type of electrical foci.
Design Stuff
By design framing the choice is extremely large. You can buy an electric fireplace for home with a frame, or purchase both separately. Some buyers invite a designer to get expert advice on how to choose an electric fireplace for an existing or projected interior of a country house or city apartment.
Electric fireplaces differ in the way they heat the air. They may be infrared, in which case the air in the room is not in contact with the red-hot spiral and does not lose oxygen. Electric fireplaces are less perfect in which heating occurs due to a strongly heating spiral. The disadvantage of such devices is that they "burn out" oxygen in the rooms of your apartment. Loss of humidity occurs when any fireplace.
Much depends on the realistic imitation of the flame. Companies that produce electric fireplaces compete with each other, trying to come up with the most realistic imitation of live fire. Some embed a crackling firewood sound device into an electric fire, others add fragrances to the device.
The most realistic looking flame in fireplaces with built-in humidifier. Neither at first, nor at second glance you can not distinguish the flames in this fireplace from the real fire. This perfect illusion is caused by the special illumination of the water vapor that forms. That is, this electric heater during operation does not dry the air of the apartment, but rather humidifies it.
What to look for when choosing
- Power. Some wall models are designed exclusively for room decoration. An electric fireplace that can also heat the air at home should be at least 1.5 kW of power.
- Dimensions. In a small room, a huge fireplace will look out of place and disproportionately.
- Framing Style. In order not to create the feeling of being stuck together in haste and irrelevance of the interior of the house, the style of the fireplace should correspond to the style in which the whole room is decorated.
- Having the ability to regulate heat and power consumption. Usually, an electric fireplace can be turned on without heating, just for the sake of a decorative effect from imitation of a flame.
- A useful feature that allows you to adjust the brightness of the glow.
- Some electric fireplaces are supplied, in addition to imitating a flame, also with imitation of the sound of burning firewood. For other models, the sound crack cod block can be purchased separately.
- Electrofireplace looks best, the flame of which depicts a stream of water vapor. Built-in steam generator is a valuable thing, since you do not have to buy a humidifier separately. If finances allow, you should choose such a model for your home.
- When choosing a frame, pay attention to the quality of the material. Often, special plastic is used for this part. It is necessary to make sure that the material is sufficiently heat-resistant and when heated, no harmful substances will be released from it. It may be better to give preference to a frame made of ceramic, stone or metal.
Companies-manufacturers and prices
The undisputed leader in the production of electric fireplaces - the Irish company Dimplex. It was her experts who invented the most advanced imitation of the live fire Opti-Mist - water vapor illuminated by halogen light sources. All the company's plants are located in Europe or Canada, Dimplex fireplaces are not assembled in Asia.
Excellent fireplaces are produced by European companies Electrolux, Burley, Hark, Suncrest. Asian companies should pay tribute to the Chinese company SBLT, which manufactures products under the Blaze brand. Blaze fireplaces are of good quality at a fairly affordable cost.
The price range in the range of electrofireplaces is large. You can choose a small electric furnace for 2-4 thousand rubles, or a luxurious and huge fireplace with a portal made of natural marble, which can cost up to 100 thousand. Of course, framing from natural materials is always more expensive, but many artificial materials look no worse, and they are no less durable and resistant to use.
By the way, when calculating the cost of purchasing an electric fireplace, add to the estimate the laying of enhanced wiring of a large cross section to the place where the device is connected to the network.
Video: choose the electric fireplace