One of the main components of the home heating system is a radiator - a battery for heating, as we used to call it. Consider radiators for heating - which ones are better for a private house, what are they made of?
- Heating Radiators - Which are the Best
- Aluminum Heating Radiators
- Bimetallic Heating Radiators
- Cast Iron Heating Radiators
- Which heating radiators are good
Living in a private house has many advantages, along with this, we have a lot of care and effort on our shoulders, we also have a lot of worries and efforts, we have a lot of advantages and efforts, we have a lot of advantages, we have a lot of advantages and efforts, we have a lot of care and effort on our that everything was equipped competently and efficiently. Autonomous heating system in a private house - one of the main aspects responsible for comfortable living. You will not be dependent on a centralized system, you can always warm your home, regardless of the schedule for switching on the heating( as is the case in urban residential buildings).Our own heating system can be calculated and mounted at will, and, of course, each of us strives to ensure that everything is done reliably, for many years.
The right choice of equipment is important both for the budget and for subsequent comfortable operation. Today the construction market offers a wide range of modern heating equipment. When choosing a radiator, you should consider options with a favorable price-to-price ratio and a limiting heat transfer rate. Judging objectively, any batteries may be suitable for a home heating system, but certain nuances do exist.
↑ to the content ↑Radiators of heating - which are the best
What are modern batteries like? If we consider the so-called steel versions, then there are panel or tubular models. Despite the fact that they are considered the most budget, they are characterized by good heat dissipation, relative compactness. Panel models consist of two metal plates interconnected by welding. Due to its area, such radiators are capable of producing a lot of heat.
Panel version, photo:
Tubular versions will come to you a bit more expensively than panel analogs, they have quite a concise appearance, somewhat reminiscent of old cast-iron batteries. They can have a varied design, shape and size.
Tubular batteries, photo:
Some models of steel radiators have an internal polymer coating that prevents corrosion processes.
Advantages of steel structures:
- reasonable price along with high efficiency;
- does not oxidize from poor quality water;
- long operational life
- light weight
- convenient dimensions.
The disadvantages include:
- rough appearance( panel version);
- require flushing every 3-4 years( to avoid slagging of the system);
- need to be constantly filled with water( in order to avoid the activation of corrosion processes).
Aluminum heating radiators
Due to their low weight, aluminum heating radiators can be fixed even on thin walls and partitions. They have an aesthetic modern design, high heat dissipation. Cons - short operational period( 15-17 years), susceptibility to corrosion, leaks may form at the joints of the sections. According to the specifics of the connection sections, aluminum batteries are assembled, solid and combined. Solid models are more reliable, they have no connections through which water can leak over time. The assembled radiators allow replacing worn out sections. Combined models have the qualities of the first two analogues.
Aluminum batteries, photo:
Bimetallic radiators of heating
Bimetallic radiators are considered the most "advanced" and improved. These batteries combine the qualities of different types of metal - aluminum heat transfer, rust resistance( inside they are made of copper or high-quality steel).In a bimetallic radiator, a layer of anti-corrosion coating is present both from the inside and from the outside( for more expensive models).The declared operational life of such batteries is 40 years. They have a higher price compared to all other types of radiators, however, monetary costs are offset by quality and high performance.
Bimetallic version, photo:
Cast iron heating radiators
Cast iron heating radiators are the most durable, reliable and time-tested. The first cast iron batteries appeared more than 100 years ago. Their appearance is known to all, despite the fact that the life of this radiator is 50 years, in many houses they can be found now. Such batteries slowly cool down, retain heat longer( compared to, for example, the aluminum equivalent) - this factor allows reducing gas costs.
Examples of modern cast iron batteries, photo:
The cast iron radiator is highly resistant to corrosion processes and has a large wall thickness. Despite the fact that the internal volume of the sections is quite large and requires a large amount of water to fill, this feature allows you to provide with heat a large area of the room. Such batteries are heavy and require corresponding powerful brackets for mounting. Over the years, their appearance has not changed much, but today there are refined variants of modern cast-iron radiators on sale. The outer surface of such structures has an improved design, but some are suitable for a certain style in the interior( classic, retro).
For the price, these heating radiators are more expensive than aluminum models, but cheaper than bimetallic ones.
↑ to the content ↑Which heating radiators are good
After a small comparative analysis of the proposed models for a private house, you can draw conclusions:
- If you want a reliable economy option, then choose a high-quality aluminum battery from a reputable manufacturer. They are aesthetic, have low weight, they will work perfectly in home autonomous heating systems.
- If the issue of price does not bother you, then choose sectional bimetallic radiators - they are good in all aspects.
- Reliable, solid cast-iron options for a long time to keep warm in your home, and even on them it is very convenient to dry things in the cold season.
The question is - radiators, which are better for a private house, the answer will be as follows: in each individual case, you need to calculate your capabilities and take into account the requirements of your individual heating system. It is necessary not only to calculate the correct number of radiators, but also to produce high-quality thermal insulation of the whole house. If the dwelling is poorly insulated, no radiator will help in the fight against the cold.