How to change the bearing on the washing machine "Indesit» (Indesit): step by step guide

Perhaps, any other type of repairs made on the washing machine Indesit, are not comparable in complexity with the replacement of the bearing. This process is one of the time-consuming, since its successful completion require complete disassembly of the machine.

If at all there is no knowledge of how to change the bearing on the washing machine Indesit, and never had the experience of repairing household appliances, work should be left to professionals.

The content of the article:

  • The need for timely repair
  • Replacing the machine bearings Indesit
    • Step 1. Access to a washing tank
    • Step 2. Dismantling tank (washing container)
    • Step 3. Smart dismantling stiralki tank
    • Step 4. Recommendations on removing elements
    • Step 5. Change the damaged unit bearings
    • Step 6. The assembly of the washing machine Indesit
  • Nuances repair models with vertical load
  • Useful videos on the topic

The need for timely repair

Traditionally, in the construction of washing machines under the horizontal load bearing uses two. Through these support members is held in place, it is fixed in a horizontal position and rotates freely drum washing machine.

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Both bearings are mounted on the same shaft and closed against ingress of water seal with the inner region of the drum. Meanwhile, the existing seal wear after some time of operation the apparatus causes the same to the infiltration of water in the front bearing region.

How to replace bearings stiralki
Replacing the support bearings of the working shaft stiralki - this is one of the serious faults, for which elimination takes time, search for components and the hands of professional artists

As a result, the bearing components are subjected to corrosion, rust and, ultimately, destroyed. Not spin, losing balance, gets jammed. To the point it is better not to bring - to change the bearings in time (when the noise appears).

Replacing the machine bearings Indesit

Before repair work is strongly recommended to determine the exact range (marking) spare parts, components repair node, find suppliers and buy all of what is required for replacement.

Classic set of bearings and seals
Classic bearing assembly kit (№180202, 180203 or 180204), which is required for repair of practically All washing machines models under the brand "Indesit", supporting the horizontal load configuration underwear

Typically, a set of purchased component parts as follows:

  • indoor bearing ball bearing (2 pcs.).
  • sealing rubber sleeve (1 pc.).

It is also recommended to get service manuals (repair manuals) to "Indesit" specific model. Here to help Internet. Finally, you need a locksmith and electrical tool, in particular:

  • different screwdrivers;
  • pliers, hex keys;
  • set wrench carob (end);
  • knife, hammer, nail files;
  • puller for small bearings;
  • sandpaper, wood sticks, cloth.

Armed with all the necessary, they have had some experience in the repair and electromechanical expertise, we can safely proceed to setting up the washing machine Indesit.

Step 1. Access to a washing tank

Start the repair process, of course, - off the washing machine from the mains power line. It is also necessary to disconnect the water supply and discharge hoses. The device is desired to disassemble with sufficient free space of the room.

Dismantling of washing machines Indesit
Dismantling of washing machine with a horizontal load, which showed the defect diagnosis unit bearings usually begins with the dismantling of the top panel. Also, on some models need to open the door of the rear wall

It is recommended to prepare several trays for mounting, shot from different structural elements. Separate storage of dismantled screws assigned to secure each individual part, will facilitate the subsequent assembly of the machine.

The first elements of the fasteners to be removed, fall on the top panel of the washing machine. Usually it takes two to turn out - the four mounting screws.

In parallel with the top plate dismantled dispenser for loading detergent, and handles the control panel. Bath dispenser is typically held in two or three snap on plastic.

Removing the front panel and the dispenser
Procedure syoma control panel module together with the detergent dispenser and disconnection of the rubber sleeve the loading opening of the housing. On most models, the cuff is attached wire clamp

control panel before somom mechanics need to disconnect on the electrical contact groups. Should be drawn up before (draw) on paper and mark all points of electrical connections controls. The more it must be done, if there is no concept of washing machines Indesit.

Step 2. Dismantling tank (washing container)

Dismantling the best one "Indesit" washing tank art is seen through parts of the material removal aperture, opened after removal of the top panel of the machine frame. Some models Indesit have a removable cover on the back wall. This option is also suitable for the extraction, but it is a little awkward.

Luc rear wall
Material removal tank cover on the machine where there is a hatch back wall. You can not remove the tank completely when the two halves of the tank strapped radial collar. However, to pull the cover from the drum through the hatch is problematic

In any case dismantling the tank must first remove the strap coupling the motor and drum pulleys.

Also need to disconnect the electric motor, which is normally fastened on the tank body. Remove the clip (or clips), constricting rubber sleeve on the hatch shell loading and separate the cuff.

Then a socket spanner folded fastening screw and the drum pulley sheave is removed from the shaft by means of puller. Following you need to unscrew the fasteners counterweight (lying on top of the drum) and remove this piece construction.

Material removal tank counterweight
Removing the counterweight mounted on the top of the tank. This item usually secured by three screws, two of which turn away the Allen key. Counterweight - a piece of some form of concrete (there are different forms depending on the model)

After all the selected manipulation of the washing machine tank is still hanging on the damper springs. Some models are equipped with an additional lower shock absorbers. Springs gently disengaged, dampers disconnected and removed loosened tank through the upper aperture of the machine housing (or through the rear aperture region).

Incidentally, if the removal rate is performed through the drum aperture stiralki housing rear wall, not necessarily entirely remove the tank structure. Why? This further.

Step 3. Smart dismantling stiralki tank

To get to the bearing assembly need to be separated from the metal drum casing of the tank, made of polyurethane. Typically, the tank design any washing machines, including Indesit brand, consists of two halves. They must be separated.

Thick compound casing halves achieved coupler collar or special metallic staples. In the first case it is sufficient to weaken the clamp to be able to disconnect and remove one half of the tub together with a drum.

Cutting cast tank design
Cutting the cast structure of the washing machine tank. These are increasingly caught in the models 'Indesit' latest releases. As planned by the manufacturer of this type of tanks can not be repaired. But craftsmen refute engineering idea

If the tie is made staple will have to extract the tank as a whole, as it does not manage to remove the staples without dismantling the tank on the sides.

Yet it should be noted, the current "solder" version, where the two halves of the housing are sealed tightly. Here are some craftsmen simply sawn hacksaw tank body for soldering line.

Step 4. Recommendations on removing elements

So extracted tank is divided into halves, one of which is due to the bearing unit keeps drum. Now it's time to carefully remove the packing, and then separate the (beat) of the drum shaft from the bearing assembly.

The recess gland seal with a screwdriver. Not entirely successful (incorrect) recovery process, usually destroying the item. However, in most seal repair options still have to be changed

Packing is removed with a screwdriver, you can also apply a suitable puller. Further half tank body with the drum arranged on wooden bars (or other suitable supports) to provide the slack condition of the drum to separate it.

Separate (knock) the drum should be very careful. One option separation procedures - to make a metal pin-a drift, which is screwed on the thread in place of the mounting bolt from the end of the shaft.

This pin is wrapped tightly, then with light blows of a hammer drum is beaten out.

Removing the drum shaft
Removing the shaft of the drum bearing assembly. Process is performed by screwing (to stop) in place of the mounting bolt metal studs length of 150-180 mm, followed by light squeezing hammer

Following the dismantling process somom shaft bearings is carried out to the drum. As a rule, the bearing assembly includes a bearing for two different size.

They also knocked out using a tool that eliminates damage to seats. Better, of course, use a puller puller, which can be made from scrap materials if desired.

Step 5. Change the damaged unit bearings

Before installing the bearings in the landing areas should perform a thorough cleaning of the mounting surfaces. It is not recommended to use aggressive cleaning agents. Cleaning plastic surfaces it is qualitatively performed with soap and water.

Landing (press-fit) bearings in a place should be given special attention. The slightest misalignment at the time of pressing deformation threatens to turn the support walls. If this happens, it is necessary to change the whole tank of the washing machine.

Pressing the new bearings
The procedure of pressing the new bearing. As a conventional molding tool is used wooden block of hard wood, a section on the long side equal to the diameter of the bearing

It is necessary to accurately place the bearing on the edges of the seat groove. Then, a block of wood-section equal to the outer diameter of the bearing, uniformly with light hammer blows circumferential slowly extrude the bearing in place. Similar actions apply to the second instance.

After pressing the supporting elements, it is necessary from the inside of the tank body mounted on a bearing assembly new gland. Planting gland also requires careful and thorough manufacturing operations.

Pressing seal gland
But in this way it is pressed into the housing groove of the drum ring gland. A uniform distribution of blows on the entire area of ​​the sealing ring through the wooden bar

Next, put on the drum shaft bearings, the shaft but before it is necessary to clean-cloth nulevkoy and lubricate its surface a thin layer tsiatima 221 or similar. It remains to connect the two halves of the tank and collect the car.

Step 6. The assembly of the washing machine Indesit

The assembly procedure for the apparatus is performed in reverse sequence. Assembled tank placed inside the casing to mesh damper spring is fixed to the lower shock absorbers are connected to a load through a hatch collar.

Following is placed on top of the counterweight tank, fix the bolts and move the item to the location of the motor mount. Securing the motor to the housing of the washing machine tank, the wear on the drum shaft pulley attached its bolt and is connected with the motor gear belt pulley.

The assembly of the washing machine Indesit
Attaching the motor to the tank body and installation of a belt transmission torque. Also attached to the body harness usually electrical conductors supplying power to the motor

The next step is installing the control panel. This part of the construction is mounted with an eye to the previously made mark electrical connections.

Then mounted dispenser body detergent, sealed housing of the washing machine top plate. That's all, the replacement of the bearings of the washing machine brand «Indesit» successfully completed.

By the end of the assembly equipment attached working water hoses. Here, incidentally recommended to remove the strainers (inlet valve and drain pump construction), to clean them or to replace.

Nuances repair models with vertical load

Repair bearing assembly designs for "Indesit" under the vertical load to some extent true even easier than on devices horizontal design. The configuration of the vertical tank boot washing machine "Indesit" characterized by the fact that it is not required to disassemble the full washing system for bearing replacement (one!) And the seal gland.

Suffice it to open the side panel with the side where the drum is a pulley, sheave and disassemble.

Machine pulley vertical load
So looks pulley technology «Indesit», designed for a vertical load of laundry. Fastened to the shaft by a screw, the head of which has a groove-asterisk key. For pulley of the tank body can be seen a few hub mounting bolts

This allows access to the hub, which is pressed into the housing and bearing oil seal is installed. The hub is made removable part. It is fastened by several bolts on the tank body. After unscrewing screws hub can be easily removed.

Hub with ball bearing
Dismantle the hub, inside which support bearing visible. It can also be gently dislodge and replace with new. However, most do not. Simply change the entire hub

Usually, if the drum bearing is destroyed, it will not change by itself, actually, as the packing.

Acquire a complete hub assembly sets (together with installed bearings and seals) and replace this part entirely. This approach seems more practical.

Useful videos on the topic

How to make the work of repairing the washing machine with a molded tank, you can see from the following video:

Concluding the topic of replacement bearings and hubs on the washing machines of the brand «Indesit», it should be noted: most of the models are made as disposable. That is, the manufacturer default technique developed these designs with regard to their zero maintainability. This technique should be completely changed after the establishment of the declared resource. However, in practice, virtually every model is amenable to repair.

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