Properties of Indian Yellow Cucumber Momordica

Momordica( Indian cucumber) is an tropical plant that combines the qualities of cucumber, pumpkin and pomegranate. It has a pleasant taste and contains a large number of nutrients. Its regular use helps to improve the condition.

Table of Contents

  • General Characteristics of the Plant
  • Benefits and Properties of MmrmAmmmmfmgmgfcgccgcgccgcgccgcgccgccgccccdcc003bbcc Contraindications for the use of yellow Indian cucumber
  • for use in folk medicineThe fruits are oblong.
    In Latin, the name means “biting”.This is due to the presence of glandular hairs on the leaves and fruits of the plant, which provoke irritation on human skin.

    Initially the plant was grown in Asia, Africa, Australia. Known information about breeding momordiki in the Crimea. In Russia, the plant appeared not so long ago. It is actively grown in greenhouses, on balconies, and window sills.

    Momordica is a climbing plant in the form of vines. It is characterized by decorative beauty. Creepers reach 2 meters, the leaves are large. During flowering, a large bright yellow flower with a pleasant aroma appears.

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    Fruits reach 25 centimeters. They have an oval, slightly oblong shape. On the upper part are specific growths.

    When ripe, the rind of the fruit changes its shade to yellow or orange .The flesh is juicy, has a ruby ​​color. After ripening, cracking of the fetus occurs on the lower part and its opening.

    What is momordika:

    The benefits and properties of momordiki

    Indian cucumber has become very popular due to its medicinal properties. Experts note the content in the plant of the three main groups of compounds:

    • insulin-like peptides;
    • alkaloids;
    • carotene.
    In momordika contains up to 55% fatty oils, amino acids, sapolins, phenols. The fruits found a high content of vitamin C, B, calcium.

    Indian cucumber is used for medicinal purposes in several areas:

    1. Normalization of pressure, reduction of blood sugar, treatment of tumor masses .To stabilize the pressure and normalize the overall health of diabetics allows a high content of peptides, alkaloids and carotene.
    2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum .The seeds contain a high amount of fat, which allows for the treatment of ulcerative diseases.
    3. Stagnation of fluid and bile in the body .Momordica has a diuretic. It allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, helps to clean the choleretic and urinary tract.
    4. Treatment of snake bites .Leaves have pulling properties. They are recommended to apply to the wounds and bites of poisonous snakes. Compress removes toxins from the patient's body, reduces inflammation, reduces pain.
    Indian cucumber is used for medicinal purposes.

    The high content of carotene , which in the liver turns into vitamin A, has a beneficial effect on the state of vision, hair, nail plates, teeth, skin.

    Thanks to vitamin C, the fruit is used during colds. It is a strong antioxidant.

    The use of momordica allows to improve the vascular permeability, normalize blood clotting, eliminate the inflammatory processes in the body.

    Contraindications to the use of yellow Indian cucumber

    Like most tropical fruits, momordika can cause an allergic reaction to .

    When harvesting momordica, it is better to avoid touching the leaves and stems with your bare hands. In contact with skin, they leave traces in the form of a burn, accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

    There are a number of people who are not recommended for Indian cucumber:

    1. Women during pregnancy and lactation .Fruits contain substances that trigger spontaneous abortion.
    2. Persons prone to allergic reactions , suffering from atopic dermatitis and other manifestations of skin diseases. Indian cucumber is a tropical fruit containing a large amount of acids, oils, vitamin C. It can trigger an allergic reaction.
    3. Children up to 3 years old .Young children are not recommended tropical fruits that can cause an allergic reaction.
    The fetus can cause allergies, is contraindicated in children up to 3 years old, pregnant and lactating

    Use in folk medicine

    For the treatment of folk remedies all parts of the plant are actively used. From them prepare broths, lotions, tinctures and compresses.

    Broth of seeds .To prepare the broth will need 250 ml of boiling water and dry seeds of cucumber. The broth is brought to a boil and kept on the fire for 15 minutes.

    Means effectively helps against hemorrhoids, prostatitis, fever. It is used to improve vision.

    Fresh seeds .Eating seeds helps to improve the work of the stomach, intestines. Enough once a day, chew 2-3 seeds.

    The roots and fruits of .From the dried momordiki prepare decoctions and tinctures. They have proven themselves in the treatment of cough during colds.

    Fresh leaves .Fresh leaves are used to make decoctions and inhalations. In the case of arthritis from the green shoots preparing a decoction. It helps to relieve pain.

    Flesh and juice of fruits .The pulp attached to the bites in the form of compresses allows you to relieve inflammation, remove itching, reduce swelling. Juice is used for compresses with burns of varying degrees.

    Experts recommend the use of the fruit of Indian cucumber in its immature form. Lightly green fruit has a sweet taste.

    Over-ripe fruit is bitter .Seeds on the contrary should be used only ripened.

    The healing properties of momordica:

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    During pregnancy and lactation, the fruits, seeds or leaves of Indian cucumber are prohibited from using .In women at any time, momordica can provoke a spontaneous abortion.

    Substances contained in the fruit pulp, get into the milk and contribute to the appearance of an allergic reaction in the child. Therefore, momordika is not recommended for nursing matters.

    Features of

    agricultural machinery Propagate Indian cucumber with seeds. For successful germination, it is necessary to destroy the upper shell and soak the seeds in a solution of manganese.

    Germinated seeds are planted in separate pots with ready soil. In each container is placed 2 seeds. Depthing produce no more than 1.5 centimeters.

    Sprinkle the top with a layer of earth. Before the emergence of seedlings pots closed with a film.

    Propagated by Indian cucumber with seeds, they are germinated and planted in pots with soil.

    Momordica is the light-loving plant .Shoots need a lot of sunlight. Therefore, the landing is placed on the southern window-sill or make more light in the morning and evening hours.

    Landings are made after the last frost. The plot is chosen well lit, with fertile, loose soil.

    Pits for seedlings are prepared at a depth of 40 centimeters at a distance of 60 centimeters from each other. Creepers require careful garters. For support use trellis.

    The following recommendations are followed during maintenance:

    • plants like abundant, but timely watering. An excessive amount of moisture helps to root the roots;
    • cucumber leaves are sprayed with warm water in the evening;
    • during the flowering period requires fertilizing with mineral fertilizers or mullein solution;
    • yield of Indian cucumber can be increased by removing side shoots after the appearance of the first ovary;
    • at low ovary plants require artificial pollination;
    • in the care of plants should use gloves and skin protection.
    Fruit harvesting occurs 2 weeks after the formation of

    on vines. Fruit harvesting occurs 2 weeks after the formation of vines. Do not leave the crop on the plant, it leads to its weakening.

    If the recommendations are followed, dilution of momordica is not difficult.

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